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ICESTAR program in Japan during IPY2007-2008.
ICESTAR program in Japan during IPY2007-2008 1Akira Kadokura, 1Natsuo Sato, 1Takehiko Aso, 1Hisao Yamagishi, 1Hiroshi Miyaoka, 1Makoto Taguchi, 1Masaki Tsutsumi, 1Yasunobu Ogawa, 1Akira-S Yukimatsu, 1Masaki Okada, 1Yoshihiro Tomikawa, 1SatokoTakasaki, 2Yusuke Ebihara, 3Keisuke Hosokawa, and 4Kaoru Sato 1 National Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo, Japan2Nagoya University 3 University of Electro-Communications 4University of Tokyo, Japan
ICESTAR:Interhemispheric Conjugacy Effects in Solar-Terrestrial and Aeronomy Research IHY: International Heliophysical Year Presented as Expression of Intent (EoI) for IPY2007-2008. Merged into ICESTAR/IHY as one of the core projects. Title of activity : ICESTAR/IHY - Interhemispheric Conjugacy in Geospace Phenomena and their Heliospheric Drivers ICESTAR co-chairs: KirstiKauristie (FMI)Allan Weatherwax (Siena College) ICESTAR / IHY
Four Thematic Action Groups of ICESTAR A.Quantify and understand the similarities and differences between the Northern and Southern polar upper atmospheres. Contact : Martin Fullekrug (University of Bath, U.K.) B.Quantify the effects on the polar ionosphere and atmosphere of the magnetospheric electromagnetic fields and plasma populations. Contact :Eftyhia Zesta (UCLA, USA) C.Quantify the atmospheric consequences of the global electric circuit and further understand the electric circuit in the middle atmosphere. Contact :Scott Palo (University of Colorado, USA) ,Nikolai Østgaard (University of Bergen, Norway) D.Create a data portal that will integrate all of the polar data sets and modeling results. Contact :Aaron Ridley (University of Michigan, USA) ,Allan Weatherwax (Siena College)
EoI (Expression of Intent) from NIPRfor the ICESTAR/IHY EoI #422 Interhemispheric study on conjugacy and non-conjugacy of auroral and polar ionospheric disturbances using ground-based observation networkInterhemispheric Study on Auroral Phenomena Lead contact : Akira Kadokura (NIPR)(kadokura@nipr.ac.jp)
EoI #422 • To maintain and intensify the conjugate observation network in both hemispheres ・Syowa – Iceland conjugate pair ・Unmanned magnetometer network in Antarctica ・SuperDARN HF-radar network ・Imaging Riometer network ・South Pole – Canada pair, Zhongshan – Svalbard pair • To contribute to the international Data portal, Virtual observatory project with supplying our data in near-real time
EoI #550Coordinated radar studies of the Arctic and Antarctic middle and upper atmosphere during IPY-4 period (CRSAAMU) Lead contact : Takehiko Aso (NIPR)(t-aso@nipr.ac.jp) • To do coordinated studies using MF radar, Meteo radar, EISCAT radar, etc.
EoI #355Program of the ANtarctic SYowa MST (Mesosphere-Stratosphere-Troposphere) / IS (Incoherent Scatter) radar (PANSY) Lead contact : Kaoru Sato (Univ. Tokyo)(kaoru@eps.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp) • To do feasibility studies for the MST/IS radar (PANSY)at Syowa Station
Conjugate pair relating with our EoI #422 Geomagnetic mapping
SYO2007 Aedey SYO1984 Husafell Conjugate point of Syowa Station in Iceland (IGRF) Tjornes
HUS1984 HUS2007 Syowa TJR1984 TJR2007 AED1984 AED2007 Conjugate point of Iceland in the Antarctic (IGRF)
Flow of the Syowa - Iceland conjugate data by airafter 1 month Monitoring data, IRIO, All-sky TV ICELAND All-sky CCD imager ADSL NIPR Monitoring data, IRIO, HF, MF,ATV (webcamera) INTELSAT 1 Mbps All the data by shipafter 1 year SYOWA
Syowa-Iceland Auroral Conjugate Observation • Starting from 1984 (22 year history) • Executed every year in the equinox season, mainly in September, for about 2 weeks • Simultaneous darkness for about 4 hours • Only 2~3 nights of simultaneous observation in one season, mainly due to weather condition • Good conjugate event is rare
