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Krzysztof Piotrzkowski. High Energy Photon Interactions at the LHC. Introduction: LHC as a high energy gg and g p collider and tagging with forward protons Gauge boson photoproduction Luminosity measurement with lepton pairs Associated Higgs photoproduction Comments & Outlook.
Krzysztof Piotrzkowski High Energy Photon Interactions at the LHC Introduction: LHC as a high energy gg and gp collider and tagging with forward protons Gauge boson photoproduction Luminosity measurement with lepton pairs Associated Higgs photoproduction Comments & Outlook Team: J. de Favereau, O. Militaru, S.Ovyn, T. Pierzchala, X. Rouby and M. Vander Donckt
LHC as a High Energy gg Collider p p • Highlights: • gg CM energy W up to/beyond 1 TeV (and under control) • Large photon flux F therefore significant gg luminosity • Complementary (and clean) physics to ppinteractions, eg studies of exclusive production of heavy particles might be possible opens new field of studying very high energy gg (and gp) physics Phys. Rev. D63 (2001) 071502(R) hep-ex/0201027 Observation: Provided efficient measurement of forward-scattered protons one can study high-energy gg collisions at the LHC K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
DISCLAIMER: This is NOT meant for studying all photon interactions at the LHC but those for which the QCD background is strongly suppressed, as for example in the exclusive production of leptons or gauge bosons. This IS meant for studying production of selected final states in photon interactions at the LHC. K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
Kinematics/gg Luminosity VirtualityQ2 of colliding photons vary between kinematical minimum = Mp2x2/(1-x) where x is fraction of proton momentum carried by a photon, and Q2max ~ 1/proton radius2 W2 = s x1 x2 Photon flux 1/Q2 Q2 - Q2min sq2/4 for x>0.0007, Q2<2GeV2 protons scattered at `zero-degree’ angle Use EPA à la Budnev et al.* * error found in the elastic (Q2 integrated) g flux for protons! dWSgg =‘gg : pp luminosity’ Note: it’s few times larger if one of protons is allowed to break up K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
Problem: Same signature (one or two very forward protons) has also central diffraction (i.e. pomeron-pomeron scattering) in strong interactions Two processes might interfere, however the transverse momentum of the scattered protons are in average much softer in two-photon case Q2 < 0.01 GeV2 a) `true’ distributions; b) distributions smeared due to beam intrinsic pT; all plots normalized for pT2 < 2 GeV2 Assuming ultimate pT resolution 100 MeV; i.e. neglecting detector effects pT gives powerful separation handle provided that size of gg and pomeron-pomeron cross-sections are not too different K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
gg Physics Menu - Highlights H0 s ~ 80 pb W+W- s ~ 10 pb (at W=MH=200 GeV) All ? tt s ~ 1 pb s ~ 100-500 nb + SUSY processes K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
SUSY Significant production rates and very clean signatures available - both transverse and longitudinal missing energy for single tags • H/A bosons -ggbbH/A? • Surprises??? K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
Photiadevelopment J. de Favereau • Use Pythia6.152 to simulate ggandgpinteractions • Introduce photon spectra for proton beams (forggand gpcase) with proper normalization (pp cross-section calculations) • Elastic and inelastic production possible (but no p dissociation simulation yet) • Direct photo-production • Run Photia with Oscar/Orca K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
CMS efficiency J. de Favereau First look at leptonic Final states : p -> XW -> l Efficiency at L1 and HLT (ORCA 8_1_2) L1 : 48 % HLT : 29 % ! No endcap muons in orca : HLT efficiency is underestimated ! p K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
Dk,l=(0,0)/(-0.02,0)/(0.02,0)/ (0,0.02)/(-0.02,0.02) J. de Favereau & T. Pierzchala ds/dpT [pb/GeV] Ex.: gg at 1 TeV Anom/SM pT [GeV] Anomalous WW production (II) At a generator level so far: • k changes mostly normalization, l also affects the pT shape • From statistical point of view better than LEP2 limits seems feasible • Looking also into a single W photoproduction K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
T.Pierzchala = x K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
T.Pierzchala = x K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
T.Pierzchala ds/dpT at W=300 and 800 GeV SM ac=10-6GeV-2ac=4.10-6GeV-2 ac=10-6GeV-2 ac=4.10-6GeV-2 K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
Gauge boson photoproduction • Hope for large sensitivity in QGC, will study WW anomalous production for LED and strong W sector gg gg (also not possible at tree level), eg. sensitivity to massive monopole contributions (large pT physics) gg ZZ suppressed in SM (~10-3), good place to look for BSM K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
