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Lumen Gentium

The Dogmatic Constitution on the Chuch

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Lumen Gentium

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  1. Lumen Gentium The Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Bryan B. Albia, PhB, STB, MAL (cand)

  2. Second Vatican Council's 16 Documents 1. Sacrosanctum Concilium, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 1963. 2. Inter Mirifica, Decree On the Means of Social Communication, 1963. 3. Lumen Gentium, Dogmatic Constitution On the Church, 1964. 4. Orientalium Ecclesiarum, Decree On the Catholic Churches of the Eastern Rite, 1964. 5. Unitatis Redintegratio, Decree on Ecumenism, 1964.

  3. 6. ChristusDominus, Decree Concerning the Pastoral Office of Bishops In the Church, 1965. 7. Perfectae Caritatis, Decree On Renewal of Religious Life, 1965. 8. Optatam Totius, Decree On Priestly Training, 1965. 9. Gravissimum Educationis, Declaration On Christian Education, 1965. 10. Nostra Aetate, Declaration On the Relation Of the Church to Non-Christian Religions, 1965.

  4. 11. Dei Verbum, Dogmatic Constitution On Divine Revelation, 1965. 12. Apostolicam Actuositatem, Decree On the Apostolate of the Laity, 1965. 13. Dignitatis Humanae, Declaration On Religious Freedom, 1965. 14. Ad Gentes, Decree On the Mission Activity of the Church, 1965. 15. Presbyterorum Ordinis, Decree On the Ministry and Life of Priests, 1965. 16. Gaudium et Spes, Pastoral Constitution On the Church In the Modern World, 1965.

  5. Lumen Gentium

  6. Lumen Gentium Background to Vatican II Document Lumen Gentium John XXIII in preparation for this topic received over 9000 documents on what the Church is Major themes of the draft document on the Church • Nature of the Church Militant • Authority of Bishops & Obedience • Need of the Church for salvation • Highest office of the Church was the Ordinary (bishops) • Religious tolerance This draft was rejected by the Council Fathers!

  7. Lumen Gentium Draft was rejected by the majority of bishops • Lacks organic unity & ignored the living structure of the Church • Bishops wanted emphasis on “communion” & not on the hierarchical structure of the Church • Focus on outward role of the Church; rejected inward looking • Corporate Nature of the Church as Light to the World • Rejection of clericalism & legalism approach

  8. Lumen Gentiumkeystone of Vatican II: • Deals with Nature & Purpose of the Church • Communion, meaning fellowship is central & fundamental foundation of the Church “I no longer call you servants, but friends” John 15:15 • Communion with God through the Scriptures & Sacraments • Mystery of the Church not fully comprehended by humans as founded by God & work of God’s grace (art 6 gives many images of Church)

  9. Themes of Lumen Gentuim What is the Church? • Church is organic as it continues to grow • Church reflects the Light of Christ • Church exists to bring people into communion with God & each other • Church is the source of union & rallying point for humanity • All are called to belong to the Church • Art 6 gives different images of Church – field, vineyard to give different insights to traits of the Church

  10. Themes of Lumen Gentium What is the Church? • Sign and instrument of communion with God & unity of all – the Church is Sacrament • Makes visible the invisible & visible structure communicates the Truth • Visible & Invisible elements show Divine & human nature of the Church • The Church is the People of God, chosen by God, called to salvation & to proclaim Gospel for the salvation of the World

  11. Chapters in Lumen Gentium • Chapter I: The Mystery of the ChurchChapter II: On the People of GodChapter III: On the Hierarchical Structure of the ChurchChapter IV: The LaityChapter V: The Universal Call to Holiness in the ChurchChapter VI: Religious Chapter VII: The Eschatological Nature of the ChurchChapter VIII: The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Mystery of Christ and the ChurchConclusion: Ecclesiology of Lumen Gentium

  12. Chapter 1 – Mystery of the Church • Art 2: the Church is found in the Old Testament (present in figure) in the history of Israel and the old Alliance (covenant) • Art 3: Jesus carries out the Will of the Father & inaugurated the Kingdom of God on earth; the Church! • Origin & Growth of Church is symbolized by blood & water that flowed from Jesus’ side - John 19:34 • Art 4: the Father sends the Holy Spirit on Pentecost to continue to sanctify the Church; guiding her to all Truths Nature of the Church Reflects the Trinity

