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EGSS statistics in an integrated framework for MEA. Gerald Weber European Commission, Eurostat. Measuring Progress on the " Greening " of the Economy: Policies and Practices, Geneva , 14-15 May 2014 Technical workshop jointly organised by UNEP, Eurostat , EEA and ILO.
EGSS statistics in an integratedframework for MEA Gerald Weber European Commission, Eurostat Measuring Progress on the "Greening" ofthe Economy: Policiesand Practices,Geneva, 14-15 May 2014 Technical workshopjointlyorganisedby UNEP, Eurostat, EEA and ILO
Why monetary env. accounts (MEA)? Europe 2020 strategy: resource-efficient, low-carbon economy ------------------------------------------------------------ European Semester: spring review of progress including assessment of macroeconomic situation ------------------------------------------------------------ 7th Environmental Action Programme To analyse: Links between env. (policies), growth and employment
MEA modules Environmentally related taxes by economic activities (legally binding) ------------------------------------------------------------ Env. Protection Expenditure Accounts (EPEA) Env. Goods and Services Sector (EGSS) statistics (soon become legally binding) ------------------------------------------------------------ Resource Management Expenditure Accounts (ReMEA) Environmental transfers (draft guidelines)
Availability of data for EGSS Voluntary reporting of EGSS data to Eurostat: In 2013 data from 14 countries received. Half of the reporting countries provided data for all 4 variables: output, GVA, employment and exports. Only a few reported on RM domains. On the way to obligatory reporting?
European Parliament legislative resolution of 2 April 2014 on amending Regulation (EU) No 691/2011 on European env. economic accounts Definitions? EGSS = the production activities that generate environmental products. Env. products = products produced for the purpose of EP and RM
European Parliament legislative resolution of 2 April 2014 on amending Regulation (EU) No 691/2011 on European env. economic accounts What? Annual EGSS statistics compatible with data reported under ESA: market output, of which exports value added of market activities employment of market activities cross-classified by economic activities (NACE Rev. 2) and EP (CEPA) / RM (CReMA) activities.
European Parliament legislative resolution of 2 April 2014 on amending Regulation (EU) No 691/2011 on European env. economic accounts When? transmitted within 24 months of the end of the reference year (2015?). How? EGSS accounts should make use of the already existing information from the national accounts, structural business statistics, business register and other sources.
What does Eurostat do to develop EGSS statistics? Co-financing pilot projects in countries: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/environmental_accounts/documents/Catalogue_of_pilot_study_reports.pdf European Statistical Training Programme (ESTP): Vienna, 22-24.10.2014: training on EGSS data compilation http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/pgp_ess/0_DOCS/estat/2014_Catalogue_v1.1_Dec.pdf
What does Eurostat do to develop EGSS statistics? Guidance, examples: 2009: EGSS Handbook: description/analysis of concepts related to the EGSS, definitions and classifications 2012: System of environmental-economic accounting – central framework (with FAO, IMF, OECD, UN, WB) 2014: Practical guide towards compiling EGSS statistics 2015: Integrated framework for MEA; revision of EGSS handbook
EGSS practical guide – why a data integration approach? Comprehensive EGSS surveys first choice? Yes, if feasible.But: Resource constraints? Costs? Burden? ------------------------------------------------------------- Using and combining already existing statistical data (supply and demand side) and other information? Yes, to reduce costs and burden and to be in line with legal base.But: Coverage? Data map
Practical guide – data map Indicates available sources by environmental activity and pragmatic categories for data compilation. Sufficient coverage while avoiding double-counting. Test calculations mainly using data already available in Eurostat's on-line database Eurobase and meeting most of the future reporting requirements. National compilers to flexibly adapt the data map to accommodate country specific and more detailed data available to them.
EU28 EGSS estimates for 2000-2011 Published end 2013 • output • gross value added • employment for EP and RM activities. Data compiled based on the methods in the practical guide.
EU28 EGSS estimates for 2000-2011 comparisons with data transmitted by countries results of studies at EU level benchmarking with EGSS data transmitted by countries compilation of long time series
Outstanding issues Coherence of concepts from different account areas? • Env. technologies (EGSS) and capital formation (NA, SBS)? • Capital formation for EP or RM (EPEA and ReMEA) and production of different environmental products (EGSS)? Scope and definition of RM? • Management of cultivated resources (forests)? • All renewable energy production (incl. hydropower, biofuels)? • Need for a more detailed classification (e.g. recycling and renewable energy activities further broken down by type of natural resource)? (Relationship between EGSS and "green economy"?)
Integrated framework • An integrated system (NA concepts, SEEA framework) with different env. accounts modules • Modules are linked and complement each other; can often use same data sources • More-efficient data production 16
Ways forward • Countries' pilot projects • Document on integrated framework • Revised EGSS handbook • Indicativecompendium of environmental goods and services 17
Further info on EGSS statistics in Eurostat Statistics Explained http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/statistics_explained/index.php/Environmental_goods_and_services_sector