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EXERCISE INBRIEF FORM. Date. Exercise Name. 1. MAGIC PIECES . Brief. Situation:
EXERCISE INBRIEF FORM Date Exercise Name 1. MAGIC PIECES Brief Situation: You are the leader of a small special forces unit. After your recent successes you have been ordered to proceed to a secret enemy laboratory. On the way to your objective you come across a shallow river. The river is infested with poisonous leeches which can incapacitate or kill humans. Mission: Your mission is to get yourself, your team and your equipment (including stepping stones) across the river safely. Resources: You have 7 rubber stepping stones. Limitations: The rubber stepping stones are the only safe place to stand between the river banks. Physical contact must be maintained with the stepping stones at all times between the river banks or they will be washed away. Participants may not jump between stepping stones. You will have 15mins in which to complete the mission which will commence at the end of this brief. Real World Safety: Be careful not to step on other team members’ fingers and toes. Questions? Check Understanding: What is your mission? What will happen if physical contact with the stepping stones is not maintained? Why is the river dangerous? Start clock: Your time starts now…
EXERCISE INBRIEF FORM Date Exercise Name 2. A KNOTTY SITUATION Brief Situation: You are the leader of a small special forces unit. You need to contact your HQ to arrange extraction by helicopter; however, your radio aerial has been damaged and will not function in its current state. Mission: Your mission is to repair the aerial by removing any knots or kinks in it. Resources: You have only one 75’ aerial wire. Limitations: The aerial must be supported before the repair can take place. The aerial can only be supported at the points marked by yellow tags. Once the aerial is supported team members cannot release their grip on the yellow marker until all knots and kinks are removed. If a supporting hand is removed prematurely, the aerial will snap. You will have 15mins in which to complete the mission which will commence at the end of this brief. Real World Safety: Untangling the wire will require balance and may result in a fall. Do not loop the rope around anyone’s neck. Questions? Check Understanding: What is your mission? What will happen if a team member moves a supporting hand before the kinks have been removed? What must happen before the repair can take place? Start clock: Your time starts now…
EXERCISE INBRIEF FORM Date Exercise Name 3. TEETER TOTTER Brief Situation: You are the leader of a small special forces unit carrying demolition equipment. On the way to your RV point you have come across fast-flowing river. Spanning the river is an old bridge in a state of severe disrepair that is only passable with extreme care. Mission: Your mission is to get yourself, your team and the demolition equipment safely across the old bridge. Resources: You have no additional resources for this task. Limitations: No team member or piece of equipment can touch the water. No team member may touch the bridge sections with his/her hands. The ends of each bridge section may not touch the water as the team crosses. The only safe areas to stand are the 2 river banks and the rubber mats between the bridge sections. If a team member steps off bridge he/she will be swept back to the river bank. If an end of a bridge section touches the water all team members on that section will be swept back to the river bank. A minimum of 3 team members must be on the bridge before one steps off. You will have 15mins in which to complete the mission which will commence at the end of this brief. Real World Safety: Team members are NOT to jump between sections. Crossing the bridge will require balance and may result in a fall. Team members may not hold the bridge ends up. Questions? Check Understanding: What is your mission? What will happen if a bridge end touches the water? Where are the only safe areas to stand? Start clock: Your time starts now…
EXERCISE INBRIEF FORM Date Exercise Name 4. SPIDER WEB Brief Situation: You are the leader of a small special forces unit. You have been ordered to recce an enemy command and control facility, in order to gain access to the facility you must first penetrate this security fence. The fence is equipped with motion sensors which can detect the slightest movement if the fence is disturbed. Mission: Your mission is to get yourself and your team through the security fence without setting off the motion sensors and alerting the enemy to your presence. Resources: You do not have any additional equipment to help you complete the mission. Limitations: Each individual must pass through a fence opening without disturbing the fence. Once a fence opening has been used it may not be used again. If the fence is disturbed the person who disturbed it must retreat immediately and start again. Team members may not go around, over or under the fence unless retreating to the starting position. Participants may not dive through a fence opening. You will have 15mins in which to complete the mission which will commence at the end of this brief. Real World Safety: If personnel are to be lifted ensure that proper lifting techniques are used and that the head and neck of the person being lifted is properly supported. Questions? Check Understanding: What will happen if the fence is disturbed? What real world safety concerns are associated with the task? When can you go around the fence? Start clock: Your time starts now…
