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Transforming Education: 7 Incredible Years in Bro Lleu School

Discover the incredible journey of Bro Lleu School since January 2013. With 170 pupils, 7 teachers, 90% Welsh-speaking students, and a focus on Incredible Years program for classroom management and emotional intelligence. From a challenging environment in 2005 to positive changes and progress in classroom dynamics, staff training, parenting groups, and school readiness programs. Witness the transformational impact through qualitative measures and the commitment to building a supportive educational community.

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Transforming Education: 7 Incredible Years in Bro Lleu School

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  1. 7 Blwyddyn Rhyfeddol ym Mro Lleu 7 Incredible Years in Bro Lleu Stella Gruffydd Ysgol Bro Lleu Ionawr 2013/ January 2013

  2. Ysgol Bro Lleu • Awdurdod Addysg Gwynedd • 170 disgybl • 7 athro, cynnwys pennaeth • 90% o’r disgyblion - Cymraeg yn iaith gyntaf • 28% ar gofrestr AAA(6% ymddygiad) • Ardal ddifreintiedig yn economaidd • Blynyddoedd Rhyfeddol yn flaenoriaeth ers 2005 • Gwynedd Education Authority • 170 pupils • 7 teachers including head teacher • 90% of pupils have Welsh as first language • 28% of pupils on SEN register (6% behaviour) • Economically deprived area • Incredible Years a priority in the school since 2005

  3. Canfyddiadau Pennaeth Newydd Haf 2005New Head teacher perceptions Summer 2005 • 3ydd pennaeth mewn 5 mlynedd • 2 arolwg Estyn 1999 a 2002 • Hinsawdd ac amgylchfyd negyddol yn yr ysgol • Nifer o anghysondebau mewn rheolaeth dosbarth • Hunan ddelwedd isel ymysg disgyblion • Adeilad mewn cyflwr gwael o ran edrychiad • Ychydig o barch a ddangoswyd at adeilad ec eiddo’r ysgol • 3rd head teacher in 5 years • Two Estyn inspections – 1999 and 2002 • Negative school climate and environment • Many inconsistencies in classroom management • Low self esteem amongst pupils • School building in poor state of repair and décor • Little respect shown for school belongings and building/classrooms.

  4. Blaenoriaethau CDYSDP Priorities • Asesu Ffurfiannol • Datblygu Blynyddoedd Rhyfeddol ar gyfer rheoli dosbarthiadau / deallusrwydd emosiynol disgyblion drwy’r ysgol • Rhaglen o wella edrychiad yr adeilad • Formative Assessment • Developing Incredible Years classroom management programme/ pupils’ emotional intelligence throughout the school • Programme of building improvement

  5. Blynyddoedd RhyfeddolRhaglen Rheolaeth Dosbarth Incredible Years School Management Programme

  6. Cynnydd hyd yn hyn… Progress so far … • Hyfforddi athrawon i gyd – cynnwys staff newydd • Hyfforddi bob cymhorthydd • Sgiliau Cymdeithasol ac ymddygiad yn rhan holl bwysig o waith yr ysgol • Ysgol Dina (ac amser Caleb) yn digwydd yn gyson yn y dosbarthiadau • Holl egwyddorion ar waith yn CA2 - wedi datblygu rhaglen sgiliau cymdeithasol a deallusrwydd emosiynol. (Os mets) • Adolygu parhaus gyda staff i atgyfnerthu egwyddorion • Trained all teachers – including all new staff • Trained all 7 classroom assistants • Social skills and behaviour support a major part of the school’s work • Dina School (and Amser Caleb)run regularly in Infants classes. • All principles used in Key Stage 2 in the development of a social skills and emotional intelligence programme ( Os mets) • Regular reviews with staff to reinforce principles.

  7. Blynyddoedd RhyfeddolCriw Bach Dina(ysgol beilot ar gyfer ymchwil 2009)Incredible Years Small group Dina(pilot group for research in 2009)

  8. Strwythur y Cwrs Course Structure • 6-10 wythnos – yn yr ysgol • 3 aelod staff wedi eu hyfforddi • Tua 6 phlentyn • Cyfeillgar/ Cefnogol • 6-10 weeks – in school • 3 staff members trained • About 6 children • Friendly/ supportive

  9. Effeithiau AnsoddolQualitative effects • Gwelliant sylweddol mewn ymddygiad • Hinsawdd dosbarthiadau positif • Cyfnod Sylfaen yn cael ei weithredu’n llwyddiannus. • Dealltwriaeth/ymwybyddiaeth staff o seicoleg ymddygiad wedi dyfnhau • Cysondeb i ddigyblion – o ddosbarth i ddosbarth – gwybod y rheolau a chanlyniadau • Behaviour much improved • Positive classroom ethos • Able to implement Foundation phase successfully • Improved staff awareness/understanding of behaviour psychology • Consistency for children- class to class – children know the rules and consequences

