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Manual platelet count. Principle: using a reagent haemolyses red blood cells. Dilution: 1 blood: 20 diluting reagent. Sample: E deta blood not more than two hrs.at room temperature, or 12 hrs if stored at refrigerator 2-4 C or from direct blood capillary.
Sample:Edeta blood not more than two hrs.at room temperature, or 12 hrs if stored at refrigerator 2-4 C or from direct blood capillary.
Test method: 1-Preparation: add 20 um whole blood to 380 um ammonium oxalate.2- Shake well and Leave them about 5-10 minutes.
3- take about 10 um of the mixture putting them over hemocytometer slide under the cover glass not floating to the other side ,leave them instant for about 20 min. at room temperature to be settle, putting the hemocytometer in petri dish with a piece of wetted cotton(to prevent dryness of the mixture)and cover with a lid, then counts the platelets which appear like small bright fragments(refractile) with 40 objective lens.
Calculation:count the platelets in the small squares marked with blue colour as shown in the following fig. and report the number in one litre of blood.Equation:cells counted*20*10⁶/l0.2*0.1
Interpretation of platelets count.1-normal value 150-450,000/mm32-increase plt. Count(thrombocytosis) chronic myeloproliferative disorders. chronic inflammatory diseases. Hemorrhage. Sickle cell diseases. Iron deficiency anemia.
3-dicrease plt. Count(thrombocytopeniaa)reduced production Infection e.g. typhoid. Deficiency of folate or vit.b12. A plastic anemia. Drugs e.g. (cytotoxic,aspirin,quinie). Malignancies. Hereditary thrombocytopenia.
b) increase destruction or consumption as: Infections as acute malaria, dengue and leishmania. DIC. Hypersplenism. Immune destruction e.g. ITP,SLE,HIV