September 26, 2003 event :The best conjugate event in the 22 year historyObserved with All-sky TV MN TJR W E S MS SYW W E N TJR SYW
For more quantitative longer period observation Well-calibrated monochromatic imager Fish-eye lens 16mm F2.8 L1 Relay lens L2 F1 Interference filter (λ=557.7nm,FWHM~2nm) Imaging lens50mm F1.2 L3 CCD cameraC4488-37 512×512 Pixels ( 1pixel ~ 24μm ) 16Bit CCD camera controller PC
Put in a temperature controlled box optics Heater Automatic moon mask Thermometer Stage controller CCD camera controller Cable hole Fan Thermostat×2,Sensor×2
CAI (Conjugate Auroral Imager)Installed at Husafell in 2005 Filter : 557.7 nm or 4278 nm Exposure time : 1 sec Interval : 6 sec Observation time : Solar Zenith Angle > 99° Operation : Automatic and Remote all through the season by M. Taguchi 9
Now we can obtain auroral data at conjugate stations all through the year Conjugate Conjugate Iceland Syowa 3 4 2 10 8 month
JARE-44 (2002-2004) BAS-LPM Skallen [69°40′24″S, 39°24′07″E] Cape Omega [68°34′39.4″S, 41°04′54.1″E] H100 [69°17'44"S, 41°19'15"E] Dome Fuji [77°19'01"S, 39°42'12"E] JARE-45 (2003-2005) BAS-LPM H100 [69°17'44"S, 41°19'15"E] Mizuho [70°42‘7.7"S, 44°17‘4.1"E] Middle Point [74°00’37.0"S, 42°59’30.4"E] Dome Fuji [77°19'01.6"S, 39°42’31.7"E] JARE-46 (2004-2006) NIPR-LPM S16 [69゜01’80“S, 40゜03‘ 65“E] JARE-48 (2006-2008) NIPR-LPMSkallen [69°40′24″S, 39°24′07″E] H57 [69°09‘38"S, 40°58‘52"E] NIPR-LPM in IPY Syowa H100 Mizuho Yamato Mt. SerRondane MD364 Dome Fuji Unmanned magnetometers in JARE
NIPR -LPM Iridium satellite Field NIPR Transmit time (1 sec sampling) : about 20 min for 1 day data
NIPR-LPM http://polaris.nipr.ac.jp/~uap-mon/NIPR_LPM.html
Dome Fuji BAS-LPMandAll-sky TVin 2003Middle scale evolution Syowa
Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes (PMSE) observed by SuperDARN • Morphological features • Strong radar backscatter • Altitude : around 86km • In summer polar region • Low Doppler velocity and narrow width
Conjugate study of the PMSE by SuperDARN Hosokawa et al., GRL, 2005
Observation of the Pulsating auroraby the SuperDARN radar 0310 – 0314 UT Radar velocity vsH-component beam 7 aligned Doppler velocity (2-sec values)
All-Sky Imager at South Pole Sanae Syowa-South Halley Bay FOV of All-Sky Imager at South Pole at 120 km
Iqaluit (Canada) field line South Pole ConjugateObservationbetween South Poleand Iqaluit(planned) • Project team: Y. Ebihara, N. Sato, et al. (NIPR, Japan)A.T. Weatherwax(Siena College, USA) P.T. Jayachandran(Univ. of New Brunswick, Canada)
Program of the Antarctic Syowa MST/IS Radar(PANSY)Mesosphere, Stratosphere and Troposphere/ Incoherent Scatter Radar K Sato, M Tsutsumi, T Sato, A Saito, Y Tomikawa,K Nishimura,T Aso, T Yamanouchi, M Ejiri PANSY is derived from the French word, ’pensee’, meaning ‘thought’
Specifications of PANSY - Height coverage : 1~500km - Three dimensional winds and plasma parameters - Fine time and height resolutions
Feasibility Study Field survey Syowa station Prototype power-efficient (class-E) amplifier Light-weight test antenna
Pilot System for PANSY (2007-2008) Comprehensive test - Light-weight and robust antennas - Power-efficient class-E amplifiers Scientific study as a meteor wind radar as well
Summary : Japanese activity for the ICESTAR • To maintain and intensify the Syowa – Iceland conjugate observations. • To develop the unmanned magnetometer network in the Antarctic. • To maintain other facilities at Syowa Station, including the two SuperDARN radars, etc. • To do coordinated studies using MF radar, Meteo radar, EISCAT radar, etc. • To do feasibility studies for the MST/IS radar (PANSY) at Syowa • To transfer the data to Japan in near real time • To make the data accessible for the community more quickly and more easily.