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Chicken Pox

Chicken Pox. Dana Willard. Chicken Pox also known as VARICELLA Common Signs: Itchy Rash Red Spots or Blisters. the culprit. CAUSED BY Varicella-Zoster Virus symptoms and signs usually don’t show up for 2-3 days extremely contagious

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Chicken Pox

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  1. Chicken Pox Dana Willard

  2. Chicken Pox also known as VARICELLA Common Signs: • Itchy Rash • Red Spots or Blisters

  3. the culprit CAUSED BY Varicella-Zoster Virus • symptoms and signs usually don’t show up for 2-3 days • extremely contagious • sneezing, coughing, sharing foods or drinks, touching fluid from blister can spread virus • person spreads virus without knowing • usually contracted by unintentionally inhaling virus

  4. Early Symptoms • Fever • Headache • Sore Throat • Loss of Appetite • Fatigue • Rash Appears After 2-3 Days

  5. Chicken Pox & The Immune System • The virus 1st infects the mucous of the upper respiratory tract • Viral proliferation occurs in lymph nodes for 2-4 days after initial infection = infected area

  6. Cont. • 4-6 days after initial infection, virus enters blood stream • This is followed by a second round of replication in body’s organs • ESPECIALLY in Spleen & Liver

  7. 1st Exposure • Body 1st Exposed creates antibodies • Immunoglobulin G (IgG) • Immunoglobulin M (IgM) • Immunoglobulin A (IgA)

  8. 1st Exposure Cont. • B & T memory cells are also created • If the virus is in the body again, the memory cells will detect it • This will help a faster response • IF there is a 2nd exposure, memory cells will stimulate cells to create antibodies

  9. Children • Usually get it around the age of 12 • Can occur earlier or later • Kids get chicken pox easily • They spread germs effectively • It’s not a bad thing for them to get • They’ll create antibodies which will prevent any later infections from occurring

  10. Adults • Chickenpox complications are more likely in adults than kids • The blisters/red spots scar easier • Lead to more serious diseases i.e. pneumonia, bone infections, etc. Can Also Cause…….

  11. Shingles! • Also caused by Varicella-Zoster Virus • Blistering, painful rashes • Tends to occur on one side of the body • Like torso or face

  12. Shingles Cont. • Can cause damage to eyes or other organs • Long-term consequence: post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN) • PHN is continuous pain even AFTER the rash has left • Difficult to treat • Can diminish quality of life

  13. So.....What Should You Do? • Expose kids at a young age • They will make antibodies to prevent any second exposures to the virus • Easier to treat • Prevent Shingles and other complications

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