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FIELD INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. JANUARY 2004. TABLE OF CONTENTS. I. Material Handling Procedures 3 Tools Recommended For Installation 4 Leveling Course - Steps 1-7 5 Typical Coursing - Steps 1-7 7 Points To Check 1-3 - Coursing 9 Routing Channels - Steps 1-6 10
TABLE OF CONTENTS I Material Handling Procedures 3 Tools Recommended For Installation 4 Leveling Course - Steps 1-7 5 Typical Coursing - Steps 1-7 7 Points To Check 1-3 - Coursing 9 Routing Channels - Steps 1-6 10 Tools Recommended For Installation 12 Installing Horizontal Wall Panels Steps 1-11 13 Points To Check 1-5 - Horizontal AAC Wall Panels 17 Tools Recommended For Installation 18 Installing Panels - Steps 1-6 19 Filling Joints Steps 1-3 21 Panel Penetration Guidelines 22 Points To Check 1-4 23 Routing Channels - Steps 1-3 24 Points To Check 1-3 25 AAC MASONRY PRODUCTS: II HORIZONTAL AAC WALL PANELS III PRECAST FLOOR PANELS
I AAC MASONRY PRODUCTS: Material Handling Procedures • General: • In general, all construction products are susceptible to minor damage if mishandled. Less handling means lower potential for damaged. In some instances, damage may occur from shipping. • For All AAC Construction Products: • Deliver only an amount of material that can readily be installed. • Unload panels using pallet forks (either forklift, nylon straps, slings or pallet fork on a crane cable). Consult your OSHA safety manual for "rigging" or other safety considerations. • Storage areas should be accessible to delivery trucks and convenient to material staging areas. If possible, drop-deliver the material right to the material staging areas. • Storage material should always be stored away from other construction activities on a flat-grade area that is not susceptible to standing water, erosion or settling. • Keep the material covered and banded until ready for installation. • Special Considerations For Panel Construction: • As with most precast concrete products, the panels should be set directly from the delivery trailer, if permissible. • If the materials cannot be set directly from the delivery trailers, deliver only an amount of material that can be installed readily. • Do not "shake-out" stored materials until they are ready to be installed. Excessive handling may cause damage. Set delivery schedule to match the erection sequence exactly. • Most chipped corners and edges can be repaired. If any reinforcing is visible, contact an authorized AAC representative. • All damage must be repaired using an approved structural-grade AAC patching compound developed specifically for AAC products. • AAC panels that have surface or minor cracks are usable, but contact an authorized AAC representative when cracks continue completely through the panel. • Stored or staged materials should always be set on flat, load-bearing, stable grade on pallets or dunnage. 3
I AAC MASONRY PRODUCTS: Tools Recommended For Installation AAC Block There are a full range of tools that are specially designed to assist the block layer in installing AAC masonry products and increase productivity at the job site. AAC masonry installation will also require the following standard masonry tools. Margin Trowel Small Hand Brush Builder’s Level Sanding Float 4’ Level String Line Rubber Mallet Low Speed Drill with Mixing Paddle Hand Saw Rasp Electric Bandsaw Notched Trowel AAC Jumbo®Block Additional tools required for installing AACJumbo®Masonry Units. Electric Jumbo Bandsaw Electric Minicrane 4
I AAC MASONRY PRODUCTS: Leveling Course Step 1 - Layout wall lines. Lay out wall lines building slab by control lines. Step 2 - Start the leveling bed. At the highest corner of the slab place a full width 1/2” deep sand-cement mortar joint using a masonry trowel (Mortar to be either Ready-Mix or 3:1 Sand: Portland Cement ratio). Salvage additional mortar. Do not use thin-bed mortar for the leveling bed joint. If moisture and wicking is a problem, add waterproofing admixture to sand-cement mortar. Step 4 - Mix thin-bed mortar. Mix approved AAC thin-bed mortar in a clean mixing container (5 gallon bucket or pail) per manufacturer’s directions. The consistency of the mixed thin-bed mortar should be such that it flows easily through the teeth of the notched trowel leaving the shape of the teeth in the mortar bed. Thin-bed mortar droppings should not be used. Step 3 - Set the first corner block. Set the first corner block in the sand-cement mortar and adjust the joint as needed. To achieve the required height, lower or raise the block by tapping down with a rubber mallet or by adding additional mortar beneath. 5