  10. Blynyddoedd RhyfeddolCyrsiau rhiantuIncredible Years Parenting groups

  11. Cynnydd hyd yn hyn Progress so far • 3 athrawes ac un rhiant wedi hyfforddi’n wreiddiol ar gyfer grwp rhiant sylfaenol • Hyfforddi rhieni - 9 grwp • 52% o deuluoedd yr ysgol wedi cael o leiaf un rhiant yn mynychu • 2 athro arall , 2 riant arall ac un nain bellach wedi hyddorddi i arwain grwpiau • Grwpiau cefnogi i rieni sydd wedi cwblhau’r cwrs. • 3 teachers and one parent originally trained as group leaders for basic parenting group • Parent training – 9 groups • 52% of school’s families have had at least one parent attend • 2 more teachers , 2 more parents and one grandparent trained as group leaders • Support group meetings for parents who have completed

  12. Barod am yr ysgol School Readiness Programme • Rhaglen 4 wythnos • Rhieni disgyblion 2 – 4 oed • Cynnal yn yr Haf • 2 sesiwn ar chwarae • 2 llythrennedd • 3 athrawes ym Mro Lleu wedi eu hyfforddi i’w gynnal • Dod i adnabod rheini yn gynnar • 4 week programme • Parents 2 – 4 year old • Run in Summer • 2 sessions on play • 2 sessions on developing literacy. • 3 teachers trained to deliver in Bro Lleu • Early bonding with parents

  13. Effeithiau Ansoddol Qualitative effects • Cysondeb cartref/ ysgol • Gwelliant mewn ymddygiad • Perthynas agos iawn rhwng ysgol a rheini • Dim problemau cael rhieni i ddod ar y cwrs • Rhieni wedi gwneud ffrindiau a chysylltiadau newydd • Rhieni wedi datblygu hunan hyder a sgiliau angenrheidiol • Cydnabyddiaeth i’r ysgol yn lleol a chenedlaethol • Consistency between home and school • Improvement in children’s behaviour • Extremely close relationship between school and parents • No recruitment issues for new parenting classes • New friends/bonds made • Parents gained self confidence and developed vital skills • High school profile locally and nationally.

  14. The Incredible Years Programmes The Incredible Years Programmes The Incredible Years Programmes Teacher Programme 6 full day sessions held monthly Teacher Programme 6 full day sessions held monthly Teacher Programme 6 full day sessions held monthly Child Dinosaur Classroom Programme:3 year curriculum, 2 sessions per week, 30 weeks Child Dinosaur Classroom Programme:3 year curriculum, 2 sessions per week, 30 weeks Child Dinosaur treatment Programme: 6 children, 18 - 22 weekly sessions Child Dinosaur treatment Programme: 6 children, 18 - 22 weekly sessions Child Dinosaur treatment Programme: 6 children, 18 - 22 weekly sessions Child Dinosaur Classroom Programme:3 year curriculum, 2 sessions per week, 30 weeks Fully revised ADVANCED Programme: 9 sessions helping adults communicate & problem solve Fully revised ADVANCED Programme: 9 sessions helping adults communicate & problem solve Fully revised School Aged BASIC Parent Programme: 10 - 12 sessions, 6 - 12 years*** Fully revised School Aged BASIC Parent Programme: 10 - 12 sessions, 6 - 12 years*** Fully revised Pre-School BASIC Parent Programme: 18 weekly sessions, 3 – 6 years Fully revised Pre-School BASIC Parent Programme: 18 weekly sessions, 3 – 6 years Infant (eight sessions) 0 - 12 months toddler 1 - 2 year olds (13 sessions) programmes Infant (eight sessions) 0 - 12 months toddler 1 - 2 year olds (13 sessions) programmes School Readiness Programme: 4 pre-school sessions 2 – 4 years School Readiness Programme: 4 pre-school sessions 2 – 4 years ADVANCED Programme: 9 sessions helping adults communicate & problem solve School Aged BASIC Parent Programme: 12 sessions, 6 - 12 years*** (6 – 8, 9 – 12 yrs) Infant - 8 sessions 0 - 12 months Toddler 1 - 3 year olds (12/13 sessions) Pre-School BASIC Parent Programme: 14 or 18 weekly sessions, 3 – 6 years School Readiness Programme: 4 pre- school sessions 2 – 4 years *** the School Aged programme also has an additional four sessions on helping your child to do their best in school 15 15 15

  15. Gobeithion ar gyfer y dyfodol Aspirations for the future • Plant a rheini Bro Lleu i barhau i ddysgu sgiliau hanfodol • Gweithion agosach gyda gweithwyr iechyd yn yr ardal i gefnogi rhieni ymhellach, yn arbennig cyn ysgol. • Datblygu gwaith gyda’r ysgol uwchradd - cefnogi plant • Ysbrydoli ysgolion eraill i gychwyn grwpiau rhiantu • Ysgolion wedi eu hyfforddi a’u hariannu’n ddigonol i allu cynnig cefnogaeth i blant a’u rhieni. • Bro Lleu children and parents keep learning vital skills • Work closer with health professionals in the area to further support parents, especially pre school age • Develop work with secondary school – support children • Inspire other schools to start IY Parenting Groups • All schools adequately trained and funded to be able to offer support to children and families.

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