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Introduction to MAPP

Introduction to MAPP. Lowrie Ward, MPH, CPH Program Analyst, Accreditation Preparation & Quality Improvement National Association of County and City Health Officials. What is NACCHO?.

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Introduction to MAPP

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  1. Introduction to MAPP Lowrie Ward, MPH, CPH Program Analyst, Accreditation Preparation & Quality Improvement National Association of County and City Health Officials

  2. What is NACCHO? • NACCHO’s vision is health, equity, and well-being for all people in their communities through public health policies and services. NACCHO’s mission is to be a leader, partner, catalyst, and voice for local health departments in order to ensure the conditions that promote health and equity, combat disease, and improve the quality and length of all lives. • NACCHO is a membership organization and a non-profit organization • NACCHO’s members are the 2700 local health departments across the United States. • NACCHO's Work • Community Health • Environmental Health • Public Health Infrastructure and Systems • Public Health Preparedness

  3. What is Public Health Accreditation? • Public Health Accreditation Board • Voluntary national accreditation program for public health agencies • Incorporated in 2007 • Launched in September 2011 • Dedicated to advancing the continuous quality improvement of Tribal, state, local, and territorial public health departments

  4. What is MAPP? • Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP): • Community driven approach to health improvement efforts • Assessment and prioritization of strategic issues • Results in: • Community health assessment • Community health improvement plan • Community wide strategic plan • Ability to take action with respect to identified issues

  5. Accreditation Prerequisites • Community Health Assessment • Community Health Improvement Plan • Strategic Plan • Identify community and health department needs • Good measure of capacity to address identified health needs • Foundation for other documentation • Springboard to the future

  6. MAPP provides… • a framework, • guidance, • structure, and • best practices… for developing healthy communities.

  7. M. A. P. P. • Mobilizing: Engaging the community • Action: Implementing a health improvement plan • Planning: Applying strategic planning concepts • Partnerships: Involving local public health system and community partners

  8. The MAPP Paradigm Shift

  9. Three Keys to MAPP • Community Driven Process • Strategic Thinking • Focus on the Local Public Health System

  10. Local Public Health System Civic Groups Employers Mental Health Parks and Rec Elected Officials Transit Public Health Drug Treatment Fire Home Health CHCs Neighborhood Groups Nursing Homes HCP Faith Institutions Law Enforcement EMS Dentists Tribal Health NGOs Corrections Hospitals City Planners Schools

  11. MAPP Successes • St. Clair County (IL) • Northeast Nebraska Public Health (NE) • Will County (IL)

  12. MAPP takes the community… From this… …To this!

  13. MAPP Resources • MAPP website: www.naccho.org/mapp • Clearinghouse of resources • Stories from the field • Tools and examples of all six phases • Tools and examples of all four assessments • Peer and mentor support • MAPP Network – online community • More! • NACCHO training and technical assistance

  14. Websites • www.naccho.org • www.naccho.org/accreditation • www.naccho.org/mapp

  15. Questions?

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