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European Detector R&D and FP7 - Outline

Explore the latest Integrated Activities call for detector development and coordination in accelerator R&D and European programs. Join the Coordination Group to enhance communication and set research priorities for detector projects.

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European Detector R&D and FP7 - Outline

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  1. European Detector R&D and FP7 - Outline • Background • New call for IAs (Integrated Activities) now out (see next talk) • ESGARD preparing proposal for accelerator R&D (as follow up to CARE) for this call • IA potentially also very useful for infrastructures related to common R&D – for detector development for SLHC, Linear Colliders, Neutrinos, etc. • also in this area we need coordination to set our own priorities, to improve our chances for success, • and also in this area we can benefit from better coherency/communication among all the actors in the field • EUDET a successful example in FP6 for detector R&D as supported by such a program • Organisational points • Outline of application S.Stapnes

  2. European Detector R&D and FP7 – WEB- information • WEB page at: http://project-fp7-detectors.web.cern.ch/project-FP7-detectors/Default.htm S.Stapnes

  3. A European Coordination Group for Detector R&D in the FP7 programs: • The successful model for such a group is ESGARD covering accelerator R&D. • For detector R&D the activities are much more widely distributed and the major stakeholders are the main experiments being planned for SLHC, Linear Collider (EUDET), Neutrino and Flavour physics. • It is therefore suggested to create a COORDINATION GROUP with representatives for these planned experiments plus CERN and DESY. The believe is that most of the European detector R&D are focused and organised as part of these collaborations or proto-collaborations. • The detector R&D coordination group must also have effective links to ESGARD to make sure the plans concerning submissions to EU programs in the areas of accelerator R&D and detector R&D are coherent. • The current composition of the group is: • Joachim Mnich, EUDET (Linaer Collider Detectors) • Nigel Hessey and Jordan Nash, upgrade coordinators ATLAS, CMS • Lucie Linssen representing CERN • Rolf Heuer representing DESY • Alain Blondel representing neutrino detectors • Francesco Forti representing flavour factory detectors • One person from ESGARD (or/and frequent communication ESGARD) • The group is lead by Norman McCubbin and Steinar Stapnes. S.Stapnes

  4. A Committee for Detector R&D Dear RECFA members, In the Manchester RECFA meeting it was agreed to set up a coordination group for detector R&D submissions to the FP7 EU programs. Norman McCubbin and Steinar Stapnes will follow up and report again about this point in the Berlin RECFA meeting. An European Coordination Group for Detector R&D: The successful model for such a group is ESGARD covering accelerator R&D. For detector R&D the activities are much more widely distributed and the major stakeholders are the main experiments being planned for SLHC, ILC (EUDET), Neutrino and Flavour physics. It is therefore suggested to create a COORDINATION GROUP with representatives for these planned experiments plus CERN and DESY. The believe is that most of the European detector R&D are focussed and organised as part of these collaborations or proto-collaborations. The detector R&D coordination group must also have effective links to ESGARD to make sure the plans concerning submissions to EU programs in the areas of accelerator R&D and detector R&D are coherent. A reference group with national representatives: However, given that detector R&D is very widely distributed activity with many potential project partners, during this process it is important to have a DISCUSSION PARTNERS in each European country that can: - Help to identify the major detector R&D activities in each country - Help to identify one (or a few) potential contract partners for EU proposals in the area of detector R&D (this could typically be national labs taking on coordination roles within one country, or a leading institute) - Provide guidance to the co-ordination group during the planning phase (mails and information concerning the coordination groups work will be distributed to these national contacts). I would therefore ask you to suggest a NAME OF A NATIONAL CONTACT for your country for detector R&D activities becoming part of the reference group by answering this email as soon as possible. Until we receive a name from you we will use the RECFA representative as contact. Please reply to me with copies to Steinar Stapnes, Norman McCubbin and Peter Hansen. Best wishes, Karlheinz Meier S.Stapnes

  5. National Contacts The National Contact Group is a reference group with national representatives. The detector R&D is very widely distributed activity with many potential project partners, during this process it is important to have discussion partners in each European country that can: • Help to identify the major detector R&D activities in each country • Help to identify one (or a few) potential contract partners for EU proposals in the area of detector R&D (this could typically be national labs taking on coordination roles within one country, or a lead institute) • Provide guidance to the Coordination Group during the planning phase (mails and information concerning the coordination groups work will be distributed to these national contacts). Names identified by RECFA representatives (and if not received the RECFA representative is used): S.Stapnes

