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ALCTS RDA Forum American Library Association Annual Conference Anaheim, California, June 23, 2012 U.S. RDA Test Coordina

ALCTS RDA Forum American Library Association Annual Conference Anaheim, California, June 23, 2012 U.S. RDA Test Coordinating Committee Update Beacher Wiggins, Director Acquisitions & Bibliographic Access Library of Congress. 1. RDA Test Completed (Oct. – Dec. 2010). Outcome—

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ALCTS RDA Forum American Library Association Annual Conference Anaheim, California, June 23, 2012 U.S. RDA Test Coordina

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  1. ALCTS RDA Forum American Library Association Annual Conference Anaheim, California, June 23, 2012 U.S. RDA Test Coordinating Committee Update Beacher Wiggins, Director Acquisitions & Bibliographic Access Library of Congress 1

  2. RDA Test Completed (Oct. – Dec. 2010) Outcome— Records created: 10,566 Bibliographic; 12,800 Authority Contingent on the satisfactory progress/completion of the identified tasks and action items, the Coordinating Committee recommends that RDA should be implemented by LC, NAL, and NLM no sooner than January 2013. The three national libraries should commit resources to ensure progress is made on these activities that will require significant effort from many in and beyond the library community.

  3. Interim steps until RDA implementation • U.S. RDA Test Coordinating Committee • Oversee and monitor the recommended changes and action items • Issue periodic updates to alert community to status of recommendations and action items • Quarterly updates issued to listservs and posted on RDA websites 3

  4. Recommendations to specific groups (& suggested completion timeframes) • To Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA (JSC) • Rewrite (i.e., reword) RDA in clear, plain English • Within 18 months (under way) • Define process for RDA updating in the online environment • Within 3 months (done; JSC had already begun work on this issue) 4

  5. Recommendations to specific groups (& suggested completion timeframes) • To ALA Publishing & Co-Publishers of RDA • Enhance and improve RDA Toolkit functionality and navigation • Within 3 months (done; ALA had already begun work on this issue) • Provide complete RDA record examples in MARC and other encoding schema • Within 6 months (done) 5

  6. Recommendations to specific groups (& suggested completion timeframes) • To Library of Congress • Begin transition to a MARC replacement • Within 18 – 24 months (under way) • Involve the community in the process, including ALCTS • Within 12 months (under way) • Lead and coordinate training, including Program for Cooperative Cataloging • Within 18 months (under way) 6

  7. Recommendations to specific groups (& suggested completion timeframes • To the U.S. national libraries • Solicit demonstrations of prototype input & discovery systems that use RDA element set & relationships • Within 18 months (underway) • Current work with Deborah Fritz & MARC of Quality on RIMMF (RDA in Many Metadata Formats) (Marriott—Elite Ballroom, 10:30, Sat., June 23)

  8. Implementation plans—NAL & NLM NLM Expects to implement 1st quarter CY2013 Starting to familiarize staff with FRBR concepts and terminology Practical RDA training 3 months prior to implementation Testers may begin producing RDA 4 months prior to implementation to assist with staff training Updating documentation for staff and contractors NAL Monitoring progress of recommendations Preparing for coordinated implementation in 1st quarter CY2013

  9. LC’s implementation plans November 2011: RDA catalogers/technicians returned to creating RDA authority and bibliographic records; LC resumed distribution of RDA records December 2011: LC mounted new site: Resource Description and Access (RDA)—Information and Resources in Preparation for RDA http://www.loc.gov/aba/rda/ February 2012: LC issued its “Long-Range RDA Training Plan for 2012 and Beyond” February 2012: announced March 31, 2013 as target RDA implementation date

  10. LC’s implementation plans—cataloging LC’s long range RDA training plan Coordination of implementation with US and other national libraries Three phases of training Core curriculum: approximately 24 hours

  11. LC’s implementation plans—cataloging Core curriculum— FRBR Using RDA Toolkit RDA instructions—5 modules Background & structure of RDA Attributes of WEMI Persons, families & corporate bodies Relationships Preparing for Day 1 Specialized curriculum

  12. LC’s implementation plans—collaborating with PCC LC is working and coordinating with PCC (Program for Cooperative Cataloging) regarding training, documentation, and implementation date http://www.loc.gov/aba/rda/ Linda will update on PCC progress

  13. LC’s implementation plans—replacing MARC Plan for a transition from MARC—New Bibliographic Framework Initiative Will not happen before RDA implementation LC established a website for communication http://www.loc.gov/marc/transition/

  14. LC’s implementation plans—replacing MARC Not known what the new bibliographic environment will be Likely several models prototypes will be developed Contract with a consultant to help frame the effort Draft an outline/scope of a plan Draft a list of experts, stakeholders, interested parties (national & international) Draft a timeline

  15. LC’s implementation plans—replacing MARC Form groups to assist LC in the effort LC is compiling list of experts from broad spectrum of communities— Semantic Web community Vendor community Technology community Library community, of course

  16. LC’s implementation plans—replacing MARC Advisory & technical groups Advisory group: high level group to offer guidance related to policy & implementation of such a major change Technical group: experts who understand technical needs of producing, controlling, disseminating & particularly, making data machine actionable, i.e., linked data

  17. LC’s implementation plans—replacing MARC May: Announced consultant and plan of action June: Update library community at ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim Sunday, 10:30-12:00 (Marriott—Grand Salon A/C) June-Sept.: Form advisory & technical groups July-Dec.: Convene groups, at LC or at professional or other venues

  18. Available Documentation LC training materials from the test http://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/RDAtest/rdatraining.html RDA Toolkit training http://www.rdatoolkit.org/training RDA MARC record examples http://www.rdatoolkit.org/examples/MARC ALCTS RDA webinars http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/alcts/confevents/upcoming/webinar/cat/rda.cfm

  19. Additional Information Final Report and Recommendations http://www.loc.gov/bibliographic-future/rda/ LC RDA planning http://www.loc.gov/aba/rda/ MARC Transition website http://www.loc.gov/marc/transition/ RDA Toolkit http://www.rdatoolkit.org/ Regular updates from Committee

  20. Thank you! • Questions/comments • Beacher Wiggins, Director Acquisitions & Bibliographic Access Library of Congress (bwig@loc.gov) 20

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