  13. The primary role of the Church, through the power of the Holy Spirit, is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in order that all might have an opportunity to receive Christ. Jesus’ act of love was not so he could be anyone’s personal Savior. His dying on the Cross was an act of love for the world, by which all are called to be in union with Christ, and God’s love continues to flow to us through the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is the one who leads those who are lost to find eternal life. We the Church receive all that we need from the Spirit in order to be provided the means for holiness. Our pursuit of holiness is tied to the Spirit. The Spirit is also relevant to how unity is established. It is established through pursuing God-like love.

  14. The unity of love present in the Trinity is the same love that binds us together. The depth of this love cannot be fully understood by humanity. However, it can be understood much better by coming to know what it is built on – Jesus Christ. Through Baptism we in a mysterious way become one body. We all make up this Body of Christ. Connectedness to this Body is to lead to a profound concern for all. There is both a human and a divine element to the Church, but it is one Holy and Universal and Apostolic Church. We are sanctified through the cross and provided strength through his Church. We receive the grace to overcome through the gifts of patience and love. If we remain faithful, we succeed in announcing Christ to the world.

  15. Chapter 2 – The People of God The Church exists for Salvation: Is Salvation possible outside the Church? Reformation & Council of Trent • Protestant idea of the Church was invisible union of the members and that they were God’s elect • Catholic response in Trent was on the visible membership of the Church for Salvation with bishops, laws & creeds • No salvation outside the Church Yet many elements of the Church are found outside her – Scripture and acts of Charity

  16. Chapter 2 – The People of God Time of the Council of Trent: Tension between the Church as source of Salvation & no salvation outside the Church “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light”. 1Peter 9 Art 14: the Catholic Church is a “pilgrim” church & Christ is necessary for salvation; those fully incorporated into the Church are given access to all means of Salvation Art 14: Fully incorporation without charity – not saved (rejection of “faith” alone); sacraments not automatic path to Heaven.

  17. Is Salvation possible outside the Church? Art 15: the Church joined to those who are baptized & hold Sacred Scripture in honor as rule of Faith & Life, celebrate the Eucharist & honor Mary are recognized as part of the “invisible” Church Art 16: “those who have not received the Gospel are related to the People of God in various ways” – those of the Jewish and Islamic traditions; those who seek with a sincere heart, moved by grace and try in their actions to do His will Fullness of Christ resides in the Church, but does not exclude elements of Faith & Truth found outside her

  18. Is there need then to evangelize? Art 17: the Son himself sent the apostles saying, “go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”John 20:21 Art 17: The Church is driven to do her part to realize the plan of God in its fullness for the salvation of the world Art 17: Each disciple of Christ has the obligation of spreading the faith to the best of their ability All elements – belief, desire and charity are considered by the Church to be a preparation for the Gospel

  19. It is in the unity of belief that the truth of faith is plainly seen and becomes clear to unbelievers. The Spirit provides each of us individual gifts in order for us to become exactly who we were created to be. The use of these graces is what forms us into a community – The People of God. Unity is so important in the plan of God that He became one of us in Jesus, so we might realize better the divine beauty of oneness. We are to understand that the Church is necessary for salvation according to Scripture and Tradition, for it is in the Church that we are to encounter Christ who is The Way. It is in encountering Christ that a heart can learn to be rooted in Christ and live for others. Those who seek Christ in other churches are linked to us through Scripture, prayer, love, and in specific sacraments. There are also many who are not Christian and yet remain connected to the People of God. It is the person who persists in evil and desires to foster despair that ultimately cuts off any relationship to the People of God. The key law of membership is simple: to love as Christ loved. The Catholic Church remains the sign of unity and is a sacrament of salvation for all. God saves us not as individuals but as the People of God.

  20. Chapter 3 - The Church is Hierarchal Christ entrusted the apostles with the mission of leading, assigning Peter as the head. Their successors, the bishops, are entrusted with the same mission until the end of the world. The bishops are to work with each other and with the pope to lead the People of God. The bishop’s highest priorities are to lead the people towards order, harmony, and unity. It is in the fullness of the priesthood that a bishop is spiritually named as one who will take the place of Christ for us.