EXERCISE INBRIEF FORM Date Exercise Name 5. SPIDER WEB WEAVE Brief Situation: You are the leader of a small special forces unit. Based on intelligence from your previous mission, your commander has decided that a larger force will now launch an all-out attack on the command and control facility. The element of surprise must be maintained to ensure a successful attack which means that the security fence must be destroyed. Mission: Your mission is to weave explosive cord through the entire security fence and connect it to detonator plates without setting off the motion sensors and alerting the enemy to your presence. Resources: You have 75’ of explosive chord and 2 detonator plates with positive and negative connectors. Limitations: The explosive cord must be woven through each fence opening twice to ensure that the correct amount of charge is used. Each end of the cord must then be connected to a detonator plate ensuring the correct connectivity (ie positive to positive, negative to negative). The fence cannot be disturbed until the chord has been woven through and connected to the detonator plates. If the fence is disturbed you and your team must remain motionless and silent for one minute before continuing with the mission. Team members may not go around, over or under the fence but they may go through. Participants may not dive through the fence. You will have 15mins in which to complete the mission which will commence at the end of this brief. Real World Safety: If personnel are to be lifted ensure that proper lifting techniques are used and that the head and neck of the person being lifted is properly supported. Questions? Check Understanding: What is your mission? What will happen if the fence is disturbed? What real world safety concerns are associated with the exercise? Start clock: Your time starts now…
EXERCISE INBRIEF FORM Date Exercise Name 6. OUT OF THE BOX Brief Situation: You are the leader of a small special forces unit. You have broken into a secret enemy laboratory that is developing a deadly chemical agent. The agent is located in a container inside a box that is 7ft square, also inside the box is bucket of sulphuric acid. The area in and around the box is fitted with pressure sensors. Mission: Your mission is to destroy the chemical agent using the equipment provided by placing it in the bucket of acid, without activating the pressure sensors. Resources: You have one 75’ rope and one 7’ rope. Limitations: The rubber stepping stones and the top of the box itself are the only places where the pressure sensors will not be activated. No team member may touch the chemical container or the bucket of acid. No team member or equipment may touch the floor in and around the box. If a team member activates the pressure sensors that team member will be captured and executed. If equipment activates the pressure sensors it will be returned to the starting point. You will have 15mins in which to complete the mission which will commence at the end of this brief. Real World Safety: Working on top of the box will require balance and may result in a fall. Questions? Check Understanding: What is your mission? What will happen if a team member activates a pressure sensor? Where are the only safe places to stand within the laboratory? Start clock: Your time starts now…
EXERCISE INBRIEF FORM Date Exercise Name 7. MATRIX WALK w/change Brief Situation: You are the leader of a small special forces unit trained in arctic warfare. Earlier today an enemy UAV was shot down and crash landed on an unstable glacier. On board the UAV was a photographic pod containing sensitive intelligence information. An enemy team has already died trying to retrieve the pod when they fell into a crevass. Mission: Your mission is to traverse the unstable glacier, retrieve the photographic pod from the UAV and return to the starting point. Resources: You have been issued with these special snow shoes to assist you in your task. A snow shoe left by the enemy team has been abandoned at the crash site. Limitations: Team members may not step onto the glacier without using the snow shoes. The only safe areas to stand are behind these 2 lines. You must take the following route across the glacier (explain route). You and your team must use 2 snow shoes on the outward journey and 3 snow shoes on the return journey. A minimum of 6 team members must be on the snows shoes during the traverse. If a team member steps off the snow shoes in an unsafe area the ground may give way. You will have 15mins in which to complete the mission which will commence at the end of this brief. Real World Safety: The ropes are NOT to be attached to team members’ feet or ankles. Do not touch the walls or other equipment within the trg area Questions? Check Understanding: What is your mission? How many snow shoes must you use for each journey? Where are the only safe areas to stand? Start clock: Your time starts now…