STOP DO NOT TOOTH I AAC MASONRY PRODUCTS: Leveling Course Step 5 - Set second corner block.Set the second corner block adding thin-bed mortar to the head joint with the notched trowel. Step 6 - Repeat for additional corners. Repeat subsequent steps for each corner using a builder’s level to maintain an equal elevation. Triple check each lead corner in all three planes. Step 7 - Fill-in complete leveling course. After building lead corners, pull a string between corners to complete the leveling course. Sand-cement mortar should be used for the bed joint and thin-bed mortar for each head joint. Level across each block to insure a plumb wall. DO NOT PROCEED TO SUBSEQUENT COURSE UNTIL LEVELING COURSE HAS SET SUFFICIENTLY. 6
STOP DO NOT TOOTH I AAC MASONRY PRODUCTS: Typical Coursing Step 1 - Mix thin-bed mortar. Mix thin-bed mortar. Before mixing new batch, wash out the bucket or pail to prevent any old thin-bed from accelerating the drying time of the new mix. DO NOT USE SAND-CEMENT MORTAR FOR COURSES OTHERTHAN THE LEVELING COURSE. Step 2 - Clean bed joint surface. With a brush, sweep off all dust and loose particles to insure adhesion of thin-bed mortar. Step 3 - Apply thin-bed mortar to head and bed joints. Using a clean, notched trowel the same width as the block spread thin-bed mortar up the head joint of the adjoining block and then along the bed joint. Spread only enough thin-bed mortar to lay one block at a time. The thin-bed mortar must cover the full width of the joints. Install block in a running bond with a minimum 4” bearing (overlap) or 40% of the block’s height (whichever is greater). 7
I AAC MASONRY PRODUCTS: Typical Coursing Step 4 - Set block. Pick up each block and move it as close to the head joint as possible before lowering the block onto the bed joint Excessive movement along the bed joint will force the thin-bed mortar into the corner preventing full adhesion with the head joint. Step 5 - Tap the end of the block. Tap the end of the block to insure a full surface coverage of thin-bed mortar at the head joint and align with string line. Clean off spilled or dripped thin-bed mortar from face of wall as work proceeds. Repeat installation for subsequent courses. Joints should maintain a thickness of 1/16” or 1/8”. Step 7 - Install lintels as required. Install lintels with a minimum 8” bearing (overlap) where required. Step 6 - Rasp as needed. As needed, rasp (sand) the topside of the wall to ensure a level bed-joint for the next course. This is required less often if block is installed within tolerances. 8
DO NOT TOOTH I AAC MASONRY PRODUCTS: Points To Check Point 1 Leveling course must be level and plumb. Do not proceed to subsequent courses until leveling course has set sufficiently. Point 2 Blocks must be installed in a running bond with a minimum 4” bearing (overlap) or 40% of the block’s height (whichever is greater). Lintels must be installed with a minimum 8” bearing (overlap). Point 3 All head and bed joints must be solid with approved AAC thin-bed mortar for full adhesion. Do not tooth. 9
I AAC MASONRY PRODUCTS: Routing Channels 1. Vertical routing Vertical channels may be cut by router or saw to a width not to exceed 6”. Do not cut channels directly under point loads. 2. Horizontal routing Cut horizontal channel(s) no deeper than 1/3 of the wall thickness and no less than 24” from the top of a bearing wall. Do not cut back-to-back channels. Offset channels at least 12” when routing on both sides of wall. Make access holes in the wall on the opposite side of the channel where necessary. Ensuring structural integrity. Cut channels as small as possible. Do not use impact tools such as hammers or any other cutting tool that will damage the adjacent wall. Reduce the number of channels by taking services behind wall where possible. Do not route channels in floor or ceiling panels. A perpendicular hole may be cored through the reinforced panel if less than 1/4 panel width. Note: There are several methods for installing conduit in AAC walls. This literature describes routing into a completed block wall. Conduit may also be installed in a small U on top of block as it is installed, or behind sheetrock. Tools needed: AAC router Chalk line Chisel Pencil Plunge router Straight edge Circular saw Step 2 - Cut along markings. METHOD 1: Cut channel with a channel router. (AAC Router) METHOD 2: Set a blade on a circular saw or concrete cutter to the necessary channel depth, if using a concrete saw make cuts for each side of the channel and an additional cut in the middle. Do not cut the channel deeper than necessary. Step 1 - Mark channel. Using a straightedge mark both sides of the groove with a pencil. 10