  21. The episcopal consecration empowers a bishop to sanctify, teach, and lead. • They must lead bound together in relationship to all bishops and in a more special way with the pope. This is vital to the hierarchal order. • The bishops serve as a sign of unity in their own diocese. Preaching the Gospel is their number one priority. • They are to also ensure that the People of God have access to the Sacraments, especially to the Eucharist. • The bishop is responsible for the souls of those given to him by Christ. • A bishop requires assistance in carrying out the mission of the Church. Therefore God established two levels of ministry to help in the cause – priest and deacon.

  22. The priest becomes the representative of the bishop, and as such, works in conjunction with the bishop. The priest effort is pastoral in nature. They are to look after the spiritual needs of their parishioners. The deacon is ordained to the ministry of service. Through sacramental grace they are committed to serve in the ministry of word, liturgy, and charity. The hierarchy of the Catholic Church is firmly established in Scripture and Tradition.

  23. Chapter 4 – The Laity The laity is most responsible for bringing holy order to the world. The laity profoundly evangelize by how they live their everyday lives. Life is meant to be a vocation whereby each person seeks out the will of God in his or her everyday work. The laity will certainly be attacked throughout time, and a lay person, just like the ordained and religious, has an obligation to develop their faith so they can gain the spiritual necessities to fend off that which is evil. Their life is to be about love and the love the laity is to aim for is to express mercy, humility, and patience. There is a distinct and a unique call for each of us to reveal love. The personal gift’s each of us receives determines in a real way the path we are to take. These gifts are to be accepted in faith, accepting them as holy and a treasured gift from God.

  24. Chapter 5 The Call to Holiness Art 39: Christ gave himself up for the Church; therefore all in the Church, whether they belong to the hierarchy or cared for by it, are called to holiness. Art 40: “You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” Matthew 5:48 Art 40: All Christians in any state or walk of life are called to the fullness of Christian life Art 41: “each one according to their own gifts & duties, must steadfastly advance along the way of a living faith All are called to holiness, regardless of state or condition of life, not just ordained & religious

  25. “God is loves, and he who abides in love abides in God and God abides in him” 1John 4:16 Art 42: the First & most necessary gift is Charity by which we show love to God & our neighbor; but for it to grow, it is necessary to hear the Word of God; frequent participation in the Sacraments, prayer, service & self denial Holiness is only possible through the grace of God. We must always remember that the People of God are never as holy as God would like them to be. Our vision needs to be about reunification, justice based on human dignity, and a preference of love to be given to poor and marginalized. The key to holiness rests in love – love of God. This call to holiness is from Christ himself. It is the Holy Spirit who moves us closer to God’s holiness.

  26. Chapter 6 – The Religious Orders • The vast majority of those called to live out holiness in religious orders must practice poverty, chastity, and obedience. These vows allow a community to be set free from certain obstacles that can get in the way of them specifically worshipping God. Religious orders must cooperate with the bishop, in serving in ministries needed in the diocese. The calling to religious life is to be praised for its rightful place, and those in religious life are significantly useful to society. They are to be an inspiration and model for others to follow.

  27. Chapter 7 – The Eschatological Nature of the Church • Paul VI sought to honor Pope John XXIII request that the Council address our connectedness to the saints. The reality is we are all travelling through time and place and on-the-way to the reign of God. We are to realize that we must live for the One who died for us if there is to be hope for us. To be wide-awake to the realization that heaven is but a breath away. The promise from Jesus is that we are to become like God. We are in a special way connected to all those who have attained Christ’s promise. Those in heaven are much more secure and alive in God’s holiness. They are the ultimate witnesses of faith and love. We are too be inspired by them, so we might be transformed in our life into the likeness of Jesus as well.

  28. Our union in the Mystical Body of Christ is never more real than when we participate in the Sacred Liturgy/the Mass. Celebrating the Eucharist closely unites us to the Church in heaven. We are together in communion with those in heaven and we worship God together, through Christ, in the Spirit. All though we cannot fully grasp all the details, the final destiny of human beings and the world is revealed.

