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STATE OF PLAY IN ORGANIC FARMING SECTOR IN LITHUANIA. 14-04-2014 Project BalticEco meeting in Metsajoe , Estonia Mrs . Neda Jakubauskiene , Deputy head of Agri-environment and Organic Farming Division Agricultural Production and Food Industry Department
STATE OF PLAY IN ORGANIC FARMING SECTOR IN LITHUANIA • 14-04-2014 Project BalticEcomeetinginMetsajoe, Estonia • Mrs. Neda Jakubauskiene, • Deputy headofAgri-environmentandOrganicFarmingDivision • AgriculturalProductionandFoodIndustryDepartment • MinistryofAgricultureoftheRepublicofLithuania • phone: +370 5 239 1096 • fax: +370 5 239 1212 • e-mailneda.jakubauskiene@zum.lt
State of play in organic farming sector in LT, 14-04-2014 BEGININGOF ORGANIC FARMING IN LITHUANIA Peopleofspirit, 1990 Smallfarms • AssignationofControlinstitution • PreparationofNationallegislation • Nationalsupport • AssignationofControlinstitution • PreparationofNationallegislation • Nationalsupport Support from EU Organicfarming – constitutes5 %ofcultivablelandin LT (in 2013)
State of play in organic farming sector in LT, 14-04-2014 CERTIFIED ORGANIC FARMS AND AREA (2004-2013) AQUACULTURE AREAINCLUDED
State of play in organic farming sector in LT, 14-04-2014 CROP STRUCTURE in % of total area (2013)
State of play in organic farming sector in LT, 14-04-2014 ORGANIC CEREAL AREA IN EU MEMBER STATES
State of play in organic farming sector in LT, 14-04-2014 CERTIFIED ANIMALS, 2004-2013
State of play in organic farming sector in LT, 14-04-2014 DISTRIBUTION OF CERTIFIED FARMS ACCORDING TO AREA 2423 farms in total (in 2012):
State of play in organic farming sector in LT, 14-04-2014 ORGANIC PRODUCTION PROCESSING ENTERPRISES AND ACTIVITIES
State of play in organic farming sector in LT, 14-04-2014 Over 800 types of products: Grain products (bread, crackers, flour, grain, oil, kvass) Dairy products (milk, yogurt, sour cream, cheese) Feeds for fish Tea Canned vegetables, fruits, berries Cool and smoked meat products Frozenfish Mealsincanteen Sweets Ketchup, mayonnaise, tomatosauce LITHUANIAN PRODUCTION
State of play in organic farming sector in LT, 14-04-2014 BREAD PRODUCTS: Bread: wholegrain, scalded, home-style, with sea kale, with linseed, with grain, rice, dark and light home-style; light bread, old-fashioned bagels, home-style bagels etc. CEREAL PRODUCTS: Buckwheat, wheat, rice, oat blends, hulls, flour, wheat flour, wheat bran, wheat pearls, wheat-ice pearls, rice pearls, rice grain, crushed rice, rice flour (sifted, semi-sifted); oatmeal, oat flour, barley flour, barley, pearl - barley, roasted barley flour, dried peas, pea flour, five grain cereal, grain glazed grain; gallettes; wheat, barley pasta and cereals, rice pasta, three grain cereals, five grain cereals, sprouted wheat, rice, oat, mustard, lentils etc. FISH PRODUCTS:silver and common carps, pike, ropes, crucial carps, owl, trenches carps, starks, white amur, crucian carp are the most popular among raisers. HERBS: Herb blends: pine, juniper essential oils, natural pine, juniper, great nettle, birch leaf-bud extracts. Dried herbs: peppermint, thyme, chamomile, great nettle, oregano, marigold flowers, St. John’s wart, tea for bath, Echinacea purpurea, chicory roots, valerian rootstocks with roots, different blends of tea, etc. OTHER PRODUCTS: honey; milk and dairy products; vegetables, fruits and berries etc. VARIETY OF LITHUANIAN ORGANIC PRODUCTS
State of play in organic farming sector in LT, 14-04-2014 LT-EKO-001
State of play in organic farming sector in LT, 14-04-2014 INSTITUTIONALSTRUCTURE IN LITHUANIA MinistryofAgriculture (Competent authority) Statefoodandveterinaryservice (Competent authority) Controlinstitution State Enterprise Lithuanian Agricultural and Food Market Regulation Agency ? Control institution „Ekoagros“ • Producers/Processors: • Farmers, • JSC, • Enterprises, • Corporations Associations • Companies (sales, distribution) • Importers • Exporters
State of play in organic farming sector in LT, 14-04-2014 STRUCTURE OF ADMINISTRATION OF “EKOAGROS” Establisher - Ministry of Health Establisher - Ministry of Agriculture Shareholdersof „Ekoagros“ Council Commissionofappeals Control institution „Ekoagros“ Accreditationoffice
State of play in organic farming sector in LT, 14-04-2014 STRUCTURE OF ADMINISTRATION OF “EKOAGROS” Shareholders of „Ekoagros“ Council of „Ekoagros“ Commissionofappeals Director of „Ekoagros“ Central administration Deputy director Quality director Administrator ofpersonel Head book-keeper Head controller Head of Kaunas 1st certification division Book-keeper Controllers Administrator Experts Head controller Head of Kaunas 2nd certification division Administrator Experts Controllers Head of Utena division Controllers Experts Administrator Head of Telšiai division Experts Controllers Administrator
