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Bales Intermediate Back to School Orientation Details

Get all the essential information for the first day of school at Bales Intermediate, including arrival and dismissal procedures, visitor protocols, lunch policies, and more. Make sure you're prepared for a smooth start!

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Bales Intermediate Back to School Orientation Details

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  1. Bales Intermediate 2019 – 2020 Back to School Orientation

  2. FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL- August 14 • Many visitors will be here this day so arrive early. • On this day you are encouraged to walk your child straight to their classroom. Enjoy this special family moment!!  • On Thursday the 15th, we ask parents to drop off as normal so that all can begin developing a routine. As students arrive on Thursday, 3rd graders will go to the Bales cafeteria to be with their teacher in classroom lines (at their lunch tables). 4th and 5th graders will go to the Bales gym to be with their teacher in classroom lines. Parents will not walk their children into the building, as staff will help students who need assistance. • School supplies purchased online will be in the classrooms. We encourage students to bring school supplies to meet and greet.

  3. FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL • Important information to discuss with your child prior to the first day: • What is your teacher’s name? • What will you be eating for lunch Wednesday? (cafeteria lunch or lunch from home) • How are you getting home Wednesday? (car, bus, day care) If bus, what is the Route #? If car rider, who will be getting them?

  4. ARRIVAL PROCEDURES • You may drop off as early as 7:25 with school beginning at 7:55. • Students are tardy if they enter the building after the 7:55 bell, and they will need a pass to go to their classroom. • Tardies will be monitored by the Assistant Principal.

  5. ARRIVAL PROCEDURES • 7:25-7:50 • 3rd graders report to the Bales cafeteria upon arrival to school. 4th and 5th graders report to the Bales gym. • Any 3rd - 5th grade student eating breakfast will report to the Bales cafeteria. • Pledges to the Flags, Moment of Silence, and school-wide birthdays will be acknowledged each morning during school-wide classroom announcements.

  6. ARRIVAL PROCEDURES • Students arriving by bus or by day care vans are dropped off in the back of Westwood and enter through the black gates and walk to Bales. • Car riders are dropped off in the car rider line at Bales (which is in the Bales parking lot) and enter at the front of the building and walk to the gym or the cafeteria. • Bales students may walk younger siblings attending Westwood to the Westwood gym and then return to Bales. • Bales students may be dropped off at Westwood with their Westwood sibling.

  7. DISMISSAL PROCEDURES • Dismissal for students begins at 3:03 • The Westwood back parking lot is for buses and day care buses only. The Bales parking lot is for car riders (same as in the morning). • Bus riders are monitored by teachers and bus drivers as they are loaded and until they leave. • Car riders are picked up in the car rider line at Bales. • K-2 car riders are only picked up at Westwood from the 2351 entrance. Siblings from Bales may join them at this location. • Parents walking up to Bales to pick up their child must wait by the flag poles only • For safety, Westwood has communicated to parents that only Bales’ students walk or bike to and from school.

  8. VISITOR PROCEDURES • For the safety of our students, all visitors to school must use the front doors to enter the building. All other doors will be locked. • All visitors to campus must sign in through the front office and receive a visitor badge. • Visitors will be asked to show their driver’s license at each visit. Those without a driver’s license will not be allowed to check in or may need to see an administrator to discuss possible options for visiting the campus.

  9. TEACHER CONFERENCES • Conferences with teachers need to be arranged in advance since teachers have several commitments during their morning preparation, conference / planning period.

  10. VISITORS FOR LUNCH • Parents (Guardians) may check-in with a valid ID and eat with their child on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. • Parents visiting for lunch may sit with their child in the designated tables in the cafeteria. • Food may be brought for your child only. No sharing of food is allowed as per school policy. • The campus is closed to lunch visitors the first two and the last two weeks of school. The campus is also closed during the weeks containing any state assessment. • Lunches with siblings at WW and Bales will be highly discouraged due to the security measures in place with exterior locked doors. • The first parent lunch day for 2019 is 8-28-19 • The last parent lunch day/visit of the year is 5-8-20

  11. CAFETERIA PROCEDURES • Money for accounts may be sent to school with your child or deposited into their account on-line. • Lunches dropped off in the office will be delivered. We try very hard not to interrupt the learning process. • Students may only purchase food for themselves – students are not allowed to share food. • Parents/guardians may only eat lunch with their own child.

  12. EARLY STUDENT REMOVAL • If a student must leave early, the parent/guardian must come into the office to sign out the student. • An early removal from school card will be filled out to document the removal for the day. • We encourage you to pick up your child before 2:30 to prevent disrupting the end of the day routine. • The adult picking up the student must be on the emergency contact form and must have a form of identification with them. IDs will be checked and verified with the emergency form. If a student is being picked up at Westwood as well, the Bales office will call the Westwood office in hopes of having the student ready for pick-up at Westwood.

  13. TRANSPORTATION CHANGES • Transportation changes are made through parent notes. • In case of an emergency, and you did not send a written note, please call the office by 2:30 to speak to an administrator to make that arrangement. This is only for emergency situations. • The office will deliver that note to your child prior to dismissal. • Please be as consistent as possible with how your student will go home – this helps avoid confusion.

  14. IMPORTANT DATES • August (late afternoon) – access Skyward to receive the name of your teacher. • Meet and Greet – WW – August 12th, 4-5 pm, Bales -August 12th, 5-6 pm • FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL – August 14 • PTO Meeting - September 6th, 9:00 am, Westwood Conference Room • Labor Day Holiday – September 2nd

  15. We are so excited to be here and we look forward to partnering with you for this upcoming school year! Please contact us if you have any questions. Have a wonderful year! Mr. J.T. Patton – Principal Mrs. Wendy McAshlan – Assistant Principal Mrs. MarliynHarkness– Secretary Mrs. Kelly Parker - Counselor Mrs. Cyndi Slaton – Registrar Mrs. Randi Pipes - Nurse

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