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This strategic plan outlines how British Columbia is preparing for climate change impacts, emphasizing the need for adaptation alongside emission reduction efforts. The province aims to continuously improve information, proactively manage climate risks, and collaborate with stakeholders to prioritize actions in key sectors. Strategies include building a knowledge foundation, integrating adaptation into government functions, and assessing risks to implement priority actions. By engaging in sector assessments and monitoring programs, BC is working towards becoming prepared and resilient to climate change impacts. For more information, visit the Climate Action Secretariat's website.
Preparing for Climate Change: British Columbia’s Adaptation Strategy Thomas White Climate Action Secretariat 26 January 2010
Context • Reducing emissions is critical but will not avoid significant impacts. • Historical climate patterns cannot be relied upon to guide long term planning. • We must adjust our decisions, activities, and thinking, to minimize adverse effects and take advantage of beneficial opportunities.
BC has already taken many actions • Living Water Smart: includes climate change adaptation actions • Future Forests Ecosystem Initiative: assessing impacts; adapting forest and range management framework • Regional Adaptation Collaborative:preparing for changes in water supply and timing; almost 50 collaborators; $3.3 M from NRCan • $90 M endowment for climate research • PICS: 4 B.C. universities, research on climate solutions • PCIC: UVic, research on historic and future climate • Climate Action Plan: adaptation included; language and commitments not sufficient to guide adaptation
An explicit strategy was needed to guide all ministries • Preparing for climate change and its impacts (“Adaptation”) is part of an effective climate change plan • The province developed an adaptation strategy to ensure we • continuously improve our information base • proactively consider climate risk as we go about our business • work with others to identify priority actions
Vision: British Columbia is prepared for and resilient to the impacts of climate change • Build a strong foundation of knowledge and tools • Make adaptation a part of B.C. government business • Assess the risks and implement priority adaptation actions in key climate sensitive “sectors” VISION: British Columbia is prepared for and resilient to the impacts of climate change Strategy 3 Assess risks and implement actions in climate sensitive sectors Strategy 1 Build a strong foundation of knowledge and tools to help prepare for a changing climate Strategy 2 Make adaptation a part of B.C. Government business
Build a Strong Foundation of Knowledge and Tools • Engage climate science (PCIC, PICS) to ensure production of high-quality applied science information useful to decision-makers • Continue building robust observation networks including harmonizing existing networks for climate observation and exploring opportunities for new observations in vulnerable sectors (e.g., health, agriculture, ecosystems) • Develop adaptation tools for decision makers such as guidebooks, assessment methods, etc. • Continue knowledge transfer and outreach activities including developing continuing education programs for professionals and government staff.
Make Adaptation Part of Government’s Business • Ministries will consider adaptation in Service & Business planning • Ministries will consider adaptation when drafting or amending legislation or regulations • Identify approvals that are sensitive to climate change and consider adaptation in approvals process • Strengthen cross-government coordination on adaptation • Engage and work with partners (federal agencies, local gov’t, business, US states, provinces...) • Integrate adaptation into initiatives to reduce emissions (green building and communities)
Assess the Risks and Implement Priority Actions Process Sector examples Agriculture Communities Ecosystem services Flood hazard management Tourism Forests Transportation • Sector assessments led by gov’t and stakeholder co-chairs with PICS support Objectives • Review economic, social and ecological risks • Determine priorities for action
Climate Related Monitoring Program Models are not enough; real data essential to inform adaptation • Joint initiative: Ministries of Transportation, Natural Resource Operations, Forests, Mines and Lands, Environment, Agriculture and RTA, BC Hydro and PCIC • Opportunity to add value to existing meteorological monitoring data • 500+ stations • Opportunity to harmonize data standards • Single data custodian • Value added derivative products
Coastal Environment and Floodplains Work completed/underway: • Sea level rise projections • Storm surge forecasting (DFO – IOS) • Revise sea dike guidelines • Floodplain MappingStudy • New Flood HazardGuidelines • Awareness, Outreach and Collaboration: • Green Shores • King Tide Photo Initiative • Washington State • Pacific Coast Collaborative
Thank you Questions and discussion
Contact Climate Action Secretariat Adaptation Team Thomas.White@gov.bc.ca Jenny.Fraser@gov.bc.ca Jennifer.Pouliotte@gov.bc.ca Jim Crover@gov.bc.ca http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/cas/adaptation/index.html