I AAC MASONRY PRODUCTS: Routing Channels Step 3 - Remove waste and clean. If a circular saw or concrete cutter was used to cut the channel the unwanted material can be removed by snapping it away with a chisel. Step 4 - Cut holes for outlets. Cut a template to the size of the hole or outlet and temporarily secure to the wall. Remove AAC material with a plunge router to the required depth. Step 5 - Install conduit. Install cable, flexible, or rigid conduit in channel and secure with channel clips. Observe local codes for type of conduit, proper attachment and channel depth. Step 6 - Install electric boxes. Electrical boxes may be fixed to the wall with course threaded screws. As an option, glue, foam or thinbed mortar may be used. 11
II HORIZONTAL AAC WALL PANELS Tools Recommended For Installation There are a full range of tools that are specially designed to assist in installing wall panels and increase productivity at the job site. AAC installation will also require the following standard industry tools. Slings Quick Cut Saw Rasp Chamfering Tool Grinder/Sander orElectric Cut-Off Saw Steel Bar Clamp Margin Trowel Small Hand Brush Builder’s Level Rubber Float 4’ Level Chalk Box/String Line Pinch Bar Wall Panel Lifting Gear 12
II HORIZONTAL AAC WALL PANELS Installing Panels Step 1 - Check layout. Check panel layout of approved AAC shop drawings and deliver panels to job site accordingly. Step 2 - Unload bundles. Unload the bundles of panels in a proper manner using approved unloading gear. Eliminate excessive handling by storing panels nearest to where they will be installed. Protect the panels from rain and water saturation by leaving them on pallets and away from standing water. 13
STOP II HORIZONTAL AAC WALL PANELS Installing Panels Step 4 - Place first panel. Measure down from the benchmark elevators to establish the highest point on the slab. Install the first panel, male side up, at the highest point of the slab or stem wall, on top of preleveled shims to establish a minimum depth of setting bed. Place sand-cement mortar joint of at least 1/2 using a conventional masonry trowel (mortar to be either Ready-mix or 3:1 Sand: Portland Cement ratio) along wall line in between plastic shims or pack with non-shrink grout. Other bays will require adjusting the depth of the setting bed prior to installing the first panel. Step 3 - Check plumbness of column line. Check column line layout and plumbness. Varify layout is within industry standards. Using a level and transit, establish benchmark elevators onto the columns that will act as a control line for setting the first AAC panels. Alert General Contractor to column line problems and correct before proceeding. Step 5 - Check panel height and plumbness. Check the height, levelness and plumbness of the panel. Temporarily suspend loose panel with clamps. See plans and specification for allowable tolerances. Step 6 - Notch each end of the panel. Notch ends of each panel with grinder/saw to receive anchors. 14
II HORIZONTAL AAC WALL PANELS Installing Panels Step 7 - Place and secure anchor. Place anchor according to AAC shop drawings and specifications into the notch at each end of the panel and hammer tube nails through all of the nail holes to secure. This must be accomplished before the next panel is set. Step 8 - Before setting the next panel. Release panel clamp and remove all dust particles from the top of the installed panel and the bottom of the next panel with a brush. Step 9 - Apply panel adhesive between panels if specified. Apply beads of a recommended panel adhesive to the top of the installed panel as per specifications and/or shop drawings. 15
II HORIZONTAL AAC WALL PANELS Installing Panels Step 10 - Install the second panel. Align the ends and groove of the second panel with the ends and tongue of the first panel and set into place. Repeat Steps 5 - 9 for the subsequent panels in accordance with AAC shop drawings. Step 11 - After installation. After panels are installed, clean all horizontal and vertical joints with a brush and apply exterior joint sealers in accordance with AAC instructions. 16
