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Explore the impact of the Scientific Revolution, inspired by ancient civilizations, on traditional beliefs and the Church's resistance. Discover the Heliocentric Theory, Galileo's discoveries, and how these advancements paved the way for modern society.
Scientific Revolution Continuing effects of the Renaissance
The Church had always taught that the earth was the center of the Solar System (universe to ppl at the time ) G e o c e n t r i c This theory was known as the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Theory or “Earth Centered Theory”
Listen to the lyrics of the song and answer the following questions – 1. What were the Renaissance thinkers trying to do concerning long-held traditional views and beliefs - 2. The inspiration for the Scientific Revolution had come from which ancient civilizations - 3. What were the thinkers of the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment doing concerning how ppl looked at the world around them - 4. Who wanted to stop these “renegade thinkers” from spreading their ideas and why -
Copernicus Polish Astronomer 1st to publish Heliocentric Theory Waited until end of life to publish book (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies)
Copernicus had revived an old Greek idea _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Theory - earth and planets revolve around the Sun.
Savonarola Bruno
Why might Copernicus have waited for so long to publish his findings?
Galileo Kepler Brahe + Copernicus + = Galileo added all these together and came up with Heliocentric Theory
Galileo used the work of other scientists before him to arrive at the ___________________Theory Galileo read about an invention by a Dutch lens maker and made his own so he could study the night sky. What was that invention - Eventually the Church placed Galileo on? Do you know how long he spent under this?
Wrote Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy “If I have seen farther than others it is because . . . . . . . . I have stood on the shoulders of giants” What did Newton mean by this? Example from today?
Vesalius What was it Vesalius was doing that did not sit well with the Church? What are some ways these are used to benefit society today
Edward Jenner – what did he do that was so significant to history.
Jenner noticed that milkmaids contracted cowpox from milking cows. He also noticed that they had an immunity to smallpox. What did he theorize? In order to prove his theory he would have to do what?