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Team Scenario Improving a Process. J. Beal, J. Richard, J. Roberts and J. Rose ELP/ELS Siena Heights University Summer 2012. The Goal.
Team ScenarioImproving a Process J. Beal, J. Richard, J. Roberts and J. Rose ELP/ELS Siena Heights University Summer 2012
The Goal Our goal is to investigate and implement E2020 as an approach to credit recovery and alternative education. We will use the 10-Step Inquiry Process and incorporate detailed technology usage as a major component of each step.
The Scenario Our district has tried many different approaches to credit recovery and alternative education for those secondary students not succeeding in the traditional classroom. The most recent program is E2020, an online credit recovery program that keeps these students in the high school building. We anticipate offering E2020 in a computer lab designed for online-only instruction. This lab will be staffed by a certified teacher and will include para-professionals as necessary.
The Participants Superintendent- Jill Roberts (ELS 762) Curriculum Director- Jereamy Rose (ELS 762) High School Principal—Charlie Richards (ELP 662) Assistant High School Principal- Jeremy Beal (ELP 662) A lot of discussion went into determining the necessary stakeholders. Discussion about enlisting a sub committee—study team or planning team which would be led by an administrator as the implementation process continues.
Additional Stakeholders • Discussions took place about incorporating the following throughout the process. Perhaps the input would be shared through sub committee work or briefing with administration. • District Technology Instructor • School Board President/Curriculum Committee Member • Teacher Representative • Parent Representative • Student Representative
Clarifying the Goals • Maintaining academic integrity • Meeting state benchmarks • Aligning with national standards • Increasing educational flexibility
Consulting the Literature • Each stakeholder determined the types of literature necessary to research as we move forward in the process of effectively implementing online credit recovery practices in our district. For example: • Superintendent will consult literature on: • Evaluating legalities of online-only instruction • Examining contracts for union negotiations • Performing cost-benefit analysis to determine financial effects of seat licenses • Determining community feedback
Inquiry Questions • Is E2020 an effective approach to alternative education and credit recovery? • Is E2020 a practical usage of technology staff, classroom space, hardware, etc.? • Can we protect the integrity of the curriculum when using E2020? • Are we avoiding professional development for our teachers? • Is our instruction aligned with the HSCE’s and Core Standards?
Data Gathering In order for us to make specific recommendations according to our individual responsibilities, we have different data needs.
Data • E2020 websites • teachers, principals, the technology department, and para professionals regarding their experiences with E2020 • District Assessment Data • NWEA • MEAP gr. 6-8 • MME gr. 11 • ACT • On-task student observation data compiled by E2020 lab staff • E2020 achievement data--credit recovery • Survey data--students, staff, parent as to the pros and cons of credit recovery
Data Analysis The group discussed the importance of ongoing data collection, evaluation and interpretation. Data analysis will be conducted at the end of each trimester by the data specialist and will share the interpretation of such data electronically with the administrative study team and the superintendent.
Using the Results Administration will compile finding onto a PowerPoint to share with the Board of Education. Other presentations available for other stakeholders Podcast presented by superintendent and posted on district website Staff email informing them of the latest data finding in regards to E2020 implementation and district direction Links will be provided to the podcast and PowerPoint showing graphs, tables and easy to understand tables and charts.
Evaluate the Process The administrative team will participate in ongoing evaluation of the E2020 implementation process: Right people enlisted? What does the data show us? Inquiry questions addressed? Recommendations achievable? Implementation of E2020 will be monitored
Conclusion The 10 Step Inquiry Process unveiled our different roles and perspectives on the implementation of E2020. We had to remain open-minded regarding differing opinions about not only the data, but the process. This process required us to problem solve throughout the steps before coming to a consensus. The most positive portion of the process was that we were able to help each other make connections to our specific roles. We came to understand how the pieces fit into the puzzle. Most importantly, we were able to build on each other’s thoughts and ideas as we revisited and recycled the process.
References Malloy, C. (2011). Moving beyond data: Practitioner- led inquiry fosters change. EDge, 6(4), pp. 3-19. Picciano, A.G. (2011). Educational leadership and planning fortechnology. Boston: Pearson.