CERTIFICATION SCHEME • Provides application to Ekoagros • Fills data form about • farm/preparation/processing unit Controlinstitution „Ekoagros“ Farmer Conclusions Agreement • Unexpected control (findings) • Daily control Supporting documentation Annualcontrol Stateofplayinorganicfarmingsectorin LT, 14-04-2014
State of play in organic farming sector in LT, 14-04-2014 LT-EKO-001 Adressof „Ekoagros“ – Centralunit K. Donelaičio 33 str., LT- 44240 Kaunas,Lithuania Tel. (+370 ) 37 20 31 81; Fax. (+370) 37 20 31 82 „Ekoagros“ territorialunitinUtenа„Ekoagros“ territorialunitin Telšiai Maironio str. 4, 28241 Utena Sedos str. 6, 87112 Telšiai Tel. (+370) 389 50 740 Tel. (+370) 444 69 165 Fax. (+370) 389 61 925 Fax. (+370) 444 69 164 E-mail: utena@ekoagros.lt E-mail: telsiai@ekoagros.lt E-mail: ekoagros@ekoagros.lt Website: www.ekoagros.lt
RULES FOR ISSUING OF LICENCES 102. In order to obtain the permissions, defined in this chapter, Entities are referred to the Certifiction body. 103. Certification body defines the procedures of provision of application, documentation and related information for the Entities; certification body also evaluates the provided documentation. 104. Certification body evaluates the applications of Entities within 10 working days, regarding the issue of the permissions. After examination, Certification body provides the answer within 3 working days: 104.1. if the application is rejected – justified answer to the Entity in writing; 104.2. if the application is accepted – Certification body informs the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania abouth the approved application by sending a justified recommendation about the Entity within 3 working days. 105. Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania (after receiving the information about the approved application from 104.2), issues valid Permission (more in 107) to the Entity. 106. Certification body is responsible for the validity of the evaluated and provided information in the justified recommendation.
State of play in organic farming sector in LT, 14-04-2014 Requirements for Lithuanian farmers (National legislation) ► Specialcourses ► Special education (Practicaltraining, lectures)
State of play in organic farming sector in LT, 14-04-2014 118.The Centre for LEADER Programme and Agricultural Training Methodology: 118.1. organizes trainings for beginner organic farmers in compliance with the educational programme „Basics of organic farming“ (code 396185007). After the evaluation of necessary qualifications, The Centre issues the formal qualification certificates; 118.2. organizes the meetings of Organic farming and agri-environmental experts; meetings are held for the acceptance of qualifications/evaluations of entities in accordance to the compulsory programme „Basics of organic farming“. The cerifying body and entities are informed in writing within 5 days; 118.3. announces information about existing trainings in the webpage www.zmmc.lt: training dates, places are provided. Information and credentials of authorised entities/authorised representatives is provided in the webpage: name, surname, number of provided certificate. The cerifying body is informed in writing within 5 working days. Organization of trainings related to organic production
BALTIC-NORDIC SEA COUNTRIES HAVE NATIONAL RULES FOR THESE ORGANIC PRODUCTION SECTORS: DK: Public catering; EE: Rabbits, nutrias, quails and for mass catering; FI: Does not have any national standards or guidelines; LV: Deer family animals, rabbits, pheasants, quails, snails, pigeons, earthworm production; LT: Public catering, rabbit, deer animals (Red deer, Pere David‘s deer, Fallow deer) growing; NO: Salmon production (with some exceptions in organic farming, e.g. light all day around), Greenhouse production, growing in “growth substrates”; SE: Guidelines for beekeeping and plant production; IS: Public catering in restaurants; Organic seaweed collection and processing; Protected crop production;Various inputs: eiderdown, fishmeal and oil (for use in organic aquaculture),calcified seaweed; DE: National rules for poulet breeding; controls for egg production units. Several private standards: fallow deer, rabbits, microalgae production and pet food. Mass catering is regulated within a national law.
