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Delve into Vatican II and SFO history for deep spiritual insight and growth. Learn about key documents and teachings shaping the Secular Franciscan Order's journey. Enhance your understanding of faith, holiness, and community through these foundational texts.
HISTORYOF OFS DOCUMENTS Vatican II • OFS Rule of 1978 • Code of Canon Law - 1983 • Ritual - 1985 • General Constitutions - 1990 • Amended General Constitutions - 2000 • National Statutes - 2002 • Regional Governance Norms - 2003
Dates and Votes • Lumen Gentium - Nov. 1964 2151 - 5 • Gaudium et Spes - Dec. 1965 2309 - 75 • Apostolicam Actuositatem - Nov. 1965 2305 - 2 • Presbyterorum Ordinis - Dec. 1965 2390 - 4 • Dei Verbum - Nov. 1965, 2344 – 6 • Christus Dominus – Oct., 1965 2319 - 2
Chapters in Lumen Gentium • 1 - The Mystery of the Church • 2 - On the People of God • 3 - On the Hierarchical Structure of the Church, in Particular the Bishops • 4 - The Laity • 5 - The Universal Call to Holiness in the Church • 6 - Religious • 7 - The Pilgrim Church and the Communion of Saints • 8 - The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Mystery of Christ and the Church
LUMEN GENTIUMDOGMATIC CONSTITUTION ON THE CHURCH • “When this whole Church, anointed as it is by the Holy Spirit, believes together, the truth of the faith is absolutely undeniable. . .[T]he Spirit gives gifts to each person and assists each in using them well.” (12) [Referenced in the Gen’l. Constitutions art. 99.1.]
General Constitutions art. 99.1 • As a living part of the people of God and inspired by the Seraphic Father, the Secular Franciscans, “living in full communion with the Pope and the bishops”, should seek to know and deepen the doctrine proposed by the teaching Church through its more important documents and they should be attentive to the presence of the Holy Spirit who vivifies the faith and charity of the people of God.. . .
Lumen Gentium • “As the role of the ordained priest is to consecrate bread and wine to be the Body and Blood of Christ, so the role of the layperson is to consecrate the entire world!” (34) • “. . .[L]aypeople have the obligation to constantly develop a more profound grasp of their Christian faith.” (35) [GC 17.2, fn 18]
General Constitutions art. 17.2 • The preparation of the brothers and sisters for spreading the Gospel message “in the ordinary circumstances of the world” [L.G.35] and for collaborating in the catechesis within the ecclesial communities should be promoted in the fraternities.
Lumen Gentium • “We are called to holiness by Christ himself, who taught, in the words of St. Matthew, that we must be ‘perfect as God is perfect.’ By transforming the activities and events of everyday life into holy moments, all the faithful grow in this perfection and the world more and more resembles God’s Reign.” (40) [G.C. art 1, fn.1]
General Constitutions art. 1 • All the faithful are called to holiness and have a right to follow their own spiritual way in communion with the Church. [L.G. 40, & Canons 210, 214]
Lumen Gentium • “Another way in which many women and men choose to live out their baptismal call is to be part of a religious order. . . There are religious orders of sisters, brothers, laypeople, and priests. All of them seek to embody the ideals of their founders and the Spirit of Jesus Christ.” (43) [Rule, art 1, fn.2]
Rule art. 1 Parag. 1 • The Franciscan family, as one among many spiritual families raised up by the Holy Spirit in the Church [L.G.43], unites all members of the people of God - - laity, religious, and priests - -who recognize that they are called to follow Christ in the footsteps of Saint Francis of Assisi.
Lumen Gentium • “A person enters the religious life by way of vows or promises, eventually committing herself or himself for life. . .Those who make such [promises]. . .consecrate their entire lives to God in a very specific and public way.” (44)
Lumen Gentium • “Because of the Holy Spirit, we have a direct friendship with Jesus, who can bring us into an intimate relationship with God.” (60)
GAUDIEM ET SPES Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World
Created history – never done before in a Council All previous references to all humankind insisted that all be baptized An international, transglobal, ecumenicaldocument
Gaudium et SpesPastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World • “The Christian vision is that the world was created and is sustained by God. It was freed from the slavery of sin by Christ. It is now being re-created and brought to its destiny under the Holy Spirit.” (2)
Gaudium et Spes • “. . .We call on everyone to consider it his or her sacred obligation to esteem and observe social needs. . .[N]either destitution nor sumptuous ness is our aim, but the building up of the common good.” (31)[G.C. art 18.1, fn. 19]
General Constitutions art. 18.1 • Secular Franciscans are called to make their own contribution, inspired by the person and message of Saint Francis of Assisi, towards a civilization in which the dignity of the human person, shared responsibility, and love may be living realities. [GeS 31]
Gaudium et Spes • “. . .It is ordinarily by her or his labors that a woman or man supports herself or himself. It is also how hum ans serve one another, join together in common efforts of charity, and become partners in God’s unfolding creation. Jesus himself was such a worker..
.[W]orkers should be able to develop as person through their labors and to have ample leisure time for family, cultural life, and prayer.” (67) [G.C. art 21.2, fn.20]
General Constitutions art. 21.2 • Leisure and recreation have their own value and are necessary for personal development. Secular Franciscans should maintain a balance between work and rest and should strive to create meaningful forms of using leisure time. [GeS 67]
Gaudium et Spes • “Peace is a harmony built into human society by God, the divine Founder of all life, and it is a direct outcome of justice. . . But even this is not enough. For peace is the fruit of love as well.” (78) [G.C. 23.1, fn.21]
General Constitutions art. 23.1 • Peace is the work of justice and the fruit of reconciliation and of fraternal love. [GeS 78] Secular Franciscans are called to be bearers of peace in their families and in society: • They should see to the proposal and spreading of peaceful ideas and attitudes;
G.C. art. 23.1 con’t. • They should develop their own initiatives and should collaborate, individually and as a fraternity, with initiatives of the Pope, the local Churches, and the Franciscan Family; • They should collaborate with those movements and institutions which promote peace while respecting its authentic foundations.
