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Learn about the qualifications, benefits, and process to become a docent at Sahlgrenska Academy. Follow the defined criteria, earn recognition, and elevate your academic career. Receive practical advice to enhance your docentship application.
Defintition of Docent • Declaration of qualification • The word docentderives from the Latin verb docere – to teach, to educate • A docent is capable of : • acquiring scientific knowledge independently • communicating knowledge to others • Docents at the Sahlgrenska Academy have after doctoral degree: • documented that they have acquired the ability to carry out high-quality research without the support of previous collaborators • documented their ability to initiate projects of their own, complete them and publish the results and are able to attract grants for research projects • are able to communicate effectively and knowledgeably with a broad range of audiences • have a high degree of expertise in the area defined for the docentship • are directly affiliated with the Sahlgrenska Academy, and the Academy expects to benefit from the docentship Anna Rudin
Why do one want to become a docent? Benefits: Obtain certificate (declaration of competence) Valuable when applying for grants and positions Necessary when applying for ALF money in Göteborg Advantage when you want to become main supervisor Increase in salary (4000:- per months if employed by the SU hospital) Obligations: Committés, evaluation boards Anna Rudin
Process Shortest in Sweden, seldom over 11 weeks! • Internal evaluation by two members of the docentship committee, as well as by the chair: 1-2 weeks, electronic process without meetings • The docentship Committee recommends approval or rejection of the application on the basis of the criteria established. • Written assessment by the head of the institute or by a professor/docent in a relevant field: 1-2 weeks • Assessment of the applicant’s educational background, scientific and pedagogical qualifications and expertise in the discipline concerned. The applicant’s independence and originality as shown after being awarded the doctorate and the applicant’s pedagogical work and skill as a teacher. • External evaluation by a docent or a professor in a relevent field at a different university: 6 weeks • Written assessment of the applicant’s educational background, scientific and pedagogical qualifications and expertise in the discipline concerned • Board of Academy (Dean): 0.5-1 week • The final decision is taken by the Academy Board or, by delegation, by the Dean of the Academy. Anna Rudin
Rules for the appointment of docents at the Sahlgrenska Academy Criteria Applicants are formally qualified if they meet the following criteria within the field defined for the docentship: scientific skill and originality pedagogical skill and originality expertise in the discipline affiliation with the Sahlgrenska Academy All the criteria carry the same weight and there is no ranking between them. Skills and qualifications in one area cannot compensate for lack of skills and qualifications in another. http://www.sahlgrenska.gu.se/forskning/docentur/ Anna Rudin
1) Scientific skill and originality Scientific skill Scientific skill is normally demonstrated through original work, defined as articles which contain original data and which have been published or accepted for publication in reputable international peer-reviewed journals in English. Consequently, articles in journal supplements, proceedings, case descriptions or reviews do not count. Provided that all other criteria are met, articles in languages other than English may be included. Articles accepted for publication should be accompanied by letters of acceptance. About 15 original articles should be submitted by applicants, including those presented in their dissertations. Work done before the dissertation may also count. The majority of what is submitted has to be work from after the dissertation. The norm of 15 articles may be subject to variation upwards or downwards on the basis of the quality of the articles, the number or ordering of the authors etc. For monographs, there is a special assessment procedure. Anna Rudin
Scientific originality and independence Scientific originality and independence can for example be documented by the applicant’s being recognized as a senior representative of the field of research concerned and/or, in addition to his or her dissertation work, has carried out research consistently and independently. The applicant should have made a special contribution to the competence of the research group and/or show an individual research profile. This should be made clear in the accompanying research plan! At least two of the articles referred to in the application must have the applicant as first or last author and their dissertation supervisors (refers to both main and co-supervisors) must not be one of the co-authors. The applicant has to state whether he/she is the chief author or, if not, their role in the research reported in the work submitted. Research experience from a research group other than the one in which the dissertation was produced is a supporting factor in an application for a docentship. The same holds for grants awarded for projects to be led by the applicant and for refereeing done for international journals. Anna Rudin
