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Change and restructuring, Re-engineering

Change and restructuring, Re-engineering. Geoff Leese September 2005 revised September 2006, August 2008, August 2009. Introduction. Change management Force field analysis The ADKAR model Business Process Re-engineering. Change and restructuring. Business need or opportunity is identified

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Change and restructuring, Re-engineering

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  1. Change and restructuring,Re-engineering Geoff Leese September 2005 revised September 2006, August 2008, August 2009

  2. Introduction • Change management • Force field analysis • The ADKAR model • Business Process Re-engineering

  3. Change and restructuring • Business need or opportunity is identified • Project is defined (scope and objectives) • Business solution is designed (new processes, systems or organisational structure • New processes and systems are developed • Solution is implemented and monitored

  4. The need for change management • Change is nothing new • Adaptation to external pressures • Change is seem as a threat • Change may be uncomfortable • Change won’t ,manage itself • Need to avoid • High staff turnover – valued employees leaving • Employee resistance to change – lower productivity • Slowing of the pace of change

  5. Change management views • Management view – “I need results!” • How soon? • How much improvement expected? • How will this impact on financial results? • How much will it cost? • What will be the impact on customers and owners? • Employee view • How will this affect me?

  6. Organisational change management (1) • Change management team structures • Change management roles • Critical barriers to implementing change • Change management planning and strategies

  7. Organisational change management (2) • Managing employee resistance • Change management methodologies • Building executive sponsorship • Creating communication plans • Creating training and educational plans • Incentive and recognition programmes

  8. Individual change management • Diagnosing resistance to change • Models for managing individual change • Decisions and their consequences around supporting changes that face employees • Coaching tools and techniques to help employees navigate the change process • Activities and exercises for supervisors to use with their staff to help manage change

  9. Force field analysis (Lewin) • Used to • Identify balance of power in an issue – in our case organisational change • Identify the stakeholders and target groups for campaigns • Identify opponents and allies • Identify how to win over the former and reinforce the latter

  10. Force field analysis diagram To drive change – decrease restraining forces, increase driving forces, or both!

  11. The ADKAR model • Awareness of the need for change • Desire to participate and support the change • Knowledge of how to change and what the change looks like • Ability to implement the change on a daily basis • Reinforcement to keep the change in place

  12. Business process engineering CPI Model Predicated on the principle of continuous improvement to existing processes. Can deliver gradual, incremental improvement

  13. Business process engineering BPR Model Predicated on the idea that existing processes are irrelevant and out of date. Can deliver radical, fast, often spectacular improvement. Which model to use, where and why – the key question!

  14. Summary • Change management • Force field analysis • The ADKAR model • Business Process Re-engineering

  15. Further reading • Change Management Overview - follow the link! • Force Field Analysis - follow the link! • ADKAR overview - follow the link! • BPR Overview - follow the link! • Johnson and Scholes chapter 11

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