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WHO Country Office, Tehran 21 February 2006. The JPRM. Joint Program Planning and Review Mission. Objective. To brief the new team members on the JPRM document and its elements To orient the programs on ways for timely correct implementation of the program of collaboration.
WHO Country Office, Tehran 21 February 2006 The JPRM Joint Program Planning and Review Mission
Objective • To brief the new team members on the JPRM document and its elements • To orient the programs on ways for timely correct implementation of the program of collaboration
Structure of the presentation • JPRM Document • Elements of the program of collaboration • Expense types and requirements for request
The JPRM Document Structure & Elements
The Structure • A results based planning process • Collaborative • Aims at the National, Regional & Global priorities • Planning elements: • Expected Results • Products • Activities • Activity Components
How to request • The requests should be: • Received to WHO Office through the International Relations Department • Clear • On Time • Detailed basic minimum standards
Basic Minimum Standards • An official request from the International Relations Department • Allotment Number • AMS Code • Detailed Terms of Reference • Date/dates (duration) • Agenda/Program (tentative) • Bank Account Details (if applicable)
The Expense types • APW: agreement for Performance of Work • FEL: Fellowships • HLT: Health Literature • LCS: Local Costs • MIS: Miscellaneous • MTG: Meeting • NTA: National Training Activities • REC: Recruitment • S&E: Supplies and Equipment
APW • Request from the International Relations Department • Allotment & AMS Code • Detailed Terms of Reference • Clear Outcomes and phases • Date/dates (duration) • Bank Account Details (institutional)
APW • With non governmental staff in their own capacity and government departments (Payment to the institution’s account , not individuals) up to the equivalent of US $10,000 and with institutions using double signatory bank accounts up to US $ 25,000. The following conditions must be satisfied: • Competition has been demonstrated and documented in a note for the record • There is no research involving Human beings • Funds are available as per RAMS in the same product and the deliverables are produced outside WHO premises • A timetable of deliverables linked to the budget breakdown on the same form as for local costs is attached
APW • APWs are not to be used for “Staff” kind of duties, as no insurance cover exists under APWs (does not create employer/employee relations) • APWs should not be used to government officials for work that falls within their normal responsibilities, as this might constitute salary subsidy , which is against WHO policy • Advances are limited to 20%, and based on clear necessity , demonstrated and documented by the budget time-table which must be attached to the APW.
Fellowships FEL
Fellowships • A WHO fellowship, as a significant component of human resources development, encompasses a range of specially tailored training modalities of determined duration for individuals and groups in the fulfillment of specific learning objectives, corresponding to approved health and health-related plans, policies, and priorities, and aiming at relevant impact in the context of national capacity building. Such training may be of short or long duration and may take place in an appropriate training institution or the field inside or outside the fellow's home country.
Fellowships • The application for and the award of a fellowship constitute a joint undertaking by WHO, the host country, the fellow and the government; thus: • WHO, in agreement with the government and the fellow, establishes appropriate plans for study, makes the necessary arrangements with countries and training institutions, and provides financial assistance • the host country (in cases of study abroad), agrees to provide the course of study prescribed for the fellow; • services of the fellow are placed at the disposal of the national health administration on return to the home country; • the government, as specified on the application form, gives its assurance that it will make full use of the knowledge and experience gained by the fellow, and that the status, seniority, salary, pension and similar rights of the fellow will not be adversely affected by the fellow's absence from duty in the home country.
Fellowships Will be awarded to: • who are, or who will be, engaged in medical or health work in their national health organization (national health administration; health service of other governmental administration, local authorities, research and educational institutions), and whose applications are supported by their national health administration (ministry of health or equivalent authority); • for whom the national health administration is prepared to certify that, if a fellowship is granted, full use will be made of the fellow's services in the field covered by the fellowship; • who have not less than two years' experience in the subject they wish to study (except for undergraduate studies); • who have exhausted the opportunities available in their own countries for studying that subject; • who submit subjects for study which are directly connected with the country's own health programmes;
Fellowships Will be awarded to: • who undertake in writing to continue in, or place their services at the disposal of, a national health administration immediately after their fellowship for specified minimum periods in relation to the duration of the fellowship granted as follows: • one year of service for fellowships of less than six months; • two years of service for fellowships of six months to two years; • three years of service for fellowships of more than two years. • who are in good health and, normally, are not over 55 years of age if the retiring age is 60 or above, nor over 50 if the retiring age is below 60
Fellowships Will be awarded to: • who are able to speak, read and write a language which can be used for the proposed studies. • Astatement from a reliable source confirming the proficiency of applicants in the languages needed for their studies is an essential requirement.
Fellowships • When fellowships are granted for long-term studies the government concerned is asked to undertake that, if for any reason WHO cannot continue the fellowships in subsequent years, it will make financial provision for the students to complete their studies. • It may be necessary to provide official proof of language proficiency as determined by the regional office of study.
