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Doubly charmed mesons from hadronic molecules

Doubly charmed mesons from hadronic molecules. KEK S. Yasui. Future Prospects of Hadron Physics at J-PARC and Large Scale Computational Physics @Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center 9-11 Feb. 2012. Contents. Introduction 2 . Doubly charmed mesons ( Tcc )

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Doubly charmed mesons from hadronic molecules

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  1. Doubly charmed mesons from hadronic molecules KEK S. Yasui Future Prospects of Hadron Physics at J-PARC and Large Scale Computational Physics @Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center 9-11 Feb. 2012

  2. Contents • Introduction • 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) • S. H. Lee, S.Y., W. Liu, C. M. Ko, Eur. Phys. C54, 259 (2008) • S. H. Lee, S.Y., Eur. Phys. C64, 283 (2009) • S. Ohkoda, Y. Yamaguchi, S.Y., K. Sudoh, A. Hosaka, arXiv:1202.0760 3.Otherexoticheavyhadrons (→ poster session) • S.Y., K. Sudoh, Phys. Rev. D80, 034008 (2009) • Y. Yamaguchi, S. Ohkoda, S.Y., A. Hosaka, Phys. Rev. D84, 014032 (2011) • Y. Yamaguchi, S. Ohkoda, S.Y., A. Hosaka, arXiv:111.2691 (appear in PRD) • S. Ohkoda, Y. Yamaguchi, S.Y., K. Sudoh, A. Hosaka, arXiv:1111.2921 4. Summary

  3. 1. Introduction Manynewccstatesabovethreshold quarkoniumcc + exoticstates quarkoniumcc Eichten in QWG 2008 Nara

  4. 1. Introduction • Whyaretheyexotic? • unusualdecaywidths and branchingratios • unexpectedstates different fromccquarkmodel X(3872), X(3940), Y(4260), Z(4430)+, ... Yb , Zb+, ... c c c c X(3872) Y(4260) Z(4430)+ (Zb+) Tcc1 g d c d c c c ccud reallytetraquark ccud (bbud) reallytetraquark DD* (ccuu) molecule Tornqvist (1991) ccg hybrid S. L. Zhu (2005) Cornel potential Coulomb 1/r + confinementkr u u c DD* threshold ? gluondynamics ? isospincorrelation ? diquarkcorrelation ? u c u

  5. 1. Introduction Mass scales and Symmetries 1500 [MeV] 4700 3 5 150 200 m b c ΛQCD ud s Chiral Symmetry SU(3)L x SU(3)R π, K as Nambu-Goldstone bosons Chiralmultiplets (ρ-a1, N-N*, ...) Nuclei formed by tensor force Λ(1405) and K nuclei ...

  6. 1. Introduction Mass scales and Symmetries 1500 [MeV] 4700 3 5 150 200 m b c ΛQCD ud s Chiral Symmetry SU(3)L x SU(3)R π, K as Nambu-Goldstone bosons Chiralmultiplets (ρ-a1, N-N*, ...) Nuclei formed by tensor force Λ(1405) and K nuclei ...

  7. 1. Introduction Mass scales and Symmetries 1500 [MeV] 4700 3 5 150 200 m b c ΛQCD ud s ??? Chiral Symmetry Chiral Symmetry SU(3)L x SU(3)R SU(4)L x SU(4)R π, K as Nambu-Goldstone bosons Chiralmultiplets (ρ-a1, N-N*, ...) Nuclei formed by tensor force Λ(1405) and K nuclei ...

  8. 1. Introduction Mass scales and Symmetries 1500 [MeV] 4700 3 5 150 200 m b c ΛQCD ud s Heavy Quark Symmetry Chiral Symmetry SU(3)L x SU(3)R SU(2)spin xSU(Nh) π, K as Nambu-Goldstone bosons Chiralmultiplets (ρ-a1, N-N*, ...) Nuclei formed by tensor force Λ(1405) and K nuclei ...

  9. 1. Introduction Mass scales and Symmetries 1500 [MeV] 4700 3 5 150 200 m b c ΛQCD ud s Heavy Quark Symmetry Chiral Symmetry SU(3)L x SU(3)R SU(2)spin xSU(Nh) π, K as Nambu-Goldstone bosons D-D* (Σc-Σc*, Ξcc-Ξcc*) mass degeneracy (heavy quark sym.) Chiralmultiplets (ρ-a1, N-N*, ...) X, Y, Z, … Nuclei formed by tensor force More exotics? (like Tcc) Λ(1405) and K nuclei Charmed/Bottomed nuclei ? ...