  29. Chapter VIII – On Mary • Initially at the Council, there was a call for a separate document on Mary, the Mother of God • But the Council Fathers recognized Mary, the Mother of God as an example for the Church, the People of God in her fellowship with us! • Biblical references of Lumen Gentium allows Mary to be understood in Scriptural terms • Lumen GentiumChapter VIII is a powerful treatment of Catholic understanding of Mary & essential reading for any Marian follower.

  30. God sent His Son… born of a woman.. Gal 4:4 Art 52: “He, for us men and our salvation, came down from Heaven and was incarnated by the Holy Spirit for the Virgin Mary” – the faithful recognize Mary’s role Art 53: Acknowledged & honored as Mother of God & of the Redeemer; & been of the family of Adam, she is united to all who are to be saved Art 55: Articles of both Old & New Testament show the role of Mary in the plan of Salvation – Gen 3:15; Is 7:14; Matt 1:22-23

  31. “For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus”1Tim2:5 Art 60: Mary’s function as mother in no way obscures or diminishes this mediator role of Christ, however, it should be understood that it shows its power; Mary’s influence originates in the disposition of God & flows from the superabundance of the merits of Christ, depending on His role as mediator.

  32. Art 62: The Virgin Mary is given many titles such as Advocate and Helper but this “neither takes away anything from nor adds anything to the dignity and efficacy of Christ as the one Mediator” Art 62: “No creature could ever be counted along with the Incarnate Word and Redeemer, but just as the priesthood of Christ is shared in various ways both by His ministers & the faithful….gives rise to a sharing in the one source The Church does not hesitate to profess the subordinate role of Mary

  33. Our devotion to Mary is out of love and respect to God and His plan. It does not and is not intended to diminish the truth that Christ alone is our mediator. Mary is a great helper to us as we seek the road to holiness. She was human and as such was forced to face temptation. She did not cave in to temptation but endured in all things. She is the model of virtue. By meditating on her, we grow more like her Son. We honor and have piety toward Mary for no other reason than to better know Christ and to open the whole world up to receiving the graces of Christ. The Second Vatican Council encouraged people to cultivate a loving devotion to Mary and strongly urged theologians and pastors to abstain from gross exaggerations and or neglectful omission in considering the dignity of Mary. Mary’s place is with God in heaven. Christians are called to understand as Mary did, that in the end truth will prevail, as all things are restored in Christ.

  34. Work of the Holy Spirit The Council is a Faith Event where the Church is guided by the Holy Spirit After the first draft of Lumen Gentiumwhich gave attention to the hierarchy & sacramental nature of the Church, the speech given by Cardinal Suenens highlighted the charismatic nature of Church Art 12: “Allotting his gifts accordingly as He will (Cor 12:11), He also distributes special graces among the faithful of every rank… for the renewal & building up of the Church… “the manifestation of the Spirit is given to everyone for profit”

  35. Work of the Holy Spirit & The Charismatic Movement • Nature of the Church is charismatic - Catholic Catechism 749 • Charismatic movements recognized by Pope John Paul II in St. Peter’s Square in 1998 – Year of the Holy Spirit; gave recognition to charismatic movements • Institution & Charismatic s are essential to the nature of the Church • Since Vatican II, there is a vast outpouring of graces with growth in lay & religious movements • Existence of Third Orders, groups, lay foundations exploded after Vatican II

  36. Summary • Understanding what the Church is helps us understand the role & mission of the Church • the Church is a sign & instrument of God • Fellowship or communion in the Church reflects communion or fellowship found within the Trinity • ALL are called to holiness, with Mary as example of responding to this call • Lumen Gentiumlays the groundwork for other documents & later encyclicals

  37. The Fathers of the Second Vatican Council provide us with a great challenge. The challenge is whether we will get fully engaged in trying to become the best we can become. The best is possible when we engage God, when we become united in Christ, and are fed together by him. What we need to understand and accept is that the holiness of the Church flows from Christ despite the sinful nature of the People of God. You see the Church itself is Lumen Gentium – which means: Light of the Nations. It is through oneness to Christ and his Church that we will achieve perfection one day in the glory of God’s presence.

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