AAC horizontalpanels Acryliccoating Fill joint withjoint filler 2 beads of adhesive III PRECAST WALL PANELS Points To Check Point 1 Supporting columns must be plumb, level and within linear building line tolerances. Point 2 Protect the panels from rain and water saturation by leaving them on pallets and away from standing water. Point 3 Set panels with tongue side up and follow specifications and shop drawings for placement of adhesive and joint filler. Point 4 Panel(s) must lay flush against face of column. Point 5 In the event bowing occurs with the AAC panels within a column bay, stack the AAC panels so that the bow is constant in one direction. Correct installationof bowed panels Incorrect installationof bowed panels 17
III PRECAST FLOOR PANELS Tools Recommended For Installation Margin Trowel Small Hand Brush Builder’s Level Rubber Float 4’ Level Chalk Box/String Line Pinch Bar Slings/ Ropes Quick Cut Saw Rasp Hatchet Hammer Chamfering Tool Lifting Fork Floor Panel Lifting Gear Panel Turners 18
III PRECAST FLOOR PANELS Installing Panels Step 1 - Unload Bundles. Unload bundles of panels in proper manner using approved unloading gear. If panels must be stored, place them in a clean area without standing water that is close to where work will begin. Step 2 - Layout bearing lines. Using tape measure, layout and chalk the bearing (overlap) lines on top of AAC walls using detail drawings approved for construction. Make sure all bearing, top-of-wall surfaces are level. Rasp or sand down high spots. Fill low spots with shims. Step 3 - Attach panel lifting gear. Place panels in a flat position with topside up. Attach approved panel lifting gear (slings, forks, or clamps) to the first panel. Be sure to observe manufacturer’s proper attachment procedures and safety guidelines. Step 4 - Place first panel. The first floor panel is lifted, placed and adjusted into exact alignment along bearing lines. One worker is required to steady and guide each end of the panel. Note the direction of the tongue and position number of the panel. Maintain minimum bearing according to drawings. 19
III PRECAST FLOOR PANELS Installing Panels Step 5 - Repeat for remaining panels. Lay the remaining panels ensuring that each one is seated firmly beside the preceding one. Step 6 - Placing last panel. The correct lifting gear will greatly assist placement of the last panel. Special procedures may be required if other lifting devices are used (I.e. slings or ropes). 20
III PRECAST FLOOR PANELS Filling Joints Step 2 - Place reinforcement steel. Install reinforcing steel in panel joints, ring beams, and lintels according to detail drawings. Make sure all rebar is in correct position before concrete is placed. Tie wire or chairs may be used to hold rebar at correct heights. Hanger wire for suspended ceilings may be installed through floor panel joints at this time. Step 1 - Set screen block. Set minimum 2” screen block in thin-bed mortar around exterior perimeter for formwork for all ring beams according to detail drawings. Step 3 - Fill joints with concrete. Fill wet joints with concrete. Firmly tamp into all joints, screed off excess and finish. A Pencil Vibrator should be used for ring beam and lintel pours. 21
III PRECAST FLOOR PANELS Points To Check Point 1 Supporting walls must be level. Point 2 Minimum bearing as shown in detail drawings must be maintained. Point 3 Concrete poured into joints must completely cover all reinforcement. Point 4 Do not cut or modify a panel without first checking with AAC Building Systems. Observe all guidelines for coring and other floor penetrations. Never cut the floor panel to shorten it. 23
III PRECAST FLOOR PANELS Routing Channels Step 1 - Routing bottom of floor panels. The underside of floor panels may be routed to a depth no greater than 3/4” in the middle or no greater than 1 1/2” on the sides. Stop if reinforcing becomes exposed. <1 1/2” <1 1/2” < 2” Less than 3/4” < 3” Step 2 - Top of floor panels. DO NOT ROUT the topside of panels. Place conduit in the panel joints. Grout joint 3/4” Conduit (maximum one piece per grout joint) #3 Rebar Step 3 - Conduit in floor panel joints. DO NOT INSERT conduit in the first joint from the exterior wall. 24
III PRECAST FLOOR PANELS Points To Check Point 1 Do not rout horizontally less than 24” from the top of load bearing walls. Point 2 Do not rout horizontally greater than 1/3 of the total wall thickness.A + B < 1/3 of total thickness Point 3 Do not rout back-to-back wall channels. Offset channels at least 12”. 25