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Train the Trainer Slides 2-5

S.T.E.P. Train the Trainer Slides 2-5. S.T.E.P. S tudents T ackling E nvironmental P roblems. S.T.E.P. Purpose : Create an awareness of environmental issues and their affects while educating 4-H members on the importance of being proactive on environmental issues. Goals

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Train the Trainer Slides 2-5

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  1. S.T.E.P. Train the TrainerSlides 2-5

  2. S.T.E.P. Students Tackling Environmental Problems

  3. S.T.E.P. Purpose: Create an awareness of environmental issues and their affects while educating 4-H members on the importance of being proactive on environmental issues. Goals • Train Trainers – adult and youth volunteers • Create Awareness • Educate • Change Behavior

  4. About STEP… Four Focuses • Indoor Air Quality • Mercury • Water Quality • Lead Poisoning Education • Lesson Plans • Supplemental Resources • Experiential Learning • Life Skills Connection

  5. Experiencing Sharing Processing Applying Do Apply Reflect Generalizing Experiential Learning Model

  6. 4-H Life Skills Model

  7. S.T.E.P. What 4-H Volunteers can do… • Volunteers teach STEP lessons at the local club, camp, day camp, etc. • Work with communities, schools, church groups, businesses, etc. to establish recycling and conservation programs • Educate and train 4-H members to speak at local civic groups • Conduct sustainable service projects Volunteer is defined as youth and adults.

  8. Make a Difference S.T.E.P. Use Less… Protect … • Water • Energy • Chemicals • Disposables • Natural Resources • Landfill Space • Water Supplies • Our future

  9. Little changes… Make a BIG difference S.T.E.P.

  10. Section 1Indoor Air Qualityslides 12 - 17 S.T.E.P.

  11. Indoor Air quality • What is indoor air pollution? • Indoor air pollution consists of chemical, physical, or biological contaminants in indoor air. • Causes: carbon monoxide, radon, common allergens, mold, insects, pet dander, combustible fuels, furniture made of certain pressed wood products, household cleaning, personal care, hobbies, heating and cooling systems, humidification devices, outdoor air pollution, etc. Service magic – Six steps to Prevent Indoor Air Pollution - http://www.servicemagic.com/article.show.6-Steps-to-Prevent-Indoor-Air-Pollution-in-Your-Home.10542.html

  12. Outdoor Air quality • Pollutants are generated outdoors as well as indoors. • Ground-level ozone (one of the main ingredients in smog) is created when pollution from cars and trucks and industrial sources reacts with sunlight on hot summer days. • Airborne particles come from various sources, including fuel burning activities such as power plants, incinerators, trucks and buses, and wood stoves and fireplaces.

  13. Indoor Air Quality • How to improve indoor air quality: • Simply use air filters in the home to drastically reduce allergens (pet dander, dust, mold) floating in the air. • Take a natural approach and use houseplants to clean the air of carbon dioxide. • Keep the home clean – vacuum with a HEPA filter, mop, floor mats at each exterior door, and maintain a healthy level of humidity.

  14. Secondhand Smoke • Secondhand smoke comes from two sources: • Sidestream smoke – smoke that comes from the end of a lighted cigarette, pipe, or cigar • Mainstream smoke – smoke that is exhaled by a smoker When non-smokers are exposed to secondhand smoke it is called involuntary smoking or passive smoking. Non-smokers who breathe in secondhand smoke take in nicotine and other toxic chemicals just like smokers do. The more secondhand smoke you are exposed to, the higher the level of these harmful chemicals in your body. American Cancer Society – Prevention and Early Detection: http://www.cancer.org/docroot/ped/content/ped_10_2x_secondhand_smoke-clean_indoor_air.asp

  15. Secondhand Smoke • Causes: • Lung cancer • Heart disease • Breast cancer • Chest discomfort • Asthma • Ear infections American Cancer Society – Prevention and Early Detection: http://www.cancer.org/docroot/ped/content/ped_10_2x_secondhand_smoke-clean_indoor_air.asp

  16. Little changes… Make a BIG difference S.T.E.P.

  17. Mercuryslides 19 - 25 S.T.E.P.

  18. Mercury • Mercury is a naturally occurring element found in air, water and soil. • Mercury is an element in the earth's crust. Humans cannot create or destroy mercury. • Pure mercury is a liquid metal, sometimes referred to as quicksilver that volatizes readily. • Traditionally been used to make products like thermometers, switches, and some light bulbs.

  19. Mercury Poisoning When coal is burned, mercury is released into the environment. Burning hazardous wastes, producing chlorine, breaking mercury products, spilling mercury and improper disposal of products or wastes. Mercury in the air eventually settles into water or onto land where it can be washed into water consumed by people, animals and plants. CFC light bulbs

  20. Effects of Mercury Exposure High levels can harm the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, and immune system of people of all ages.

