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Project High Five:Day 2 Culture Collaboration Commitment Communication Community. If Game. Form circle and pick an “If” card, think about it and be ready to respond!. Opinion versus Evidence. Watch video and consider opinions held by store keeper.
Project High Five:Day 2 Culture Collaboration Commitment Communication Community
If Game Form circle and pick an “If” card, think about it and be ready to respond!
Opinion versus Evidence • Watch video and consider opinions held by store keeper. • Quick Write on personal experiences where opinions have been formed by you and about you. • Review video again collecting evidence.
Observation Video: Amie Tsang • Using the WOU Supervisory Notes Form gather information to share with Amie during your post conference. • Review the information you collected at your table. Label your statements “E” if you collected Evidence and “O” if you wrote an Opinion. • Discuss your statements as a group.
Opinion vs. Evidence: Card Sort • As a table group, sort the statement cards as to whether they are evidence statements, or opinion statements. • Two cards are headers for the categories Evidence and Opinion. The remaining 20 cards have statements on them.
Evidence vs. Opinion • In your group, select one opinion statement from the cards and turn it into an evidence statement. • Individually, take one additional opinion statement and flip it into an evidence statement. • Discuss new evidences with your group.
Observation Video: Amie Tsang • Lets revisit Amie and focus on collecting evidence that will be useful to use with Amie during the post conference. • With an elbow partner discuss the evidence you collected. • With your elbow partner assign each other a role (Amie, Clinical Teacher) and role play a five minute post conference. Share evidence and make two suggestions for growth.
Break • 10 minutes
Getting Started with your Teacher Candidate. • Welcoming your teacher candidate. • Review the back of the co-teaching placemat Wonderstruck: Focus on 4 Major Questions Where’s Walrus: Focus on As a collaborator My Brother Charlie: Focus on Communication Hiding Phil: Focus on: Are we co-teaching? An expert from each group will share at least one point from each of the four squares. • Jig-saw group findings on positives, questions, challenges, surprises.
Co-Teaching Strategies 1& 2 • Select a recorder and a reporter. • Turn to Strategy 1: One Teach, One Observe and Strategy 2: One Teach, One Assist, review the strategies and on the large poster paper record two ideas of how you can use each strategy during the first week of term. • How do you plan to follow up with your teacher candidate on the observational information they have gathered?
Lunch • See you all back in one hour.
The Field Experience Workbook • Term I: Roles and responsibilities. Teacher Candidates will be in your classroom full-time during the week of November 3-7. • Role of the ‘Mentor Teacher’ (Soon to be changed to Clinical Teacher) • Review the Role of the Teacher Candidate and University Supervisor. Notice how the three roles are intertwined. • Q & A
Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions Turn to the back cover of the Field Experience Workbook. Read through Standard 9.
Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions • In groups of 3 review your assigned standard. Drawing from your previous experience discuss a possible scenario where a problem could arise. • Role play a three-way conference where you are addressing the concern using evidence. • Clinical Teacher • Teacher Candidate • University Supervisor
Formal Observation Form • Review the Observation Form. Notice that it only addresses the 5 observable standards. • Familiarize yourself with the observation form. Read the overall standard and indicators. Then turn your attention to the proficiency continuum and focus you attention on the Developing Proficiency (DP) column. • Q & A
Formative Evaluation • The Formative Evaluation comes at the end of the term and pulls together all 10 standards. • The Formative Evaluation helps the teacher candidate set goals for the next term. • The supervisor will ask both you and the teacher candidate to prepare for the formative ahead of time.
Afternoon Break • 10 Minutes
Putting it all together • Lets practice observing a teacher candidate in action using the WOU tools. • Take out of your binder: • Supervisory Notes Form: to gather evidence during the observation. • InTASC Observation Form to Evaluate how the teacher candidate performed during the observation.
Post-observation Conference • With an elbow partner assign a role (Teacher Candidate and Clinical Teacher) • Using the evidence you have gathered and the InTASC scoring guide role play a post-conference. • Switch roles and post conference again-perhaps highlighting evidence that has not been mentioned.
Reflection • What lessons were learned while collecting evidence? • What lessons were learned while completing the InTASC Observation Form? • What lessons were learned while conducting the post-conference with your Teacher Candidate?
Closure • The final day will take place Fall Term. It will include all Clinical Teachers from CSD, the Teacher Candidates and University Supervisors. It will be important to bring your Project High Five binders to this meeting. • Sue will be contacting you (using your summer email stated on sign in sheet) by the end of July to let you know your Teacher Candidate’s name and contact information. • Exit Ticket
We’ll meet again! • Sue Thompson: thompss@wou.edu (Friday -Monday:541765 2713, work: 503 838 8828) • Chloe Hughes: hughesc@wou.edu (Friday -Monday:503 569 1687, work: 503 838 8781) • Cheri McLain: mclainc@wou.edu (cell: 541 760 8319) • Susan Griffin: griffins@wou.edu (work: 503 838 8458)