T.Pierzchala = x K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
Precise luminosity measurements at hadron colliders: QED at work Old and successful idea – use a process with the precisely known cross-section and measure its rate – in 1973 Budnev et al. proposed two-photon lepton pair production for pp collisions At the QED only level (protons are point-like charges) the calculations are as precise as for Bhabha scattering, for example, and if the pair pT is small the hadronic corrections are negligible, at 10-4 level – Khoze et al. EPJ C19 (2001) 313. In the gg l+l- case the precision is limited by the experimental uncertainties! K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
Main features of the two-photonprocess Large cross-section + clear signatures Example forelectron energy: i=15GeV photon energy: 1, 2me2/ (5GeV, 50eV) forward production dominates pair mass: W2me (< 20MeV) pair pT: PTme (< 20MeV) single electron pT: pT(1),pT(2)me acoplanarity angle: PT/pT leptons are back-to-back And nothing else produced! K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
Forward e+e-pairs in pp Most important distributions for the signal and the backgrounds KP & A. Shamov ‘99: K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
Luminosity with very forward pairs in CASTOR QED process for luminosity monitoring (KP & D.Bocian) pp pp e+e- Electrons are in forward range 5 < < 7 Cross section ~barns EM calorimetry essential Tracking important (T2?) Can get the luminosity to 1-2%? small angles of few mrad high rates of few kHz s varies strongly with pair energy backgrounds K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
Forward e+e- pairs in CASTOR in ion collisions at the LHC Recent studies: published in Acta Phys. Pol. B. Use modified LPAIR (ME generator of lepton pairs by Vermaseren), i.e. Introduce new type of projectile, so far only elastic (form-factor) High rates for e+e- pairs within the CASTOR acceptance Excellent candidate for the luminosity measurement for ion collisions K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
pp luminosity Try to get first estimate on the systematics: sensitivity to energy scale + resolutions Energy resolution seems to be not too critical (D. Bocian) K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
Another possibility (Shamov&Telnov): Measure centrally produced pairs in a given energy range Needs central triggering, hence large lepton pT Cross-section is small – could be used for making final Luminosity calibration From ATLAS TDR K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
Calibration&monitoring tool: two-photon ee/mm production Setting W scale + background control + elastic/inelastic separation, and RP luminosity measurement Elastic di-muons Single p tags (ie. x>0.01) + pT(m)>5 GeV |h(m)|<2.5 m-pair invariant mass Note: It does not assume proton trigger! K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
Tagging gp interactions - super HERA at CERN Given tagging capability an exciting possibility of measuring photon-proton interactions at the LHC opens up: - significantly higher energy reach and luminosity yield than for gg events is expected • Initial assumptions: • 0.01 < x < 0.1, photon tagging range • 0.005 < x < 0.3, Bjorken-x range for quarks and gluons • (arbitrary for the moment, could be extended) + use MRST2001 (at Q2=104 GeV2) for partons K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
Photon-gluon luminosity spectra Note: at Wgg > 400 GeV photon-gluon luminosity is about 10% of the nominal pp K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
Photon-quark luminosity spectra Note: at Wgq > 300 GeV photon-quark luminosity is about one third of the nominal pp (and still significant beyond 1 TeV) K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
gp Physics Menu - Highlights s ~ 25 pb at W=400 GeV tt s ~ 40 pb for gq Wq at W > 200 GeV Wq • • anomalous W and Z production at Wgq 1 TeV • top pair production - top charge + mass determination? • single top production and anomalous Wtb vertex • SM BEH - for example,g b H b, g q H W q • SUSY studies (complementary to the nominal ones) - • H+ t production (and H++), b and t spairs, t~c pair, ... • Exotics: compositness, excited quarks, ... K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
Diener et al. Already studied at HERA cf. PLB 471 (2000) 411 K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University
Working position Bellow Detectors a few m apart Comments/Outlook Exciting physics prospects for g interactions @ LHC; RP detectors Essential – full FS reconstruction, background control, trigger, etc. 420m important too, mostly to increase acceptance/event statistics Note: HERA tagging method ‘without’ RP! Routinely used at high L… Parking position RF screen Note: This is an efficient method for non-elastic protons (f!) K.Piotrzkowski - Louvain University