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SESSION 1 ORIENTATION AND LEVELLING OF EXPECTATIONS. ACTIVITY : ( 30 min. ). Think of some expectations of the 2-day training. 2. Brainstorm among your group members. On each piece of idea card (pink) write one expectation which can be answered by this training workshop . Topic

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  2. ACTIVITY : ( 30 min. ) • Think of some expectations of the 2-day training. 2. Brainstorm among your group members. On each piece of idea card (pink) write one expectation which can be answered by this training workshop. • Topic • Training management • Participants

  3. 3. On a separate idea card (blue) write one house rule/norm to be observed during the training. 4. Share and agree on your group’s output 5. Ask a reporter to present the output in two (2) minutes 6. Post outputs in designated areas

  4. QUESTIONS : 1. Which expectations are common? 2. Which of the expectations may be achieved? May not be achieved? 3. Which of the norms/house rules should we observe that help us achieve the training objectives? 4. As a participant how can you get the best of this training?

  5. Objectives: • 1. deepen understanding on the critical support roles of the region, division and schools relevant to the implementation of E-BEC ; • 2. understand the basic processes for the management and governance of E-BEC program on Quality Assurance, Technical Assistance and Monitoring and Evaluation (QATAME); • 3. identify TA agenda and design TA intervention for a priority concern; • 4. deepen understanding of the M&E system; and • 5. develop action plan for organizing M&E for E-BEC, M&E structure and implementation plan.

  6. Schedule of Activities

  7. Functions of the Host Teams Functions: 1. Conduct a brief opening activity (a.m. only) • Prayer • Roll Call (Creative way) • Words to Ponder • Energizer • Management Concern • MOL • Session Proper

  8. Functions of the Host Teams 2. Conduct unfreezing/energizer as needed 3. Facilitate the signing of attendance sheet 4. Ensure cleanliness and orderliness in the session hall

  9. Hosting Schedule Day 1 , a.m.- TEAM 1 p.m.- TEAM 2 Day 2, a.m.- TEAM 3 p.m.- TEAM 4 CLOSING PROGRAM : RO

  10. What's in store for us? Session 2 - Understanding the critical support/ roles of the region, division and schools relevant to the implementation of E-BEC a.m. Session 3 - Quality Assurance . . . in a Capsule DAY 1 Session 4 –Basic processes for the management and governance of QATAME Session 5 - M&E Mechanism of the region & Divisions p.m. • Session 6 - Preparation of Action Plans • Organizing M&E for E-BEC implementation and other programs and projects • M&E structure and M&E Implementation Plan

  11. What's in store for us? Session 7- Presentation of action plan for organizing M&E, M&E structure and M&E implementation Plan a.m. Session 8. Technical Assistance Mechanism to Region and Divisions DAY 2 Session 9 - Enhancing TA Competencies for Regional & Division TA advocates p.m. Continuation of Session 9. Workshop Integration : Closing Program :

  12. Activity • Individual Task (on the Journal) • To be able to get the most out of this training, I personally commit to do the following…



  15. OBJECTIVE • Gain an in-depth understanding on the critical support/roles/functions of the region, divisions and schools relevant to the implementation of E-BEC. • Express commitment to realize the organizational functions

  16. Activity : Group Task • List down activities that you have done in your divisions relative to your functions. • Describe what is done, why it is done and how it is done. • Use the template in your answers • Report your group output.


  18. Example of Major Tasks/ Responsibilities Curriculum Development (What) Monitor and assess division implementation of the (subject) curriculum (Why) to determine adherence to the set standards and methods (How) through visual inspection of Division’s IMs and Teacher Training Design Quality Assurance (What) Monitor and assess regional performance on (subject) proficiency (Why) to identify areas of strengths and areas for improvement (How) by comparing and correlating (subject) proficiency score with factors that affect student performance .

  19. Questions • What are the common activities that you have done in your divisions ? The what? why’s? and how’s ? • Are all these activities related to your functions ? • What common functions which you have done ? • Who are the key benefactors ? • What insights have you gained in this exercise?

  20. Functions and the Key Result Areas • Central office • Set agenda and directions • Develop educ. policies • Formulate systems and standards for national adoption • Formulate policies on quality assurance • Build Partnerships with GOs & NGOs • Articulate national frameworks to guide the organization in the performance of its core functions and the provision of support to its core functions • Region Office: • Set Regional agenda and directions • Regional policy development; • Localize Curriculum • Adapt standards • Manage Quality Assurance • Provide Technical assistance to Divisions • Division/District Office: • Manage curriculum implementation; • Provide Instructional supervision; • Oversee mgt. of schools/LCs • Give technical assistance to schools/LCs • Allocate equitable distribution of resources • Establish linkages KRA 1: Curriculum KRA 2: Quality KRA 3: Organization Effectiveness and Governance KRA 4: Finance and Administration • School/LC • Take accountability for learner outcomes • Implement the curriculum • Provide equitable opportunities for all learners in the community • Create an environment conducive to teaching & learning • Lead & manage school & • its resources