2) Pedagogical skill and independence • Pedagogical skill • By pedagogical skill is meant science-based knowledge of learning processes and ability to put this knowledge into practice in both academic and non-academic teaching situations. • Pedagogical skill is reflected in the ability to plan, conduct and evaluate teaching. • It is acquired through courses in academic teaching, experience of teaching and pedagogical activities focusing on non-experts and the general public, and the pedagogical project. • Docents at the Sahlgrenska Academy are required to have: • broad and up-to-date knowledge of their field of teaching • ability to structure and organize their knowledge on the basis of theories of learning • ability to create enthusiasm and an interest in the subject • ability to stimulate active learning in their students • Assessment of pedagogical skill is in particular based on the way that scientific and pedagogical knowledge affects applicants’ teaching style and on the results of their scientific and pedagogical approach as shown by innovations in teaching methods and course organization. This should be made clear in the application. Anna Rudin
Courses in academic teaching • Pedagogical education and training, consisting of a theoretical pedagogical course, a course in scientific supervision and a pedagogical project, is a requirement for a docentship at the Sahlgrenska Academy. • Academic teaching • Scientific supervision • Pedagogical project • The pedagogical project is a written and an oral presentation (seminar) of a pedagogical problem that the candidate has encountered in his/her teaching at the Academy (undergraduate, postgraduate or specialist level) or externally (non-experts, the general public). • Both presentations should include • identification of a pedagogical problem • description and analysis of the relevant literature and theories • discussion of the problem in relation to the literature, personal observations and reflections • conclusion and implications for future teaching Anna Rudin
Teaching experience For a docentship at the Sahlgrenska Academy, the applicant must have the experience of teaching about 120 contact hours (preparation not included). Teaching experience counts whether it has been acquired at the undergraduate, the postgraduate or the specialist level. Different formats are assessed, for instance lectures, seminars, demonstrations, supervision of laboratory work, special clinical teaching, supervision in groups in PhD courses, and supervision of individual degree projects. We also count professional pedagogical activities aimed at the general public (popularizing lectures, seminars, contributions to radio/TV). Neither regular clinical teaching, nor clinical supervision in undergraduate or specialist education can be counted as teaching time. For supervision of degree projects (carrying credits for 10 or 20 weeks) or dissertation work, 20 hours are credited for each student. However, this kind of supervision must not exceed 50 per cent (60 hours) of the total teaching time counted. Document your teaching regularly in your CV! Anna Rudin
Pedagogical originality and independence For a docentship at the Sahlgrenska Academy, value is placed on independence in teaching, particularly as shown in proactive and constructive contributions to education. Pedagogical originality and independence can be documented by statements from a director of studies or the equivalent; by teaching materials, relevant articles or media interaction; and by descriptive accounts concerning responsibility for courses or work as a teaching assistant/amanuensis, supervision of degree projects, or projects for pedagogical development. Development of new courses or revision of old courses is regarded as a sign of pedagogical originality and independence. Anna Rudin
3) Subject expertise For a docentship to be approved: the applicant has to demonstrate, in a field of research defined by the Board of the Academy, a deeper and broader expertise than that required for the doctorate. the applicant has to be affiliated with a science institution in a relevant discipline for at least two years after being awarded the doctorate. During this time, the applicant has to have participated actively in the development of the discipline and its educational programme. for a docentship in a clinical discipline, declared specialist competence or the equivalent is required in the clinical specialization within the main discipline. Otherwise, the docentship will be renamed, with a label such as ‘experimental’ or with the supplemental designation of ‘research’. Anna Rudin
4) Affiliation with the Sahlgrenska Academy • For the title of docent at the Sahlgrenska Academy, it is a prerequisite that the applicant has a natural affiliation with the Academy and that the docentship is deemed beneficial to the research and education conducted by the Academy. • The affiliation can take the form of: • employment at the SA, the Sahlgrenska University Hospital, the Gothenburg branch of the National Dental Service or other hospitals and health care centres/clinics in Region Västra Götaland or primary health care. • affiliation through employment in a company which is in close cooperation with the SA . • other than the kinds of employment mentioned above and they are then assessed in combination with the advantages of the docentship for the Academy by a professor/docent in the relevant subject and the Head of institute concerned. • A requirement common to all the forms of affiliation is that the applicant should take an active part in the work carried out by the Academy. Anna Rudin
Reasons for losing docentship with affiliation to the SA The Board of the Academy can decide that the docent should lose his/her affiliation with the Academy: If a docent is considered to have lost contact with the Sahlgrenska Academy. The docentship has to be renewed every 6 years by proving scientific of pedagogical contributions to the SA. If a docent has acted in a way that causes serious damage to the reputation of the SA. The title docent is not lost, only the affiliation! Anna Rudin