  10. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) D and nucleon D bound nuclei D D c N d c ✓ no strong annihilation ✓ no strong annihilation tetraquark Tcc1 Zb (isospin 1) B B u I=1 ✓ no strong annihilation

  11. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) D and nucleon D bound nuclei D D c N d c ✓ no strong annihilation ✓ no strong annihilation tetraquark Tcc1 Zb (isospin 1) B B u I=1 ✓ no strong annihilation

  12. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) Carlson, Heller, Tjon (1988) Silvestre-Brac and Semay (1993) Lee, SY, Liu and Ko (2008) Lee and SY (2009) „explicitly“ exotic tetraquark Tcc1 D0 ✓ no annihilation Tcc1 D*- ? u c c + I(JP)=0(1+) c d Spin-color int. sBa(a=1,..,8) induces d c furthersuppressed 1/mQ2 cc pair u suppressed 1/mQ1 cu pair 1/mQ0 dominant attraction (3c, I=0, s=0) ud pair

  13. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) Carlson, Heller, Tjon (1988) Silvestre-Brac and Semay (1993) Lee, SY, Liu and Ko (2008) Lee and SY (2009) „explicitly“ exotic tetraquark Tcc1 D0 ✓ no annihilation Tcc1 D*- ? u c c + I(JP)=0(1+) c d Spin-color int. sBa(a=1,..,8) induces d c furthersuppressed 1/mQ2 cc pair u suppressed 1/mQ1 cu pair 1/mQ0 dominant attraction (3c, I=0, s=0) ud pair

  14. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) Carlson, Heller, Tjon (1988) Silvestre-Brac and Semay (1993) Lee, SY, Liu and Ko (2008) Lee and SY (2009) „explicitly“ exotic tetraquark Tcc1 D0 ✓ no annihilation Tcc1 D*- u c c + I(JP)=0(1+) c No strongdecay d Spin-color int. sBa(a=1,..,8) induces d c furthersuppressed 1/mQ2 cc pair u suppressed 1/mQ1 cu pair 1/mQ0 dominant attraction (3c, I=0, s=0) ud pair

  15. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) Carlson, Heller, Tjon (1988) Silvestre-Brac and Semay (1993) Lee, SY, Liu and Ko (2008) Lee and SY (2009) „explicitly“ exotic tetraquark Tcc1 D D0 ✓ no annihilation Tcc1 D*- u c c + I(JP)=0(1+) c No strongdecay d d c D* threshold (3880 MeV) ~ 75 MeV u Stable bound state (decay only weakly) Tcc1

  16. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc)

  17. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) Manohar, Wise (1993) Tornqvist, (1994) Ding, Liu, Yan (2009) Ohkoda, Yamaguchi, Y, Sudoh, Hosaka (2011) tetraquark vs. hadronic molecule? D tetraquark hadronic molecule D* u c c c meson exchange d d c (di)quark D, D* meson d.o.f color isospin gluon-exchange (color-spin) meson-exchange (OPEP) int. u mass deeply bound? shallow bound/resonance?

  18. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) Manohar, Wise (1993) Tornqvist, (1994) Ding, Liu, Yan (2009) Ohkoda, Yamaguchi, Y, Sudoh, Hosaka (2011) tetraquark vs. hadronic molecule? D tetraquark hadronic molecule D* u c c c meson exchange d d c (di)quark D, D* meson d.o.f color isospin gluon-exchange (color-spin) meson-exchange (OPEP) int. u mass deeply bound? shallow bound/resonance?

