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Performance report. Qtr4 2018/19 Apr 2019. Contents. RAG Ratings. On track, meeting milestones and KPIs. Mostly meeting milestones and KPIs. Issues being managed, some milestones / KPIs not met. Significant issues, milestones / KPIs not met. Strategic highlights
Performance report Qtr4 2018/19 Apr 2019
Contents RAG Ratings On track, meeting milestones and KPIs Mostly meeting milestones and KPIs Issues being managed, some milestones / KPIs not met Significant issues, milestones / KPIs not met
Strategic highlights • Approvals: timelines consistently being met for all but non-rec studies • 79% of applicants rate our overall service highly up 5% from Qtr3 • Research Transparency Strategy Group set up • Combined ways of working (CWOW) pilot well received. 40 applications. Mean approval of 42 days (79 days for non-CWOW CTIMPs) • 4 Nations – Local Information Packs agreed and rolled out June 2019 • Data-driven healthcare technologies -updated guidance on our website • Phase 2 research IT systems business case approved • Completed HRA Approval workforce changes Executive summary • Strategic challenges • Complexities arising from interoperability and multi stakeholder engagement continue to impact on timelines for new IRAS development with associated resourcing implications • Our ability to influence transparency agenda may be limited due to capacity / resourcing • IT infrastructure replacement (future service programme) must be delivered by April 2020. HRA participates at FSP Board level to mitigate this risk. • Target operating model delivery requirements balanced by Spending review economies create strategic resourcing challenges
Championing health and social care research • Science and Technology Select Committee published the HRA’s response to their report on research transparency, setting out our commitment to drive improvements • Research Transparency Strategy Group set up • Set of expectations for public involvement in research applications being developed • New guidance for public co-applicants in research
Making it easier to conduct high quality research in the UK • Pharmacy Assurance – second phase of rollout announced, phase III oncology CTIMPs being accepted • CWOW – pilot been running for 12 months, 40 applications received, mean approval of 42 days from submission to authorisation (79 days for non-CWOW CTIMPs) • Four Nations - Local Information packs agreed – June 2019, brings UK wide consistency for researchers • Guidance provided for health and social care researchers in the event of a no-deal Brexit • IRAS guidance on ionising radiation exposures in research published
Develop a pro-active, strategically focussed organisation • Engagement strategy for key policy areas (data-driven technology, public involvement, transparency) being developed • Supporting researchers – blog series complete • Successfully recruited three Non-Executive Directors • Executive visited all 65 research ethics committees during 2018/19
Capitalising on technological developments • New IRAS development approaching completion of phase 1- CTIMPs and CWOW. Focus on completion of interfaces and handover • Business case for phase 2 approved for 2019/20 • eConsent system has been developed (Dr Harriet Teare) • An updated Code of Conduct for the use of data-driven healthcare technologies published, with signposting to HRA information • New devices procured to enable REC electronic review
Ensuring the HRA is governedeffectively and provides value for the Taxpayer
Ensuring the HRA is governedeffectively and provides value for the tax payer
Ensuring the HRA is governed effectively and provides value forthe Taxpayer • The Service Improvement Programme has delivered a programme of corporate service improvement including automation of people processes (annual leave and expenses) • Centralisation of estates management including facilities management nearing completion (FM procurement planned, regional office manuals in development; IT and equipment process rolled out) • The rollout of Windows10 has been completed
Ethical Reviews • The target for PR ethical reviews was not met for the Manchester and Nottingham centres. This was due to staff vacancies and staff sickness in the Nottingham office and due to annual leave and staff working on handovers before they transferred to new roles in the Manchester office. • For GTAC ethical reviews one application from the total of 8 applications was reviewed in 76 days (note: although the KPI target is 60 days, the statutory timeline for gene therapy studies under the CT Regulation is actually 90 days.
Research systems, quality and guidance:
REC Audits Commentary • There has been an improvement in the number of provisional accreditations recently as issues are being resolved around the constitution and membership documentation. • This should continue to improve as the Support Division monitors constitution and membership is centralised.
Online guidance commentary • The low scores for online guidance were associated with low scores given by respondents in other business areas. • The linked free text comments mainly related to IRAS, complexity, repetition and disproportionality. • Scores appear to reflect general dissatisfaction and do not provide clear reasons for low score of online guidance.
Anytime Rail Journeys Commentary For Feb and March 19 the increase in Anytime Rail journeys was high. This was related to: • Activity around restructure of Approvals/Operations – pre implementation in April 2019 • Activity around Research Systems consultation • Continued activity around IRAS project work (PEGA)
Our people: Gender pay gap included for first time – no target currently set for this metric. Increase in staff turnover linked to organisation change.