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Poipoia te Reo Taumarunui Primary School. Staff meeting Sept 24 2012. www.tetoitupu.org. Expectations of this session:. Mihi – who am I? Something practical: How do we grow expertise in teaching a second language with a focus on te reo M ā ori? Ellis’ Principles – focus on principle 1
Poipoia te ReoTaumarunui Primary School Staff meeting Sept 24 2012 www.tetoitupu.org
Expectations of this session: • Mihi – who am I? • Something practical: • How do we grow expertise in teaching a second language with a focus on te reo Māori? • Ellis’ Principles – focus on principle 1 • Possible next steps? • Teaching as inquiry for term 4 – focus on principle 1 • Example… • Questions? • Co-construction…
Principles of Instructed Second Language Learning Dee Reid, School Support Services, The University of Waikato
Ten Principles... • Instruction needs to ensure that learners develop both a rich repertoire of formulaic expressions and a rule-based competence • Instruction needs to ensure that learners focus predominantly on meaning • Instruction needs to ensure that learners also focus on form • Instruction needs to be predominantly directed at developing implicit knowledge of the target language while not neglecting explicit knowledge • Instruction needs to take into account the learner’s “built-in syllabus”. • Successful instructed language learning requires extensive target language input • Successful instructed language learning also requires opportunities for output • The opportunity to interact in the target language is central to developing proficiency • Instruction needs to take account of individual differences in learners • In assessing learners’ target language proficiency it is important to examine free as well as controlled production
Focus on Four... • Instruction needs to ensure that learners develop both a rich repertoire of formulaic expressions and a rule-based competence • Successful instructed language learning requires extensive target language input • Successful instructed language learning also requires opportunities for output • The opportunity to interact in the target language is central to developing proficiency
1…repertoire of formulaic expressions What does it mean? What could it look like in the classroom? • Co-construction of useful kīwaha / phrases e.g. Kei te pēhea koe? • Focus on fluency before accuracy (it’s ok to make mistakes) • Explain language patterns when appropriate • Teacher uses te reo Māori as much as possible • Posters of te reo Māori on wall – used in context • Words and phrases being used in context are displayed • Wall charts showing language patterns • Student errors are being made, and that’s okay
Resources for formulaic language • He Reo Tupu He Reo Ora p187 – 192 • Learning Languages Waikato wiki: • https://learninglanguageswaikato.wikispaces.com/Te+Reo+M%C4%81ori Mōrena tamariki mā.
Next steps? • Co-construction? • Term 4? • 2013?
Contact: Dee Reid Project Leader Poipoia te Reo Tel: 027-252-7191 Email: dreid@waikato.ac.nz www.tetoitupu.org Jeanne Gilbert Kaitakawaenga (Facilitator) Tel: 027 2942178 Email: jeanneg@waikato.ac.nz