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Truth Tables

Learn to construct truth tables and determine equivalence of statements using DeMorgan’s Laws in logic. Practice with given examples and understand how to apply these concepts effectively.

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Truth Tables

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Truth Tables

  2. Objectives • Construct a truth table for a given symbolic expression. • Determine if two given statements are equivalent using truth tables. • Use De Morgan’s Laws to write a statement equivalent to a given statement.

  3. Vocabulary • truth table • equivalent expressions • De Morgan’s Laws

  4. Negation F T

  5. Conjunction T F F F

  6. Disjunction T T T F

  7. Conditional T F T T

  8. Construct a truth table for: F T T T

  9. Construct a truth table for:

  10. Construct a truth table for the following statement: If the lyrics are not controversial, then the performance is not banned. p: The lyrics are controversial. q: The performance is banned

  11. Construct a truth table for the following statement: The country singer is in trouble if he is elected. If he is elected, then the country singer is in trouble. p: The country singer is elected. The country singer is in trouble. q:

  12. Construct a truth table for the following statement: If he does not go to jail, he is innocent or has an alibi. p: He goes to jail. He is innocent. q: He has an alibi. r:

  13. Construct a truth tables for: and

  14. Construct truth tables to determine whether the following statements are equivalent. • The streets are wet or it is not raining. • If it is raining, then the streets are wet.

  15. DeMorgan’s Laws

  16. General Negations

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