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AEGIS-X Survey: Results on Extended Groth Strip

Explore deep multiwavelength data from Chandra survey in the Extended Groth Strip. Discover insights on AGN, galaxy morphologies, and large-scale structures. Public data available.

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AEGIS-X Survey: Results on Extended Groth Strip

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  1. AEGIS-X: Results from the Chandra survey of the Extended Groth Strip Elise Laird A Georgakakis (NOA), K Nandra (PI: Imperial), J Aird (Imperial), D Croton (Berkeley), K Bundy (U Toronto), A Coil (Steward), C Pierce (UCSC), and the AEGIS team

  2. All Wavelength Extra-Galactic International Survey • Deep multiwavelength data • Wide area (~0.5 -1.0 deg2) • Keck/DEIMOS DEEP2 spectroscopy: >10,000 redshifts with R<24.1, mainly 0.6<z<1.4 GALEX HST/ACS Chandra Palomar aegis.ucolick.org; Davis et al. (2007) The X-ray Universe 2008, Granada

  3. AEGIS-X survey • 1.6 Ms over 0.67 deg2 (8 ACIS-I pointings) • Flux limits (1% complete); • SB (0.5-2 keV) 5.3 x 10-17 cgs • HB (2-10 keV) 3.8 x10-16 cgs • 1325 sources, selected between 0.5 and 7 keV • <1.5% spurious sources • 0.79” astrometric accuracy Laird et al. submitted to ApJS The X-ray Universe 2008, Granada

  4. AEGIS-X survey AO9: additional 1.8 Ms over 0.2 deg2 • 1.6 Ms over 0.67 deg2 (8 ACIS-I pointings) • Flux limits (1% complete); • SB (0.5-2 keV) 5.3 x 10-17 cgs • HB (2-10 keV) 3.8 x10-16 cgs • 1325 sources, selected between 0.5 and 7 keV • <1.5% spurious sources • 0.79” astrometric accuracy Laird et al. submitted to ApJS Reduced data, data products, catalogues publicly available at http://astro.imperial.ac.uk/research/aegis The X-ray Universe 2008, Granada

  5. AEGIS-X survey ---- L* at z=1 • Using Maximum Likelihood technique to find secure counterparts: • optical: 76%, complete to RAB=24.1, 6% spurious matches • IRAC 3.6m: 94% (of sources with coverage), complete to mAB=23.8, 1% spurious matches • Currently ~35% spectroscopic completeness (with DEEP3  60%) 800ks data • Spectroscopy: • Keck/DEEP2 (Davis et al. 2003) • MMT (Coil et al. 2008) The X-ray Universe 2008, Granada

  6. “QSO mode” Merger (QSO-mode) models (e.g. Hopkins et al. 2005): • gas rich major merger • gas inflows trigger BH accretion & starbursts • dust/gas clouds obscure AGN • AGN feedback sweeps away gas, quenching SF and BH accretion “Radio mode” Weak AGN feedback models in dense regions (e.g. Croton et al. 2006; Bower et al. 2006): • cooling flows in groups or clusters   large cold-gas reservoirs at galaxy centre • weak AGN activity invoked to suppress cooling flows by either heating of mechanically sweeping away the gas Hydra-A cluster, McNamara et al. 2000 AGN formation models Kazantzidis et al. 2005 The X-ray Universe 2008, Granada

  7. Colour-magnitude relation DEEP2 survey, 0.4<z<1.4; Willmer et al. 2006 • Colour bimodality: • Blue cloud: star-forming • Red sequence: evolved stellar pop • Galaxy stellar mass builds via mergers in blue cloud • Rapid quenching RS • Are AGN responsible for quenching? • Or for maintaining galaxies on RS? Dry mergers? Quenching Merger-driven star formation e.g. Strateva et al 2001; Bell et al 2004; Faber et al 2007 The X-ray Universe 2008, Granada

  8. Colour-magnitude relation for AGN z=0.6-1.4; Nandra et al. 2007 The X-ray Universe 2008, Granada

  9. Colour-magnitude relation for AGN • Are AGN responsible for the quenching? • Obscured X-ray sources in RED cloud: old stellar populations • X-ray surveys select AGN after the quenching of the star-formation • Are there obscured AGN (in star forming galaxies) below X-ray detection threshold? • Are obscured AGN found in post starburst galaxies? z=0.2-0.7 z=0.7-1.4 Coil et al. 2008 The X-ray Universe 2008, Granada

  10. X-ray stacking results: 24m bright sample  Stack X-ray emission of galaxies at different regions of CMD and in post starburst galaxies Georgakakis et al. 2008 • Hard signal around valley and in red sequence, C>–0.15 • Obscured AGN associated with transition galaxies • <Lx> = 1041 erg s-1 Stacked signal of 26 post starbursts: HR > 0.35. <LX>~1041 ergs/s The X-ray Universe 2008, Granada

  11. AGN host galaxy morphologies 0.2<z<1.4 LX>1042 erg s-2 65% E/S0/Sa Massive, bulge dominated, red, evolved hosts Pierce et al. 2007 Gini coefficient: clumpiness; M20: central concentration Abraham et al. 2003; Lotz et al. 2004 The X-ray Universe 2008, Granada

  12. AGN stellar mass function Hasinger et al. 2005 No Evidence for AGN hosts “downsizing” in mass Accretion rate evolution? Bundy et al. 2008 Also Babic et al. 2007 for z<1 in CFD-S The X-ray Universe 2008, Granada

  13. Large scale structure A. Coil AGN: Massive galaxies tracing large scale structure Also ECDF-S: Silverman et al. 2008; XBootes Murray et al. 2005; Hickox et al. 2008 The X-ray Universe 2008, Granada

  14. AGN/Galaxy cross-correlation function Split into 2 redshift bins: z=0.2-0.7 and z=0.7-1.4 X-ray AGN cluster like red galaxies, at z~0.5 and z~0.9 Relative bias of X-ray AGN to galaxies: z=0.7-1.4 red gals: 1.1 (0.1) blue gals: 1.7 (0.1) z=0.2-0.7 red gals: 1.1 (0.1) blue gals: 1.4 (0.1) Coil et al. 2006 Coil et al. 2008 The X-ray Universe 2008, Granada

  15. Randomised optical X-ray AGN: relationship to groups • Gerke et al. (2006) optical spectroscopic groups • 42% of X-ray AGN in groups • Excess compared to general population (~99%) • Tentative excess relative to matched galaxy population (~91%) • Tentative evidence that field AGN more luminous than group AGN (~98%) Randomised optical X-ray Also Miyaji et al. 2007; Silverman et al. 2008 0.7< z< 1.4; Georgakakis et al. 2008 The X-ray Universe 2008, Granada

  16. Conclusions • Typical AGN at z~1 are in massive, red host galaxies • Star formation has terminated or is terminating • Many obscured AGN on red sequence • Bulge dominated, mergers not main trigger • Stellar Mass Function • Flat, non-evolving, no downsizing in mass • Large scale structure environment • Dense environments (cluster like hosts) • Around ~40% in groups • Most black hole growth at z<1 not in “QSO mode” The X-ray Universe 2008, Granada

  17. AEGIS-X advertisement • All reduced data and data products for AEGIS-X released 1 May 2008. • Processed other Chandra deep fields in same way and reduced data, data products & source catalogues also released • Chandra Deep Field North (2Ms) • Chandra Deep Field South (2Ms) • Extended Chandra Deep Field South (4 x 250 ks) • Also large area, shallow ELAIS-N1 and XBootes surveys http://astro.imperial.ac.uk/research/aegis The X-ray Universe 2008, Granada

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