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Q20 and Injection Studies MD Floating MD

Q20 and Injection Studies MD Floating MD. ABT-BTP, OP-LHC, ABP-LIS. Q20. 1 hour delay: Previous MD was supposed to finish at 12:00 (beam dumped) while a new ramp started at 12:25  beam dumped at 13:10  pre-cycle

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Q20 and Injection Studies MD Floating MD

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  1. Q20 and Injection Studies MDFloating MD ABT-BTP, OP-LHC, ABP-LIS

  2. Q20 • 1 hour delay: • Previous MD was supposed to finish at 12:00 (beam dumped) while a new ramp started at 12:25  beam dumped at 13:10  pre-cycle • We were not allowed to start set-up in the SPS during LHC ramp because of high-rad-mat operation (High-rad-mat cannot work while LHC is injecting) • On top of that: communication glitch when preparing for a quick access in ATLAS  beam for Q20 only at 15:00 • No time left for testing the tool for automatic set-up of TCDI (injection studies part) • Please Respect MD schedule!

  3. Q20 • Injection phase corrected by +15 units for both beams • Switched polarity on one MDAV.610013 • Steering: • Beam 2: • MCIAH.87408       -8.47 MCIAV.86304       7.47 • Beam 1: • MCIAH.25804       9.54 MDLH.610104       11.06 MCIAV.28504       -6.20 Beam 1

  4. Q20 • Injection phase corrected by +15 units for both beams • Switched polarity on one MDAV.610013 • Steering: • Beam 2: • MCIAH.87408       -8.47 MCIAV.86304       7.47 • Beam 1: • MCIAH.25804       9.54 MDLH.610104       11.06 MCIAV.28504       -6.20 Beam 2

  5. Q20 • Injection with: • PILOT • INDIV (11 in total) • Emittance measurements • BSRT: some problem with data logging (communication)  manual acquisition + data saving

  6. Q20 Data analysis ongoing • Injection with: • PILOT • INDIV (11 in total) • Emittance measurements • BSRT: some problem with data logging (communication)  manual acquisition + data saving • Wirescanner: in SPS and LHC (any blowup/mis-match?). Some non clear dependence on order of measurements (first horizontal and then vertical or vice versa) • 3E11 protons bunch injected: • Losses: ~8% to dump threshold • Emittance measurements LHC B2 Vert. SPS Vert.

  7. Q20 • Dispersion measurements with pilot, 3 sets of measurements with: 0 Hz, -300 Hz, -600 Hz, + 300 Hz and 600 Hz frequency trim

  8. Q20 • Dispersion measurements with pilot, 3 sets of measurements with: 0 Hz, -300 Hz, -600 Hz, + 300 Hz and 600 Hz frequency trim Beam 1

  9. Q20 • Dispersion measurements with pilot, 3 sets of measurements with: 0 Hz, -300 Hz, -600 Hz, + 300 Hz and 600 Hz frequency trim Beam 2 Quite big mismatch

  10. Q20-Q26 Dispersion in TI8

  11. Supercycle dependence – injection losses LHC filling supercycle Wrong supercycle composition 11/5/2012 Supercycle composition: SFTPRO + LHC1 → Injection losses very high: dumped at injection • MD: Removed CNGS before LHC1 cycle to check effect under controlled conditions L. Drosdal V. Kain

  12. MD result: Nominal cycle:Beam 2144 bunches LHC cycle directly after SFTLONG: Beam 2 144 bunches L. Drosdal V. Kain

  13. MD result: Nominal cycle:Beam 2144 bunches LHC cycle directly after SFTLONG: Beam 2 144 bunches • B1: Losses are the same • B2: Losses only slightly increased • Effect smaller than scraping and shot-by-shot stability • Phenomenon of 11/5/2012 not reproduced • Position of LHC cycle in supercycle could be less important than previously thought

  14. Floating MD

  15. 25 ns Floating MD Plan • Before MD: • SPS: 1.05e11 ppb, ~2.5-3 mm emittance, scraping (~10%) • Extraction of 12 bunches of 25 ns up to the downstream TED • During MD: • Steering with 6-12 bunches of 50 ns (for injection oscillations and beam losses at the TCDIs if needed)  copy settings to 25 ns. • 25 ns Beam setup: • Fast setup of ADT, RF, Chromaticity (15 units) with single bunch • Inject 12 bunches of 25 ns and steer if needed • Injection of 24 bunches of 25 ns into the LHC • Increase intensity: • When 24 bunches OK  inject 48b  72b  144b (max. for B2) 288b (only for B1) • In case steering is needed  go back to12 bunches injection • Ideally take few shots per intensity to investigate TL stability and consequent losses in the injection region • If possible, accumulate some batches for longitudinal losses investigation • Recovery • revert all settings to 50 ns ones • revert all interlock thresholds to 50 ns ones, and separate cross-check • test injection of 6b at 50 ns still OK.

  16. Q20 Optics for High Pile-up Floating MD • Single bunch high intensity (3E11) • Parallel measurements: • Emittance in SPS and LHC (BSRT, Wire Scanner) • Dispersion (if re-matched)

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