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Drug use. Tony Trovatello . Mental health. Defined as a disturbance in a persons thoughts, feelings and behaviours. It affects how they function in all aspects of their life. Some mental health issues may start to develop in youth. Asthma.
Drug use Tony Trovatello
Mental health • Defined as a disturbance in a persons thoughts, feelings and behaviours. It affects how they function in all aspects of their life. Some mental health issues may start to develop in youth.
Asthma • Asthma is a respitory condition that involves the airways narrowing and swelling and the mucus being produced. Asthma can be triggered by cigarette smoke, dust, pollens, animals, exercise and stress.
Diabetes • Covers a range of conditions that cause there to be too much glucose in the blood due to the body being unable to produce the right amount of insulin to convert into energy.
Overweight • People being overweight can contribute to premature death and chronic disease. Youth obesity can be caused by excess fatty food intake and not enough energy expenditure.
Underweight Underweight people are usually female teenagers because of the pressure put on them to look thin. Young people who start dieting before the age of 15 are more likely to experience depression, binge eating, low iron and physical symptoms such as tiredness.
Alcohol • Youth who binge drink are at more risk of injury (from accidents, road crashes and violence) it can cause bowel, central nervous system and psychological problems
Health issues facing Australia's youth. • Health issues when taking drugs can be headaches, involuntary passing of urine or faeces, fatigue, nose bleeds, gained appetite, loss of appetite. Long term effects can be psychosis, if you are pregnant and taking drugs your baby can have disabilities, hepatitis or even brain damage.
Taking drugs • Drug use is very different for everyone there is no ‘normal high’. Most youth would use marijuana before they start experimenting with harder drugs like heroin or ecstasy. People often condemn drug users and believe if they do use drugs they should be locked up but they often forget caffeine is a drug... So by there logic anyone who drinks coffee or tea should go to prison.
Development • Drugs impact the growth in young people so they may not develop properly or they will take a lot longer to mature than it normally would. Being a long time addict will take its toll on the user they will look like they are 20 years older than they actually are and their mind would be completely fried. In some rare cases the user keeps there mind and doesn’t look as sick as other addicts.
Crystal Meth • Crystal Meth is a far superior drug than heroin that’s why it has become one of the favourites for junkies. It is cheaper than heroin and the high you experience can last up to 12 hours.