Fellowships • It should be the aim of regional offices to have received all applications at least six months in advance of the proposed starting date • Applications must be made on the WHO Fellowship Application Form (form WHO 52)
Fellowships • The regional director, based upon the recommendation of the fellowship officer, may reject an application if: • (a) the proposed fellowship is not justified in terms of the study programme; • (b) the qualifications of the candidate, technical background and knowledge of the language of study will not permit full benefit to be drawn from the fellowship; • (c) the candidate's health is questionable; or • (d) the application should not be accepted or should be postponed for other reasons.
Fellowships • Changes in a study programme after it has been established, even if the award has not yet been issued, are undesirable primarily because of the difficulties which they cause to the countries and institutions of study. • Regional offices of origin should keep the regional office(s) for the region (or regions) of study informed of any approaches made to them for changes in programme, extensions, etc.; and • fellows should be asked to address all correspondence concerning changes in their programme, etc. to the regional office for the region of study.
Fellowships • After placement has been arranged and funds have been obligated, the regional fellowships officer prepares a Letter of Award. • The Letter of Award, is the only certificate relating to the studies issued by WHO • The Letter of Award indicates how the fellow is to obtain tickets for authorized travel.
Fellowships • Fellows are required to make their own arrangements for hotel accommodation. • They are responsible for paying their own hotel bills, including cancellation fees, whether or not the cancellation is due to circumstances beyond their control • Fellows will receive their termination allowance from their Region of Origin upon return home and only after submitting their termination report. • WHO pays tuition fees for courses included in study programmes
HLT • Includes the following: • Books • Journals • e-Journals • Subscriptions • Subscription to all periodicals should be endorsed by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education
HLT • Essential elements required • Books: • Full title, Author(s), Publisher, Year of Publication, Edition, ISBN • Periodicals: • Full Title, ISSN, Year, Volume(s) • For non-printed materials: • Bibliographical information (as stated above) plus type of media
Local Cost LCS
LCS • Printing and publishing materials: • Three quotations • Clear specifications • Clear date of delivery (duration) • Some of the local expenses for field activities
Miscellaneous MIS
MIS • Ad hoc one-time payment • No contracts involved • Should not exceed 1% of all domestic expenses (APWs+LCS+NTAs)
Meeting MTG
MTG • Covers any type of meeting that requires issuance of Travel Authorization (TA) • TIMELY nomination of the candidates by the International Relations Department ATTACHED with a clear copy of the passports of the nominees. • Full contact details & designation of the candidates
MTG • Validity of passports for at least 6 months from the travel date. • Medical Certificate for Egypt entry visa. • Obtaining Visa is responsibility of the nominees unless visas are not issued by the concerned mission in Iran. • Candidates should read carefully the documents and information Bulletins shred with them on the meeting.
NTA • Request from the International Relations Department BEFORE the activity • The maximum period to authorize an NTA is 3 months ahead of the due date • Completed NTA form on the given template • Allotment & AMS Code • Date/dates (duration) • Workshop Agenda/Program, including timings and facilitators for each session • List/name of the participants along with their work address and position held
NTA • List of facilitators and their CVs • Bank Account Details • Clear, SMART training objectives • F/P ratio* 1:8 • Statement Of Account for the previous NTAs and for this one max. 15 days later • Copies (hard or soft) of training material, e.g. overheads/slides or handouts to be used, if available.
Title of the NTA Dates & Duration Background: Who, Where, Why…? How? Workshop, presentation, lectures, etc.. Smart Objectives: What do you intend to achieve? UMS and venue How Many participants from the same location and elsewhere? Total amount requested and the breakdown How many facilitators from the same location and elsewhere? Ratio of facilitators/participants should be 1/9 or more
Mandatory Information Allotment AMS Code After 60 days Perdiem Sticker No. No of per. No of per. No of days No of days Same location Elsewhere Same location Elsewhere 25% of No. of pr X No. of days X Perdiem 50% of No. of pr X No. of days X Perdiem 50% of No. of pr X No. of days X Perdiem 75% of No. of pr X No. of days X Perdiem + + Sub total = sum of participants and facilitators Stationary = 10% Sub total Misc. = 10% (sub tot. + stationary) Total for obligation = Sub total + Stationary + Misc. NTA FieldsIdentification Participants Facilitators
Recruitment STC SSA STP
REC • Creates employer/employee relationship • Different types: • Short Term Consultant (STC) • Special services Agreement (SSA) • Short Term Professional (STP)
STCs • Request from the International Relations Department attached with the STC request form at least 8 weeks before the assignment date • Allotment & AMS Code • Detailed Terms of Reference • Date/dates (duration) • Agenda/Program (tentative) • Name, contact details and CV (for non WHO STCs)
STC • In the program of every and each STC the following should be included: • A briefing meeting with the WHO Representative technical unit on the first day of the mission • A 2 hours presentation on the topic • A debriefing meeting with the WHO Representative and the technical unit on the last day of the mission
The TOR will be developed in collaboration with the relevant technical unit in the WHO Representative Office STC