  21. Organizational Functions functions • Central office • Set overall education agenda, directions and policies • Formulate systems and standards for national adoption • Perform investment programming • Articulate national frameworks to guide the organization in the performance of its core functions and the provision of support • Oversee quality assurance and performance accountability • Build Partnerships with GOs & NGOs • Region Office: • Set Regional agenda, directions and policies • Localize curriculum • Adapt to or adopt standards • Manage Quality Assurance • Provide technical assistance to Divisions • Manage program • investment and equitable allocation of resources • Establish and manage partnerships • Division/District Office: • Implement education agenda and policies • Manage curriculum implementation; • Provide Instructional supervision • Build communities of schools and LCs • Give technical assistance to schools/LCs • Execute equitable distribution of resources • Establish and manage partnerships • School/LC • Take accountability for learner outcomes • Implement the curriculum • Provide equitable opportunities for all learners in the community • Create an environment conducive to teaching & learning • Lead & manage school & • its resources • Establish and manage • linkages with • stakeholders

  22. APPLICATION : • Knowing your functions in the implementation of E-BEP, express your commitment in the exercise of your functions …



  25. OBJECTIVES • Differentiate the form of delivering technical assistance by the RO and DO before and what is now required by the DepEd; • Explain the need for delivering technical assistance; • Explain the Technical Assistance Mechanism process framework; and • Demonstrate skills in analyzing TA needs from a given set of issues and concerns.

  26. Activity 1. • Recall one significant experience in providing Technical Assistance to schools or school heads that you felt very satisfied with and why. • Share this with your colleagues in your regional/division group.

  27. QUESTIONS • What are the commonalities among your experiences ? • What are the major reasons that made you feel satisfied with your experience ? • Is there anything about Technical Assistance that you want to be clarified ?

  28. TA Expected from the Regions • Stakeholders networking, stakeholders mobilization • Development of standards and indicators of progress, impacts and processes • Supervision by Monitoring and Evaluation of regional Standards and learning outcomes BESRA PIP 2006

  29. TA Expected from the Regions • Technical Assistance through training, performance evaluation, and accreditation process • Decentralization of functions and budgets in terms of localization, integration of plans and best practices • Ensuring that all programs & projects of DepEd is managed and supported by the divisions (eg. SBM) BESRA PIP 2006

  30. TA Expected from the Divisions • Stakeholders networking ,i. e. organization of SGC, revitalization of LSB • Stakeholders mobilization and resource generation • School-based resource management and installation of finance and administrative systems BESRA PIP 2006

  31. TA Expected from the Divisions • Technical guidance by Division Superintendents and supervision by division education/subject specialists • Development of standards and indicators of progress, impacts and processes • Ensuring SBM is continuously being practiced in schools. BESRA PIP 2006

  32. TA Expected from the Divisions • Training programs for school heads and Teachers • Procurement of textbooks through Division Annual Procurement Plan based on school’s procurement plans BESRA PIP 2006

  33. Activity 2. Group Activity (TA GAME) • What comes to your mind when you hear or read the phrase Technical Assistance? • Give as many answers as you can. • Write your answers on the colored meta-sheets provided per group • Do not repeat an answer. The group that repeats an answer earns a (-1) point. • The group that can provide the most number of correct answers wins the game

  34. Questions : • What about TA ? • Why conduct TA? • Who conducts TA? • When to conduct TA? • How to conduct TA ?

  35. What is Technical Assistance (TA)? • TA is any form of professional help • TA is a process • TA is a journey • TA aims for client’s improvement

  36. What is Technical Assistance (TA)? • Any form of professional help, guidance or support • For “ others” to be more effective in the performance of their functions

  37. Who are these “ others” ? • For the RO - Schools Divisions • For the DO – Schools & Learning Centers

  38. What is Technical Assistance (TA)? • As an active process - • With steps to follow; makes use of tools • Via process consultation • Requires specific skills • Focuses on achieving set goals

  39. What is Technical Assistance (TA)? • As a journey - • Reminding the clients of their prime responsibility and accountability • Respecting their capability and pace • Providing alternatives • Leaving decision-making into the hands of the clients

  40. Why conduct Technical Assistance? • TA is conducted to help : • Solve problems • Improve performance • Get results • Gather data to inform policy formulation

  41. Guiding Principles of Technical Assistance • Each organization is responsible for its own growth and development. • Technical assistance is aligned with the organization’s vision and mission and is based on the organization’s needs. • Learning is a cooperative and collaborative process.

  42. TYPES OF TA • Direct sharing of expertise • Providing information where to secure what the client needs

  43. MODES OF PROVIDING TA • Information Sharing • Policies • Guidelines • Directions • Instructions Via – conferences, Memorandum, DepEd Orders, Referrals, etc…

  44. MODES OF PROVIDING TA 2. Capability Building – via . . . • Training • Workshops • Coaching/Mentoring • Seminars of Conferences • Job Aids

  45. MODES OF PROVIDING TA 3. Help in group & Work Management • Coaching • Workshops

  46. AREAS OF TA 3. A Work Management • Coaching, Workshops on : • Planning the work • Standards setting • Monitoring implementation • Assessing & adjusting implementation • Evaluating Work Accomplishment

  47. AREAS OF TA 3. B Group Management • Coaching, Workshops on : • Giving of assignments • Building & sustaining teams • Monitoring work and time utilization • Managing performance of people

  48. SKILLS IN PROVIDING TA • Facilitation skills • Giving feedback skills • Coaching skills • Monitoring and analysis skills of TA Progress • Summative evaluation of Providing TA

  49. STAGES IN PROVIDING TA AGENDA • Identifying TA agenda • Identifying TA intervention • Performance contracting • TA planning • TA implementation/Monitoring /Feedback/Adjustment 6. TA Results Evaluation

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