LT national organic farming rules – cervid animals XI. PROCEDURES OF PRODUCTION OF CERVID ANIMALS 78. The following Deer family (Cervidae) species can be certified in Lithuania: fallow deers, red deers, sika deers and Pere David‘s deer (hereafter referred – Cervid animals). 79. Only domesticated cervid animals – kept in open-air runs and (or) enclosures – can be certified according to the requirements of organic production. The Entity must have necessary documentation and provide it to the controllers of the Certification body upon request. 80. When acquiring progeny of cervid animals thaty were non-weaned or younger than 3 months , they must be acquired together with the deer-mother of non-weaned progeny. 81. Grown-up deers must be acquired from a single organic production farm. Otherwise, they are acquired from several organic production farms of non-organic farms, but the Entity must have necessary documentation regarding the impossibility of acquiring cervid animals from a single farm or non-organic farm. The documentation must be provided to the controllers of the Certification body upon request. 82. If non-organically kept cervid animals are acquired in organic production farm with the reason of herd expansion, no more than 40 percent of cervid animals are allowed to acquire for breeding. The percentage is calculated from the number of existing adult cervid animals in the organic production farm (fallow deers – older than 2 years, red deers – older than 5 years, sika deers – older tham 2 years, Pere David‘s deers – older than 2 years) per year. In this case, Entity provides necessary documentation to the Certification body with the reasoning of acquiring of non-organically kept cervid animals.
83. When forming a herd fot the first time in organic production farm, the acquired amount of non-organic cervid animals is not limited. 84. Cervid animals must be kept in open air runs and (or) enclosures, where agricultural land is present: cultivated land, gardens, meadows, pastures etc. Forest or brush land must not occupy more than the half of the area designated for the cervid animal keeping. Cervid animals must have the possibilty to graze outdoors all-year-round. Keeping cervid animals indoors is allowed only: 84.1. entire herd can be kept indoors during winter or autumn period, when weather conditions are unsuitable for outdoor grazing, entire herd can be kept indoors no more then 2 weeks before slaughtering, in accordance to conditions listed in 87; 84.2. individually – ill or injured; 84.3. individually – young deers after weaning during winter period. 85. If cervid animals are kept in open-air runs with fores, the certificate from forest owner must be supplied to the Certification body, regarding non-treatment of forest with the substances that are prohibited to use in organic production 86. Other buildings used for cervid animal keeping must comply with the Lithuanian legislation requirements 87. If cervid animals are kept in the building, according to cases listed in 84 of these rules, the following conditions must be ensured: 87.1. Individual space requirement for each deer animal having 100 kg of live weight in the bedded building is at least 5 m2 ; 87.2. Building must be illuminated, ventilated and draught-free. Building must be safe in order to avoid cervid animal injuries. 87.3. places for cervid animals must be separated by the partitions (at least 2 m in height) in order to separate aggressive or injured cervid animals, when necessary.