  21. Fishing and Mercury EPA - Live, Learn, Play page 14 Become mercury safe - Find out if the water in your favorite fishing spot is polluted Clean your catch Cooking your catch Choose the right fish

  22. Mercury Spills EPA - Live, Learn, Play page 17 • Do NOT touch mercury • Keep people and pets out of the area and ventilate the room • Never vacuume or sweep the spill • Contact health department or fire department for proper disposal

  23. Mercury Spills • NEVER use a vacuume cleaner • NEVER sweep with a broom • NEVER pour down the drain or put in the trash • NEVER wash mercury-contaminated items in the washing machine • NEVER walk around if clothes and shoes might be contaminated it will spread the mercury EPA - Live, Learn, Play page 17

  24. Little changes… Make a BIG difference S.T.E.P.

  25. Water Qualityslides 27-34 S.T.E.P.

  26. The average American consumes 1 to 2 liters of drinking water per day, including water used to make coffee, tea, and other beverages.

  27. Other Laundry 2% Bathing 10% 20% Drinking 2% Cooking 2% Toilet 25% Lawns Cleaning 35% 4% Home Water Use

  28. Water is aNon-renewable Resource Each nation’s water resources have immeasurable value Includes: lakes, streams, ground water, coastal waters, wetlands, and other waters; their associated ecosystems; and the human uses they support The extent of water resources and their condition are critical to ecosystems, human uses, and the overall function and sustainability of the water cycle.

  29. Use Less Water… If we continue to use water at the current rate, 36 states should expect local, regional or statewide water shortages in the next five years US Faces Era of Water Scarcity Circle of Blue

  30. Use Less Water Indoors • Be sure your home is leak-free • Fix leaky toilets • Repair/replace dripping faucets • Turn off water while brushing teeth or shaving • Take a short shower, instead of a bath Outdoors • Avoid over-watering/over-fertilizing • Use drought tolerant plants • Water early in the morning

  31. Avoid Contaminating Water Indoors • Do not flush chemicals down the sink • Do not flush old medications into the sewer or septic system • Use less water • Use earth friendly soaps, detergents and cleaning supplies Outdoors • Limit chemical contaminants – pesticides, fertilizers • Human waste • Animal waste

  32. EPA 832-F-08-054 May 2008

  33. Little changes… Make a BIG difference S.T.E.P.

  34. Lead Poisoningslides 36- 41 S.T.E.P.

  35. Lead Lead is a highly toxic metal found in small amounts in the earth’s crust. Because of its abundance, low cost, and physical properties, lead and lead compounds have been used in a wide variety of products including paint, ceramics, pipes, solders, gasoline, batteries, and cosmetics. Washington State Department of Health - http://www.doh.wa.gov/topics/lead.htm The California Department of Health Services - http://www.cdph.ca.gov/programs/CLPPB/Pages/default.aspx

  36. Sources of Lead Poisoning • Lead poisoning can be found in: • Older Homes • Contaminated Soil • Ceramics and lead-glazed pottery • Household dust • Drinking Water • Lead Crystal • Paint - wood windows and doors • Imported Toys • Outdoor pollutants and bacteria

  37. Symptom of Lead Poisoning • Prolonged Exposure in Children: • learning difficulties • delayed physical and mental development and behavioral problems • Prolonged Exposure in Adults: • effects on their nervous system • vision and hearing impairment • loss of muscle coordination • lower performance on mental tests.

  38. Lead Poisoning damages or causes… • Blood • Kidneys • Heart • reproductive systems. • increased blood pressure • cataracts, • muscle and joint pain

  39. Methods of Prevention • Improving indoor air quality • Take off shoes before entering the house • Change out of work clothes • Never sand, burn, or scrap paint • Test painted surfaces for lead • Wash hands often • Clean furniture often

  40. S.T.E.P. Little changes… Make a BIG difference

  41. Going Green additional supplements S.T.E.P.

  42. Use Fewer Resources • Reduce packaging • Do NOT use disposable products • Reuse bags, containers, etc. • Choose recyclable products (and recycle them) • Reduce junk mail • Share newspapers, magazines, etc. • Look for the ENERGY STAR label

  43. Leave a smaller “footprint” • Compost • Improve your soil • Reduce material sent to landfills by 25% • Recycle • Recycling aluminum is 95% more efficient than mining and refining new aluminum • Every ton of paper recycled saves 60% of the energy, 17 trees, 7000 gallons of water and 60 pounds of air pollution • One ton of scrap from discarded computers contains more gold than can be produced from 17 tons of gold ore

  44. Reduce Reuse Recycle Leave a smaller “footprint” • Choose Reusable • Washing dishes and dishtowels has a smaller impact than putting disposable products in a landfill • Use a refillable water bottle • Re-chargeable batteries save money and keep chemicals out of landfills • Make reusable shopping bags • Buy Recycled • Plant Trees • Use fewer chemicals • Reduce Use

  45. Leave a smaller “footprint” Be an eco-friendly traveler • Take only the maps/brochures you need • Participate in hotel conservation programs – hang up your towels and make your bed • Invest in refillable bottles for shampoo and other toiletries • Leave unopened bottles of complementary products for the next traveler • Electronic check-out reduces paperwork – and uses less paper • If the nearest trash can at the rest stop is full, hold onto your trash until you can dispose of it properly

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