Gaudium et Spes • “There is nothing, in short, for which Christians yearn more than to serve the people of the modern world generously and effectively. We Christians shoulder a gigantic task which is to introduce love into the world, that love which we receive ourselves from Christ. May Christ be with us in our work!” (93) [Rule art 14, fn 23]
Rule art. 14 • Secular Franciscans, together with all people of good will, are called to build a more fraternal and evangelical world so that the kingdom of God may be brought about more effectively. Mindful that anyone “who follows Christ, the perfect man, becomes more of a man himself,” let them exercise the responsibilities competently in the Christian spirit of service. [GeS 93 & L.G. 31]
Lumen Gentium 31 • Certain forms of the apostolate demand greater training. • First, for those engaged in announcing the Gospel and leading others to holiness, ministers must be formed in human relations and the ability to articulate doctrine clearly.
Lumen Gentium 31 con’t. • Second, for those working in the everyday world, ministers should be trained in ethics, organizational development, and social doctrine. • Third, for those engaged in works of charity and mercy, attention should be paid to the development of compassion.
APOSTOLICAM ACTUOSITATEM • Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity Every document from Vatican II mentions the laity.
Apostolicam ActuositatemDecree on the Apostolate of the Laity • “Laypeople are the leaven of the world! Christians have one goal: to spread the word about Christ. . . The ‘apostolate’ is defined as all activity directed to the attainment of that goal.” (2)
Apostolicam Actuositatem • “The lay life is to be lived both in Christ and in the culture and society of the world, not disassociating one from the other. Everything - - family, business concerns, and social lives - - are to be incorporated into this. . . By living in faith, Christian people see Christ in all. . .
A.A. 4 con’t. • By living the true spirit of the beatitudes, laypeople grow in a true sense of poverty: which is neither sumptuousness nor destitution.. . .(4)
A. A. 4 con’t. • They grow in a true sense of humility: aware of their gifts but not seeking empty honors. They grow in their sense of justice: leaving everything to pursue it with vigor. . . Whatever their lifestyle - -.. . all should live with the virtues of honesty, justice, sincerity, kindness, and courage .” (4) [Rule art 1, fn.4]
Rule art. 1 Paragraph 2 • In various ways and forms but in life-giving union with each other, they intend to make present the charism of their common Seraphic Father in the life and mission of the Church. [A.A. 4]
Apostolicam Actuositatem • “The basic underlying principle of this Christian message to the world is this: Love. Everything Christians do should be motivated by love. . . .” (8)
Apostolicam Actuositatem • Methods of the Apostolate: • The witness of a person’s life. • Spoken words; • A holy lifestyle coupled with a clear witness; • Public prayer and penance; • Christian charity and love. (16)
Apostolicam Actuositatem • “Laypeople who take up ministerial work should be well trained and prepared. . . . Above all, a lay minister advances the Gospel by living out belief in the divine mysteries, by sensing the movement of the Holy Spirit, and by moving ever closer to God.
A.A. 28-29 con’t. • Beyond this spiritual reality, lay ministers also need training in theology, ethics, philosophy, technical skills, human relations and cultural realities.” (28-29)
Apostolicam Actuositatem • “Preparation for lay ministry begins in childhood and is continued through youthful experiences in the context of family and parish life.” (30)[G.C. 25, fn. 22]
General Constitutions art. 25 • Out of the conviction of the need to educate children to take an interest in community, “bringing them the awareness of being living, active members of the People of God” [A.A.30] and because of the fascination which Francis can exercise on them, the formation of groups of children should be encouraged.
Art. 25 con’t. • With the help of a pedagogy and an organization suitable to their age, these children should be initiated into a knowledge and love of the Franciscan life. National statutes will give appropriate orientation for the organization of these groups and their relationship to the fraternity and to Franciscan youth groups.
Presbyterorum Ordinis • Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests • Main point – to remove priests from their position as a “cult figure”
Presbyterorum OrdinisDecree on the Ministry and Life of Priests • “All the Christian people are called to grow more perfectly into the image of Christ. Priests have a special obligation to attend to this growth for themselves and for their brothers because of their role as presider and leader among the rest of the faithful. . .
P.O. 12, 14, 15 con’t. • Above all, priests should strive to unify their interios spiritual and emotional lives with their exterior program of pastoral work. . .
P.O. 12, 14, 15 con’t. • Conformity to the laws of the Church and the bishops is part of this for the priest, since it is the same a loyalty toward Christ and results in interior peace and unity. . .Priests must strive to do the work of Christ and not to seek their own will.
P.O. 12, 14, 15 con’t. • In practice, this means priests must develop obedience to their bishops or other superiors who speak in the name of Christ.” (12, 14, 15) [G.C. art 3.2, fn 7]
General Constitutions art. 3.2 • Their secularity, with respect to vocation and to apostolic life, expresses itself according to the respective state, that is: • For the laity, contributing to building up the Kingdom of God by their presence in their life-situations and in their temporal activities;
Art. 3.2 con’t. • For the secular clergy, by offering to the people of God the service which is properly theirs, in communion with the bishop and the presbytery. [P.O. 12, 14, 15 ff & Can. 275ff] Both are inspired by the gospel options of Saint Francis of Assisi, committing themselves to continue his mission with the other components of the Franciscan Family.
Dei Verbum • Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation • After several revisions, ended up rooted in Scripture and history of the Church.