  19. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) Strangeness, Charm, Bottom, ... K K D D B B ? ?? K K D D B B SU(3) SU(4) SU(5) Weinberg-Tomozawa

  20. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) Strangeness, Charm, Bottom, ... K* K* is almost irrelevant in dynamics... vector But D* and B* are new ingredients! 400 MeV D* B* 140 MeV pseudo- scalar 45 MeV D B K 500 MeV 1870 MeV 5280 MeV Chiral Symmetry Heavy Quark Symmetry

  21. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) Strangeness, Charm, Bottom, ... K D(*) B(*) D(*) K B(*) p, ω, ρ p, ω, ρ p, ω, ρ K D(*) B(*) K D(*) B(*) One pion is absent. (short range force) One pion is present. (long range force) Weinberg-Tomozawa One pion exchange potential (OPEP) S. Ohkoda, Y. Yamaguchi, S.Y., K. Sudoh, A. Hosaka, arXiv:1202.0760

  22. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) S. Ohkoda, Y. Yamaguchi, S.Y., K. Sudoh, A. Hosaka, arXiv:1202.0760 D(*) D(*) potential Heavy Quark Symmetry G. Burdman and J.F. Donoghue (1992) M.B. Wise (1992) T.-M. Yan, H.-Y. Cheng, C.-Y. Cheung, G.-L. Lin, Y.C. Lin and H.-L. Yu (1997) D(*) D(*) D(*)D(*)π vertex p, ω, ρ with P=D, B vector + pseudoscalar D(*)D(*)ω and D(*)D(*)ρ vertex D(*) D(*) R. Casalbuoni et al, Phys. Rep. 281, 145 (1997) Cf. NNπ, NNω, NNρ vertex from Bonn potential R. Machleidt et al, Phys. Rep. 149, 1 (1987)

  23. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) S. Ohkoda, Y. Yamaguchi, S.Y., K. Sudoh, A. Hosaka, arXiv:1202.0760 D(*) D(*) potential Heavy Quark Symmetry G. Burdman and J.F. Donoghue (1992) M.B. Wise (1992) T.-M. Yan, H.-Y. Cheng, C.-Y. Cheung, G.-L. Lin, Y.C. Lin and H.-L. Yu (1997) D(*) D(*) D(*)D(*)π vertex from Γ(D*→Dπ) p, ω, ρ with P=D, B vector + pseudoscalar D(*)D(*)ω and D(*)D(*)ρ vertex fromleptonic and radiativedecay of B D(*) D(*) R. Casalbuoni et al, Phys. Rep. 281, 145 (1997) Cf. NNπ, NNω, NNρ vertex from Bonn potential R. Machleidt et al, Phys. Rep. 149, 1 (1987)

  24. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) S. Ohkoda, Y. Yamaguchi, S.Y., K. Sudoh, A. Hosaka, arXiv:1202.0760 D(*) D(*) potential Heavy Quark Symmetry G. Burdman and J.F. Donoghue (1992) M.B. Wise (1992) T.-M. Yan, H.-Y. Cheng, C.-Y. Cheung, G.-L. Lin, Y.C. Lin and H.-L. Yu (1997) D(*) D(*) D(*)D(*)π vertex from Γ(D*→Dπ) p, ω, ρ with P=D, B vector + pseudoscalar D(*)D(*)ω and D(*)D(*)ρ vertex fromleptonic and radiativedecay of B D(*) D(*) R. Casalbuoni et al, Phys. Rep. 281, 145 (1997) Cf. NNπ, NNω, NNρ vertex from Bonn potential R. Machleidt et al, Phys. Rep. 149, 1 (1987)

  25. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) S. Ohkoda, Y. Yamaguchi, S.Y., K. Sudoh, A. Hosaka, arXiv:1202.0760 D(*) D(*) potential Form factor at eachvetex D(*) D(*) p, ω, ρ ΛD,B/ΛN = (rD,B/rN)-1 rD,B,N : hadronsizefromquarkmodel D(*) D(*) ΛNfor NNπ(ρ,ω) vertexisfixed to reproduce a deuteron. SY and Sudoh, PRD80, 034008 (2009) Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, SY, Hosaka, PRD84, 014032 (2011) Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, SY, Hosaka, arXiv:1112691 (appear in PRD)

  26. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) S. Ohkoda, Y. Yamaguchi, S.Y., K. Sudoh, A. Hosaka, arXiv:1202.0760 D(*) D(*) potential Form factor at eachvetex D(*) D(*) p, ω, ρ ΛD,B/ΛN = (rD,B/rN)-1 rD,B,N : hadronsizefromquarkmodel D(*) D(*) ΛNfor NNπ(ρ,ω) vertexisfixed to reproduce a deuteron. All parameters (coupling constants, cut-offs) are fixed. SY and Sudoh, PRD80, 034008 (2009) Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, SY, Hosaka, PRD84, 014032 (2011) Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, SY, Hosaka, arXiv:1112691 (appear in PRD)

