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Conflict in the Middle East: Causes and Timeline

Explore the ongoing problems in Israel and Palestine, from the Balfour Declaration to the formation of Israel, the Cold War involvement, and the Six-Day and Yom Kippur Wars. Understand the key events and factors leading to the ongoing conflict.

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Conflict in the Middle East: Causes and Timeline

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  1. Conflict in the Middle East What is the cause of the ongoing problems in Israel & Palestine?

  2. Brief Timeline • Nov. 2, 1917 - Balfour Declaration: British Government States Intent to Create a Jewish Homeland in Palestine • 1920-1922 - League of Nations Divides Former Ottoman Territories into Mandates • 1933-1936 - Mass Jewish Immigration to Palestine after Nazis Gain Power in Germany • Feb. 14, 1947 - British Government Refers the Question of the Future of Palestine to the United Nations https://israelipalestinian.procon.org/view.timeline.php?timelineID=000031

  3. A. 11/29/47: UN approves a plan to divide Palestine into two nations I. Establishment of Israel 1. Palestine = Arab State 2. Israel = Jewish State. 3. Jerusalem controlled by UN B. Palestinians & other Arab states object C. May 14, 1948: Israel declares statehood and takes their territory 1. Six Arab nations declare war on Israel a. Israel wins Arab-Israeli War, takes most Palestinian land, Egypt/Jordan take rest D. Palestinian people begin fleeing Israel

  4. II. Israel & the Cold War – Suez Canal Crisis A. 1954: Gamel Abdel Nasser controls Egypt B. 1956: Nasser seizes British-controlled Suez Canal 1. Britain, France, Israel take back the canal & then occupy parts of Egypt – Nasser turns to the UN C. Soviets say this is an example of western imperialism, Nasser seeks alliance with USSR D. UN Security Council gives Egypt canal & land back (US abstains)

  5. III. Six Day & Yom Kippur Wars A. Egypt & Arab countries attack Israel twice: Six-Day War (1967, Nasser) & Yom Kippur War (1973, Sadat) 1. Israel is backed by US & wins wars, Israel takes more Arab land. B. 1973: Arabs put an oil embargo on US because of support of Israel C. Yasir Arafat & Palestinians form the PLO, use intifada (Palestinian uprising) to get their homeland back D. Intifada includes non-violent methods to protest but also uses Soviet made weapons to attack Israel. Israel responds by bombing Pal. towns

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