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Pelican Group of Lakes Improvement District

Pelican Group of Lakes Improvement District. Public Hearing on Facilities Plan Agenda Introduction of PGOLID Board of Directors Dale Haakenstad Introduction of PGOLID Consultants Dale Haakenstad Introduction of Hearing moderator Dale Haakenstad

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Pelican Group of Lakes Improvement District

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Pelican Group of Lakes Improvement District • Public Hearing on Facilities Plan Agenda • Introduction of PGOLID Board of Directors Dale Haakenstad • Introduction of PGOLID Consultants Dale Haakenstad • Introduction of Hearing moderator Dale Haakenstad • Explanation of Hearing Sequence Thomas Wold • Purpose of Hearing John Kolb

  2. Pelican Group of Lakes Improvement District • Public Hearing on Facilities Plan Agenda • Explanation of Project Proposal Jeff Ledin • Review of Facilities Plan Jeff Ledin • Review of legal aspects of project John Kolb • Review of project financing options James Prosser

  3. Pelican Group of Lakes Improvement District • Public Hearing on Facilities Plan Agenda • Public discussion/questions/comment Thomas Wold • (On facilities plan) • Consideration by PGOLID Board PGOLID Board • Additional discussion/questions/comments Thomas Wold • (On project proposal in general) • Adjournment PGOLID Board

  4. Pelican Group of Lakes Improvement District • Purpose of Hearing on Facilities Plan • Review Facilities Plan • Solicit public comment on Facilities Plan • Adopt or Reject Plan • Discretionary Decision of PGOLID Board • Based on Reasonableness and Feasibility of Recommended Treatment Option • Transmit Plan to MPCA

  5. Pelican Group of Lakes Improvement District Motivation for the Project • To protect the water quality of our lakes. • Critical to survival of the lake. • Already failing & potential failure of older wastewater systems which degrade surface and groundwater. • Central system ensures no water quality degradation from on-site systems. • To protect or increase the value of our property. • Quality lake water ensures recreation value. • Central system will be appealing to future property owners. • Improve aesthetic appeal of property by eliminating mounds. • Provide safe drinking water.

  6. Pelican Group of Lakes Improvement District Motivation for the Project • Offer a solution to problems associated with drain fields (ie.) lack of land, mounds, etc. • Running out of room for drain fields. • Many have to purchase additional back-lots for drain fields. • Offer a more convenient & efficient system. • Less individual maintenance. • Can install both systems at one time cheaper than installing them separately.

  7. Pros of Central System Improves overall quality of environment & water. Increases property value. 50-100 year life expectancy. Less individual maintenance (ie.) will include a softening & treatment system – saves money. No concerns with drinking water or problems with staining laundry. Cheaper to construct two systems at the same time. Cons of Private Systems Concerns with older systems & potential for failure. Decreases aesthetic quality of property (ie.) mounds or little room for expansion. 20 year life expectancy. High cost of individual maintenance (ie.) replacing pumps, salts, softeners, electricity, screens, drilling, draining, lack of room, etc. – hidden or forgotten costs. Pelican Group of Lakes Improvement District

  8. Pelican Group of Lakes Improvement District • Wastewater Facility Plan • Low Pressure Collection System • Individual, Grinder Pump Stations. • Directional boring capability reduces surface disruption. • Cheaper than a gravity system. • Stabilization Pond System • Proven, effective treatment technology. • Treated water will be land applied via spray irrigation. • System with least environmental impact. • Lower operations, maintenance, & replacement costs.

  9. Pelican Group of Lakes Improvement District • Water System Plan • Water Supply • Deep, Municipal-style Wells. • Treatment System • Soften and remove iron & manganese. • Gravity-type filtration plant. • Storage • 250,000 gallon ground storage tank. • Distribution • Domestic Water Flow System which loops around the lake to keep water fresh & maintain water pressure.

  10. Pelican Group of Lakes Improvement District Requirements of Facilities Plan • Describes and Evaluates Current Wastewater Treatment, Identifies Problems or Potential Problems • Describes Existing and Probable, Future Residential and Non-residential Wastewater Flows and Loadings • Discusses/Evaluates Treatment Alternatives • Feasibility • Suitability

  11. Pelican Group of Lakes Improvement District Requirements of Facilities Plan • Describes Selected/Recommended Treatment Alternative • Design • Capital Costs • Operating Charges

  12. Pelican Group of Lakes Improvement District Legal Aspects of Project • Purpose of Lake Improvement District • Authority of Lake Improvement District to Construct Projects • Authority of Lake Improvement District to Finance Projects • Authority of Lake Improvement District to Impose Charges

  13. Pelican Group of Lakes Improvement District Legal Aspects of Project • Purpose of Lake Improvement District • To preserve and protect the lakes of the state and to increase and enhance the use and enjoyment of the lakes, the legislature created a statewide lake improvement program to: preserve the natural character of lakes and their shoreland environment; improve the quality of water in lakes; provide for reasonable assurance of water quantity in lakes; and to assure protection of the lakes from the detrimental effects of human activities and certain natural processes.

  14. Pelican Group of Lakes Improvement District Legal Aspects of Project • Authority of Lake Improvement District to Construct Projects • A Lake Improvement District may build, construct, reconstruct, repair, enlarge, improve, or in any other manner obtain water, sewer, or joint water and sewer systems, water or sewage treatment works, storage or disposal systems, and other facilities for disposing of sewage, industrial waste, or other wastes, or for pumping, treating, storing or distributing drinking water.

  15. Pelican Group of Lakes Improvement District Legal Aspects of Project • Authority of Lake Improvement District to Finance Projects • For the purpose of paying the cost of obtaining water, wastewater, or combined systems, a lake improvement district may issue and sell general obligations, which may be made payable primarily from taxes, from special assessments, from other nontax revenues pledged for their payment under charter or other statutory authority, or from two or more of the sources; or it may issue special obligations, payable solely from taxes or special assessments or from revenues, or from two or more of the sources.

  16. Pelican Group of Lakes Improvement District Legal Aspects of Project • Authority of Lake Improvement District to Impose Charges • To pay for the construction, reconstruction, repair, enlargement, improvement, or other obtainment and the maintenance, operation and use of water and wastewater systems a lake improvement district may impose just and equitable charges for the use and for the availability of the systems and for connections with them.

  17. Pelican Group of LakesWater & Sewer Improvements

  18. Pelican Group of LakesWater & Sewer Improvements

  19. Pelican Group of LakesWater & Sewer Improvements

  20. Pelican Group of LakesWater & Sewer Improvements

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