88. Cervid animals can be kept in temporary enclosures before killing (slaughtering or shooting). The size of temporary enclosure is no les than 0,6 m2 of land per 100 kg of live weight of the cervid animal. 89. Killing of certified cervid animals is forbidden if: 89.1. cervid animal is younger than 5 months; 89.2. oestrous male cervid is older than 24 months; 89.3. pregnant female cervids; 89.4. female cervids having offspring that are younger than 3 months. 90. Cervid animals in the enclosure or open-air run must graze in certified permanent pastures, with species suitable for cervid animal consumption. Total amount of grasses and other herbaceous plants should be sufficient for individual cervid animal consumption. 91. If no large trees (that are suitable for shelter, shadow) are present in the enclosure or open-air run, the constructions that provide sun protection and minimize wind exposure must be built inside the enclosure or open-air run. 92. The wetland or marsh must be present in the enclosure or open-air run for red deers (aged up to 7 years), otherwise, mud pit must be excavated, allowing cervid animal to wallow; conditions, allowing cervid animals to scratch should also be fulfilled. 93. The quantity of cervid animal units in the enclosure or open-air run must be: 93.1. fallow deers – 9 units/ha; 93.2. red deers – 5 units/ha; 93.3. sika deers – 9 units/ha; 93.4. Pere David‘s deer – 5 units/ha. The quantity of cervid animals is calculated based on the minimal damage to the flora, soil, minimizing soil erosion, nitrogen amount is less than 1,7 deerstock unit in 1 ha per year due to manure dispersion.
94. Supplementary feeding of cervid animals is allowed if the amount of feed is insufficient in the open-air run or enclosure alone: 94.1. organic feeds, in compliance to the dietary requirements of cervid animals during their different development phases; 94.2. feeds of the transitional period. The proportion of feed of the transitional period must be no more than 30 percent of the total daily ration. If the feed of the transitional period is from the same certified farm (where cervid animals are grown), the proportion can be increased up to 100 percent. 95. Non-weaned offspring of cervid animals (if female deer has enough milk) should feed naturally from this female deer and wean naturally. If offspring cervid does not wean naturally, they can be weaned, when started feeding with suitable solid feed diet, but no earlier than 3 months. 96. During the transportation of cervid animals (also to the slaughter-house), male deers must be transported separated. 97. Cervid animals should breed in the same organic production farm 98. It is forbidden to castrate or abort pregnancy of cervid animals 99. All cervid animals of the same species that are present in the holding, must be certified and kept according to the organic production rules. 100. No non-certified cervid animals (any species) can be present in the same open-air run or enclosure with certified animals. 101. Keepers of cervid animals must also follow the requirements of regulation (EB) No. 834/2007, regulation (EB) No. 889/2008 and the requirements of these rules.
LT national organic farming rules – rabbits VIII. PROCEDURES OF RABBIT PRODUCTION 58. Rabbit production can be labelled as related to organic production, if acquired non-organic rabbits were kept in organic production farm no less than 3 months after acquiring, or after certification of organic production (application of the requirements for organic production legislation, requirements of this chapter of the Rules) for new litter of rabbits. 59. Rabbits in organic production farms must be kept under these conditions: 59.1. rabbits can not be kept in cages, except for the female rabbits (for the period: 15 days after breeding to the weaning of offspring); 59.2. cage for female rabbit must be no less than 0,6 m2 floor area, heigth 0,7 m; additional area of 0,15 m2 foor area for each rabbit offspring is added. Half of the floor area can be constructed from gratings. 59.3. enclosures for breeding and rabbit growing must be separated; 59.4. no more than 200 cages for female rabbits can be present in one room; 59.5. the duration of illumination indoors is no less than 8 hours per day; 59.6. enclosures for rabbits must be constructed that rabbits should have permanent access to open areas for grazing, weather conditions permitting; 59.7. the total area for indoor enclosures must be no less than 0,6 m2 of floor per individual rabbit; 59.8. the total area for open area must be no less than 5 m2 per individual rabbit, where no more than 2 m2 are made from concrete. The rest of the open land area can be covered with the net. 59.9. the total amount of rabbits for breeding cannot exceed 100 rabbits/ha; 59.10. under suitable weather conditions, rabbits can be kept in mobile enclosures, grasslands. The area of covered mobile enclosure is no less than 0,4 m2 of floor per individual rabbit, other part (designated for grazing) - no less than 2,4 m2 of land per individual rabbit. 60. Keepers of organic rabbits must also follow the requirements of regulation (EB) No. 834/2007, regulation (EB) No. 889/2008 and the requirements of these rules for livestock (animal origin, feeds, disease prevention and treatment)