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Know Thyself

Know Thyself. Development: Dr. Leo Maganares Editing: Ian Brailsford Narration: Jonathan Phillips. Transition of Information from Senses to the Brain. Image created by Dr. Leo Maganares. Image obtained from http://www.thebrainwiki.com/pmwiki.php?n=Forebrain.Thalamus. The Memory Mechanism.

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Know Thyself

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Know Thyself Development: Dr. Leo Maganares Editing: Ian Brailsford Narration: Jonathan Phillips

  2. Transition of Information from Senses to the Brain Image created by Dr. Leo Maganares Image obtained from http://www.thebrainwiki.com/pmwiki.php?n=Forebrain.Thalamus

  3. The Memory Mechanism Long-Term Procedural (skills)how to drive a car Sensory Short-Term Declarative (facts) SemanticWhat is a car? EpisodicYour first car Image created by Dr. Leo Maganares

  4. Image obtained from: http://www.exploratorium.edu/memory/braindissection/1.html

  5. Image obtained from: http://www.exploratorium.edu/memory/braindissection/1.html

  6. Image obtained from: http://www.exploratorium.edu/memory/braindissection/1.html

  7. Image obtained from www.needhelpwithmydepression.com/Howthebrainw...

  8. Decimal Binary 0 11 10 11 100 101 110 111 1000 1001 1010 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Image obtained from www.sgt-inc.com/science.php?pageid=205

  9. Neuron and Synapses Images obtained from www.needhelpwithmydepression.com/Howthebrainw...

  10. Know Thyself Our Brain Retains Only Stimulation / Information that Pleases the Brain Image obtained from www.frenchtowninn.com/html/spinach_salad.html Image obtained from images.dilkholkebol.com/user_home.php?ob=views

  11. Know Thyself Multiple IntelligencesHoward Gardner We are All Smart

  12. Multiple Intelligences • Linguistic • Logical-Mathematical • Spatial • Bodily Kinesthetic • Musical • Interpersonal • Intrapersonal

  13. Additional Intelligence Areas • Naturalistic • Moral Sensibility • Sexuality • Humor • Intuition • Creativity • Culinary Ability • Olfactory Perception • Ability to Synthesize the other Intelligences

  14. Know Thyself

  15. Multiple Intelligences Profile Dr. Leo Maganares Image created by Dr. Leo Maganares

  16. Good luck in your learning journey! Image obtained from free wallpapers www.1920-1200-wallpapers.com/1920-1200-wallpa...

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