  27. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) S. Ohkoda, Y. Yamaguchi, S.Y., K. Sudoh, A. Hosaka, arXiv:1202.0760 I(JP) (J≤2) in D(*)D(*) states

  28. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) S. Ohkoda, Y. Yamaguchi, S.Y., K. Sudoh, A. Hosaka, arXiv:1202.0760 I(JP) (J≤2) in D(*)D(*) states

  29. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) S. Ohkoda, Y. Yamaguchi, S.Y., K. Sudoh, A. Hosaka, arXiv:1202.0760 I(JP) (J≤2) in D(*)D(*) states Tcc1

  30. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) S. Ohkoda, Y. Yamaguchi, S.Y., K. Sudoh, A. Hosaka, arXiv:1202.0760 I(JP) (J≤2) in D(*)D(*) states Tcc1 D D* S-wave (1) DD, DD*, D*D* mixing D* D-wave D* (2) Tensor mixing (OPEP) S-wave D D*

  31. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) S. Ohkoda, Y. Yamaguchi, S.Y., K. Sudoh, A. Hosaka, arXiv:1202.0760 tetraquark vs. D(*)D(*) molecule tetraquark Tcc1 D(*)D(*) molecule tetraquark

  32. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) S. Ohkoda, Y. Yamaguchi, S.Y., K. Sudoh, A. Hosaka, arXiv:1202.0760 tetraquark vs. D(*)D(*) molecule D(*)D(*) tetraquark Tcc1 D(*)D(*) molecule tetraquark

  33. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) S. Ohkoda, Y. Yamaguchi, S.Y., K. Sudoh, A. Hosaka, arXiv:1202.0760 tetraquark vs. D(*)D(*) molecule D(*)D(*) tetraquark Tcc1 D(*)D(*) molecule tetraquark

  34. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) S. Ohkoda, Y. Yamaguchi, S.Y., K. Sudoh, A. Hosaka, arXiv:1202.0760 tetraquark vs. D(*)D(*) molecule Energy spectrum is very different !! (a) g.s. is negative parity. (b) many resonant states can exist. (c) I=1 state can exist. D(*)D(*) tetraquark Tcc1 D(*)D(*) molecule tetraquark

  35. 3. Otherexoticheavyhadrons D and nucleon D bound nuclei D D c N d c tetraquark Tcc1 Zb (isospin 1) B B u I=1

  36. 3. Otherexoticheavyhadrons D and nucleon D bound nuclei D D c N d c tetraquark Tcc1 Zb (isospin 1) B B u I=1

  37. 3. Otherexoticheavyhadrons Belle, arXiv:1105.4583 Zb(10608) M1=10608.4±2.0 MeV, Γ1=15.6±2.5 MeV I(JPC)=1(1+-) Zb(10653) M2=10653.2±1.5 MeV, Γ2=14.4±3.2 MeV exp. exp. Ourprediction I=1 I=0, exotic JPC S. Ohkoda, Y. Yamaguchi, S.Y., K. Sudoh, A. Hosaka, arXiv:1111.2921

  38. 3. Otherexoticheavyhadrons Belle, arXiv:1105.4583 Zb(10608) M1=10608.4±2.0 MeV, Γ1=15.6±2.5 MeV I(JPC)=1(1+-) Zb(10653) M2=10653.2±1.5 MeV, Γ2=14.4±3.2 MeV exp. exp. Ourprediction I=1 I=0, exotic JPC S. Ohkoda, Y. Yamaguchi, S.Y., K. Sudoh, A. Hosaka, arXiv:1111.2921

  39. 3. Otherexoticheavyhadrons Belle, arXiv:1105.4583 Zb(10608) M1=10608.4±2.0 MeV, Γ1=15.6±2.5 MeV I(JPC)=1(1+-) Zb(10653) M2=10653.2±1.5 MeV, Γ2=14.4±3.2 MeV exp. exp. Ourprediction I=1 I=0, exotic JPC Υπ, hbπ loop effect (rough estimate) S. Ohkoda, Y. Yamaguchi, S.Y., K. Sudoh, A. Hosaka, arXiv:1111.2921

