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FAIRMODE WG2-SG3 Urban Emissions and Projections Norrköping, 15 th June 2011

This summary outlines key discussions and tasks from the FAIRMODE WG2-SG3 meeting on urban emissions and projections held in Norrköping on 15th June 2011, with a focus on bottom-up approaches for emission inventory improvements and control measure evaluation.

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FAIRMODE WG2-SG3 Urban Emissions and Projections Norrköping, 15 th June 2011

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  1. FAIRMODE WG2-SG3 Urban Emissions and Projections Norrköping, 15th June 2011 Rafael Borge (rborge@etsii.upm.es) Julio Lumbreras (jlumbreras@etsii.upm.es)

  2. Approved workplan from previous meeting Guidance document development first revision. December 2010 Development of EI questionnaire march 2011 Interaction with SG4 analyze case studies according to SG4 workplan Feedback to the guidance document for second revision (inputs from other SG?) Guidance document development second revision. December 2011

  3. Conclusions from SG3 meeting 14.06.11 Guidance document development first revision. December 2010  Needs further revision Development of EI questionnaire march 2011 Continues in order to define workshop next year Interaction with SG4 analyze case studies according to SG4 workplan Feedback to the guidance document for second revision (inputs from other SG?) Guidance document development second revision. December 2011  Ready by September 2011

  4. Conclusions from SG3 meetingKey message Information on urban emissions and projections is essential to determine the origin of exceedances and to identify means to reduce exceedances in the future The present top down approaches for downscaling emissions from regional to urban scale are not sustainable because they do not enable the necessary link between measures, plans and emission reductions at urban scale At urban scale, we need bottom-up approaches!

  5. Conclusions from SG3 meeting Vision Fairmode SG3 on “Urban emissions and projections” aims to be an open forum for exchange of expertise and information on the bottom-up compilation of urban emissions and the evaluation of urban control measures

  6. Conclusions from SG3 meeting Main Tasks Map current practices for compilation of urban emissions Recommend best practices to improve emission inventories at urban level Identify basic procedures to develop emission projections consistently with emission inventories at urban level Identify essential data and information that needs to be made available to facilitate the use of above best practices

  7. Conclusions from SG3 meeting What needs to be changed? Impact from SG3 group needs to be extended! New list of interested parties under elaboration Funding for annual workshops needs to be in place Funding for compilation of best practice guidance needs to be secured There is a proposal to include additional co-chairs to enforce funding capabilities Work plan for 2011 has been revised (see next slides)

  8. Deliverables for 2011+ Forum to give recommendations to improve emission inventories and projections at the urban scale Workshop reports (focused on transport; Industry; Domestic, natural and agriculture sources; QA/QC): Current status Recommendations on best practices to improve emission inventories at urban level Identification of basic practices to develop emission projections consistently with emission inventories at urban level Identification of data and information that needs to be made available to facilitate the use of these best practices

  9. Workplan for the next semester + Refine the background document (July 2011): Include a clear vision and objectives Incorporate future steps Emission Inventory questionnaire implementation: Incorporate suggestions from other SG (July 2011) Prepare the questionnaire (September 2011) Invite forum members to participate (October 2011) Compile results (January 2011) Extract conclusions on expertise mapping and recommendations for workshops (February 2011) Workshop at the next FAIRMODE meeting

  10. Questionnaire Individual questionnaire for each sector: Transport (SNAP 7 & 8) Residential, commercial and institutional (SNAP 2 & 6) Industry, energy and waste management (SNAP 1, 3, 4, 5 & 9) Agriculture/Nature (SNAP 10 & 11) Specific multi-choice questions depending on methodological approach: Top-down Bottom-up Hybrid

  11. Questions for top-down method (1)

  12. Questions for top-down method (2) Additional questions to identify priority discussion areas within the FAIRMODE urban emission framework

  13. Interactions with other SG SG2: Include their comments on the background document Incorporate/modify the chemical speciation question from the questionnaire SG4: EI reporting information for delta tool Benchmarking indicators SG1: Resuspension Natural sources Source receptor models

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