EXERCISE INBRIEF FORM Date Exercise Name 8. SHOE ISLAND (Part 1) Brief Instructor Note 1: Exercise map contained in Leadership Trg Day PowerPoint presentation. Instructor Note 2: Choose a leader and nominated 2IC Situation: You are the leader of a small special forces unit aboard HMS Invincible. Having completed your previous missions you are on your way home when the ship’s Captain comes in with the following message: "I have just received a FLASH message. Yesterday, a new, unmanned experimental aircraft, called the XL-5 crash-landed on a small, uninhabited island off the African Coast. The aircraft was carrying a sensitive new avionics suite, which must not be allowed to fall into enemy hands.” “Our experts have pin-pointed the crash location with some accuracy; they also predict that the aircraft is mostly intact. The small uninhabited island is less than 70 miles from our present position. (See Map) My charts show that the island is quite small and shaped like a shoe with its toe pointing westwards. It has a rocky coastline, with sandbanks and reefs running out in some places as much as 7 miles off‑shore, except on the north east coast which has steep cliffs and high ground up to 1500 ft." "You have been ordered to find the crashed aircraft and to ensure the safety of the avionics suite at all costs until 0900hrs tomorrow when MOD officials will arrive to take over command responsibility. I can give you 2 small boats, without engines, each with ample room for 4 soldiers with personal kit (not including weapons) and 100kgs of equipment/provisions. We have sufficient oars but with the present sea state no small boat will make more than 2 mph. I will provide you with a list of available equipment from which you must choose what you think you need to complete the mission. The packages of equipment are in water-tight containers and cannot be divided” "As you can see from the maps, the island consists of thick jungle which is likely to be hard going: you will probably only make 3 mph on foot. However, along the beach is more even ground where you could make 4 mph. There are only 3 known areas along the coast where a small boat could land, I have called these: HEEL, TOE and ARCH. Due to the sandbanks and reefs I can drop you 2 miles off TOE, half mile off HEEL or 7 miles off ARCH. The crash site is in the south east area of the island, some 300‑400 ft above sea‑level and about one mile inland. The authorities fear that you will not be alone in your search and that you may have a fight on your hands. The only way inland from HEEL is by scaling the cliffs which are 500 ft high. It is risky but can be done: I have some climbing gear aboard but I estimate it would take about an hour to climb 300 ft." “Providing you can let me know in the next 15mins I can get you to any of the 3 positions off the landing areas within 3 hours. The time now is XXXXX Local. Any questions? I need you to brief me on your plan and your equipment requirements in 15mins time. Good luck!” Real World Safety: There are no safety concerns associated with this exercise Start clock: Your time starts now… Calculations: D D S = ---- T D = S x T = ---- T S Speed - S Distance - D Time - T
EXERCISE INBRIEF FORM Date Exercise Name 8. SHOE ISLAND (Part 2) Brief Equipment Available SA-80 + 50 rounds ammo 10kgs SA-80 + 50 rounds ammo 10kgs SA-80 + 50 rounds ammo 10kgs SA-80 + 50 rounds ammo 10kgs SA-80 + 50 rounds ammo 10kgs SA-80 + 50 rounds ammo 10kgs SA-80 + 50 rounds ammo 10kgs SA-80 + 50 rounds ammo 10kgs LSW + 500 rounds ammo 50kgs LSW + 500 rounds ammo 50kgs 20 Stun Grenades 5kgs 20 Fragmentation Grenades 10kgs 12’ x 12’ Tent 100kgs 4 x Gas Stoves (full) 8kgs 20 Trip Flares 10kgs Section First aid kit 10kgs 24hr Compo Rations (One Man) 2kgs 24hr Compo Rations (One Man) 2kgs 24hr Compo Rations (One Man) 2kgs 24hr Compo Rations (One Man) 2kgs 24hr Compo Rations (One Man) 2kgs 24hr Compo Rations (One Man) 2kgs 24hr Compo Rations (One Man) 2kgs 24hr Compo Rations (One Man) 2kgs Equipment Available Drinking Water - Plastic Jerry Can (Full) 20kgs Drinking Water - Plastic Jerry Can (Full) 20kgs Drinking Water - Plastic Jerry Can (Full) 20kgs Digital Camera and case 1kg 8 Gortex Bivvie Bags 16kgs 8 life jackets 16kgs 2 plastic buckets 2kgs 8 x Sleeping bags 16kgs 8 x Camp Beds 24kgs 10 Wool Blankets 20kgs 8 Sets Night Vision Goggles 16kgs 5 gallons petrol 50kgs Large kite 10kgs Table and chairs 50kgs Tool kit 20kgs 2 x Medical Stretchers 40kgs 8 large cooking pots 16kgs 300 ft climbing rope 10kgs 8 x Climbing equipment sets 16kgs VHF Radio Transceiver 10kgs Satellite Phone and Antenna 40kgs Mountain Bike 20kgs Small Quad Bike without fuel 100kgs (2 persons, top speed 15mph) Land Rover Defender LWB 1500kgs (6 persons, top speed 30mph)
EXERCISE INBRIEF FORM Date Exercise Name 8. SHOE ISLAND (Answer Sheet) Brief Transit Times from Landing Sites to Crash Site Speeds: Jungle transit: 3mph Coastal transit: 4mph Cliff Climb: 300ft per hr Toe – Crash Site (Direct): Dist: 7m Speed: 3mph Time: 2hr 20mins + B 1hr = 3hrs 20mins Toe – Crash Site (Via Coast): Dist Along Coast: 7m Speed: 4mph Time: 1hr 45mins Dist To Crash Site: 2m Speed: 3mph Time: 40mins Total Time: 2hr 25mins + B 1hr = 3hrs 25mins Arch – Crash Site (Direct): Dist: 3m Speed: 3mph Time: 1hr + Boat B 3.5hrs = 4hrs 30mins Arch – Crash Site (Via Coast): Dist Along Coast: 1.5m Speed: 4mph Time: 22.5mins Dist To Crash Site: 1.75m Speed: 3mph Time: 35mins Total Time: 58mins + B 3.5hrs = 4hrs 28mins Heel – Crash Site (Direct): Climb: 500ft Time: 1hr 40mins Dist: 1m Speed: 3mph Time: 20mins Total Time: 2hrs + B 15 mins = 2hrs 15mins Transit Times from Drop Points to Landing Sites Boat Speed: 2mph Drop – Toe = 2m = 1hr Drop – Arch = 7m = 3.5hrs Drop – Heel = 0.5m = 15mins