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2016 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Network Plan

This plan outlines the establishment and maintenance of an air quality surveillance system in compliance with federal regulations. It includes details on monitoring stations, sampling methods, and operational schedules. The plan must be made available for public inspection prior to submission to the EPA. Proposed changes to the network are also discussed in the presentation.

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2016 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Network Plan

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  1. Proposed Ambient Air Quality Annual Monitoring Network Plan 2016 Air Quality Technical Advisory CommitteeAugust 4, 2016 Patrick McDonnell, Acting Secretary Tom Wolf, Governor

  2. Headings : White Text 40 pt. Calibri Annual Network Plan Requirements Title 40 Part 58 of the Code of Federal Regulations (Specifically Section 58.10) requires: the State, or where applicable local, agency shall adopt and submit to the Regional Administrator an annual monitoring network plan which shall provide for the establishment and maintenance of an air quality surveillance system that consists of a network of SLAMS monitoring stations including FRM, FEM, and ARM monitors that are part of SLAMS, NCore stations, STN stations, State speciation stations, SPM stations, and/or, in serious, severe and extreme ozone nonattainment areas, PAMS stations, and SPM monitoring stations. The plan shall include a statement of purposes for each monitor and evidence that siting and operation of each monitor meets the requirements of appendices A, C, D, and E of this part, where applicable. The annual monitoring network plan must be made available for public inspection for at least 30 days prior to submission to EPA. These plans are due to the EPA Regional Administrator no later than July 1 of the calendar year. Slide 2

  3. Headings : White Text 40 pt. Calibri Annual Network Plan Requirements • Pursuant to Section 58.10(a) and (b), network plans must include the following for existing and proposed monitoring sites: • A statement of purpose for each monitor • Evidence that siting and operation of each monitor meets the requirements of 40 CFR Part 58, Appendices A, C, D, and E where applicable • The Air Quality System (AQS) site identification number • The location, including street address and geographical coordinates • The sampling and analysis method(s) for each measured parameter • The operating schedules for each monitor • Any proposals to remove or move a monitoring station within a period of 18 months following plan submittal • The monitoring objective and spatial scale of representativeness for each monitor • The identification of any sites that are suitable and sites that are not suitable for comparison against the annual PM2.5 NAAQS, as described in 40 CFR §58.30 • The Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA), Combined Statistical Area (CSA), or other area represented by the monitor Slide 3

  4. Headings : White Text 40 pt. Calibri 2015 Annual Network Plan Review Slide 4

  5. Headings : White Text 40 pt. Calibri 2015 Annual Network Plan Review Slide 5

  6. Headings : White Text 40 pt. Calibri 2015 Annual Network Plan Review Slide 6

  7. Planned Changes to the Ambient Air Quality Network Slide 7

  8. Headings : White Text 40 pt. Calibri Summary of Changes in the Next 18-24 Months Slide 8

  9. Headings : White Text 40 pt. Calibri Summary of Changes in the Next 18-24 Months Slide 9

  10. Headings : White Text 40 pt. Calibri Summary of Changes in the Next 18-24 Months *On May 5, 2016, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed to remove the requirement for near-road NO2 monitoring stations in Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs) having populations between 500,000 and 1,000,000 persons. Under current regulations, these monitors are due to be installed and operational by January 1, 2017. If these changes are finalized DEP will be dropping these items from our planned network modifications. Slide 10

  11. Headings : White Text 40 pt. Calibri Sulfur Dioxide Data Requirements Rule (DRR) • The Department has identified to EPA the sources to be characterized under the DRR. • DEP will continue working with those sources to develop a characterization through the modeling, monitoring or emissions limit tracks. • Sources on the monitoring track will be identified in the annual network plan (due to EPA July 1, 2016) with possible site information for sites to be operational by January 1, 2017 • Sources on the emissions limit and modeling tracks will be contained in a separate document (also due to EPA July 1, 2016) that will include a description of the planned emissions limit or the modeling protocol for the source. The emissions limits must be memorialized in a federally enforceable document or finalized modeling analysis demonstrating no impact on the 1-Hr SO2 NAAQS from the source and must be submitted to EPA by January 13, 2017. Slide 11

  12. Headings : White Text 40 pt. Calibri Sulfur Dioxide Data Requirements Rule (DRR) Slide 12

  13. Headings : White Text 40 pt. Calibri Sulfur Dioxide Data Requirements Rule (DRR) Slide 13

  14. Headings : White Text 40 pt. Calibri Sulfur Dioxide Data Requirements Rule (DRR) Slide 14

  15. Nick Lazor Division of Air Quality Monitoring nlazor@pa.gov Slide 15

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