  40. 3. Otherexoticheavyhadrons D and nucleon D bound nuclei D D c N d c tetraquark Tcc1 Zb (isospin 1) B B u I=1

  41. 3. Otherexoticheavyhadrons D and nucleon D bound nuclei D D c N d c tetraquark Tcc1 Zb (isospin 1) B B u I=1

  42. 3. Otherexoticheavyhadrons D and nucleon D and nucleon D*+N (2947 MeV) D*+N (2947 MeV) No other channels → Only DN and D*N D+N (2803 MeV) D+N (2803 MeV) Σc(2800) 1(??) π+Σc* (2658 MeV) Λc(2625) 0(3/2-) Λc(2595) 0(1/2-) π+Σc (2593 MeV) `Pentaquark-channel‘ `Λ*-channel‘ • S.Y., K. Sudoh, Phys. Rev. D80, 034008 (2009) • Y. Yamaguchi, S. Ohkoda, S.Y., A. Hosaka, Phys. Rev. D84, 014032 (2011) • Y. Yamaguchi, S. Ohkoda, S.Y., A. Hosaka, arXiv:111.2691 (appear in PRD)

  43. 3. Otherexoticheavyhadrons D and nucleon D*+N (2947 MeV) No other channels → Only DN and D*N D+N (2803 MeV) D N S-wave D* D-wave N S-wave D N `Pentaquark-channel‘ • S.Y., K. Sudoh, Phys. Rev. D80, 034008 (2009) • Y. Yamaguchi, S. Ohkoda, S.Y., A. Hosaka, Phys. Rev. D84, 014032 (2011) • Y. Yamaguchi, S. Ohkoda, S.Y., A. Hosaka, arXiv:111.2691 (appear in PRD)

  44. 3. Otherexoticheavyhadrons D and nucleon D*+N (2947 MeV) D*+N D+N No other channels → Only DN and D*N D+N (2803 MeV) D N S-wave D* D-wave N S-wave D N `Pentaquark-channel‘ • S.Y., K. Sudoh, Phys. Rev. D80, 034008 (2009) • Y. Yamaguchi, S. Ohkoda, S.Y., A. Hosaka, Phys. Rev. D84, 014032 (2011) • Y. Yamaguchi, S. Ohkoda, S.Y., A. Hosaka, arXiv:111.2691 (appear in PRD)

  45. 3. Otherexoticheavyhadrons BN state DN state 6263 MeV 2946 MeV B*N D*N Λ(1405) 6217 MeV BN 1433 MeV KN B nuclei H dibaryon 2807 MeV 2255 MeV DN ΞN πΣ D nuclei 1330 MeV ΛΛ 2230MeV Hypernuclei Knuclei

  46. 4. Summary ・ Heavy quarks have new symmetry and dynamics. Heavy quark symmetry D-D* mixing ... ・ Many exotic heavy hadrons and nuclei. Tcc1 and other DD states Zb (I=1) and other BB states (→ Ohkoda’s poster) DN bound/resonance states (→ Yamaguchi’s poster) D bound nuclei ・ Lattice QCD analysis? ・ Searches in e+e-, pp (pp) and heavy ion collisions should be performed.

  47. ExHIC (Exotics from Heavy Ion Collisions) collaboration S. Cho (Yonsei U.),T. Furumoto(YITP and RIKEN), T. Hyodo (Tokyo Inst. Technology),D. Jido (YITP), C.-M. Ko (Texas A&M U.), S. H. Lee (Yonsei U. and YITP), M. Nielsen (U. de Paulo), A. Ohnishi (YITP), T. Sekihara (YITP and Kyoto U.), K. Yazaki (YITP and RIKEN), S. Y. (KEK) PRL106, 212001 (2011); PRC84, 06491 (2011) Hadronmolecule 1 Normal hadron 0.2 Multi-quark

  48. 2. Doublycharmedmesons (Tcc) Carlson, Heller, Tjon (1988) Silvestre-Brac and Semay (1993) Lee, SY, Liu and Ko (2008) Lee and SY (2009) „explicitly“ exotic tetraquark Tcc1 D0 ✓ no annihilation Tcc1 D*- u c c + I(JP)=0(1+) c No strongdecay d d c Binding energy of Tcc(bb)1 [MeV] u → Tcc(bb)1 are stable as 3fmultiplet of SU(3)f.

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