  6. Agendas Link to meeting agenda and slides available: http://indico.cern.ch/categoryDisplay.py?categId=1696 S.Stapnes

  7. FP7-Planning of calls and indicative budget R.Aleksans talk in ESGARD workshop S.Stapnes

  8. Call for IAs • IA: Integrated Activities • Used successfully and creatively by EUDET in FP6 to support test-beams and other common infrastructures for the R&D and integration activities, building some of the prototypes (used as part of infrastructures), and to provide travel funds for participants – for ILC detector R&D. 30+ participating institutions and 60+ FTEs … 7 MEURO budget. • Also used by CARE for accelerator R&D of course • Extract from call: Integrating Activities aim to provide a wider and more efficient access to and use of, the existing research infrastructures. This will ensure that European researchers may have access to the high performing research infrastructures they require to conduct their research, irrespective of the location of the infrastructure. Integrating Activities also aim to structure better and integrate, on a European scale, the way research infrastructures operate and to foster their joint development in terms of capacity and performance. The main characteristic of an Integrating Activity will be its capacity to mobilise a comprehensive consortium of stakeholders in a given class of infrastructures. S.Stapnes

  9. Proposal strategy • Priorities: • Common detector R&D facilities needed 2009-2012 (as identified by representatives of the coordination group) • Testbeams, Irradiation facilities, Electronics development tools, Software tools - focus on items/projects which adapt them to next detector R&D stage • SLHC detector R&D facilities • Adaptation of the facilities/tools for SLHC detector R&D • Linear Collider Detector R&D facilities • Focus on facilities that allow follow up of EUDET (combined set up and testing of detectors), plus related electronics, software and detector integration tools • Neutrino detector Detector R&D facilities • Study of detector elements in testbeams, electronics and software development, detector integration tools • SuperB (mostly covered by above) • Testbeam measurements, irradiations, detectors and software Many of these facilities/common tools are linked to equipment and projects taking place in the CERN beams but several are also distributed (for example irradiation facilities, electronics, software, etc) • Link strongly to the European Strategy for Particle Physics S.Stapnes

  10. Outline of proposal The following key activities are identified. They will in several cases need to be split into several work-packages (will wait for call to be launched to finalise this breakdown). Current ongoing work is to identify main objectives, coordinators, main partners, budget envelopes • Electronics tools for new detectors • Software developments for detector R&D: • Geant4 (pileup and also other packages), Fluka (backgrounds), Reconstruction toolkit, Geometry package to allow simulating various layouts efficiently) • Irradiation facilities for detector R&D – crucial in particular for SLHC rates, several such facilities around Europe needed – many improvements needed for SLHC studies (and will obviously also cover needs for anybody else) • Test-beam facilities: • Linear Collider Combined tests • SLHC detector tests • Neutrino Detector Testing • Super B Detector Testing • Technical Coordination tools for Linear Collider Experiment(s) • Technical Coordination tools for Neutrino Experiment(s) In addition there will be a Management/Outreach WP S.Stapnes

  11. Budget strategy • Aim for single digit MEURO proposal – i.e 9.something from EU (around 1/3 of full project) • Some uneasiness that we enter with two large proposals - accelerators and detectors – hence this recommendation from RECFA • The key – strongly supported by RECFA and the main selling point of this proposal – is to focus on Common Topics. This is an “integrating activity” • This will also maximise the return for each partner, and maximise the exchange of experiences and impact of the project • Some numbers for Common/SLHC/Linear Collider/Neutrino/SuperB … to illustrate the above S.Stapnes

  12. The end • Now to work .. S.Stapnes

  13. Similar proposals • HadronPhysics in FP6 I3HP has 49 beneficiaries and a 17.4 MEURO EU budget. • Current project is at http://www.infn.it/eu/i3hp/ • They are preparing a follow-up proposal:http://www.hadronphysics2.eu/. We expect this proposal to request 15 MEURO from the EU. • The EURONS community for nuclear physics. • The present EURONS project has 14.1 MEURO EU funds. EURONS has 9 NA's, 12 TA's and 13 JRA's: http://ec.europa.eu/research/infrastructures/pdf/eurons.pdfhttp://www.gsi.de/informationen/jofu/EURONS/ • They are preparing a new proposal (link not found) • There is the ILIAS (Integrated Large Infrastructures for AstroparticleScience) FP6 project. • Current project got 7.5 MEURO from the EU: http://wwwilias.cea.fr/scripts/home/publigen/content/templates/show.asp?L=EN&P=293&vTicker=alleza&ITEMID=3 • They are preparing a new proposal under this site: http://www-ilias.cea.fr/scripts/home/publigen/content/templates/show.asp?P=157&L=EN&ITEMID=43 S.Stapnes

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