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Structure of next-to-leading order corrections in 1/N C. J.J. Sanz Cillero, IPN-Orsay. Hadrons & Strings, Trento, July 21 st 2006. Up. Bottom. Just general QCD properties: 4D-QFT description of hadrons. Very bottom. Just general QCD properties:
Structure of next-to-leading order corrections in 1/NC J.J. Sanz Cillero, IPN-Orsay Hadrons & Strings, Trento, July 21st 2006
Up Bottom • Just general QCD properties: • 4D-QFT description of hadrons Very bottom
Just general QCD properties: • 4D-QFT description with hadronic d.o.f. • Chiral symmetry invariance (nf light flavours) • 1/NC expansion around the ‘t Hooft large-NC limit: • NC∞, NCas fixed • Pole structure of amplitudes at large NC (tree-level) • Analiticity + matching QCD short-distance behaviour • (parton logs + as logs + OPE) [ Callam et al.’69] [Colleman et al.’69] [Bando et al.’85] [Ecker et al.’89] [ ‘t Hooft 74 ] p V,V’,… p …, [ Peris et al.’98] [Catà et al.’05] [SC’05]
Why going up to NLO in 1/NC? • To validatethe large-NC limit: NLO under control • To show the phenomenological stability of the 1/NC series • To increase the accuracy of the predictions • To make real QFT in 1/NC, not just narrow-width ansate • To understand sub-leading effects (widths, exotica,…) • Because we already have it there (even we don’t know it)
Large-NC QCD, NLO in 1/NC and NC=3 QCD
QFT description of amplitudes at large NC • Infinite number of hadronic states • + • Goldstones from the ScSB (special) • Infinite set of hadronic operators in L=SliOi • (but don’t panic yet; this already happens in large-NC QCD) • Chiral symmetry invariance • Tree-level description of the amplitudes: • strengths Zk (residues) and masses Mk (pole positions)
LO in 1/NC (tree-level) [ ‘t Hooft 74 ] [ Witten 79] p r(770) a1(1260) … Im{q2} Re{q2}
LO + NLO in 1/NC (tree-level + one-loop) p r(770) a1(1260) … Im{q2} Re{q2}
LO + SLO in 1/NC + Dyson-Schwinger summation (tree-level + one-loop widths) p r(770) a1(1260) Im{q2} Re{q2} Unphysical Riemann-sheets
Minimal Hadronical Approximation [Knecht & de Rafael’98] • Lack of precise knowledge on the high-lying spectrum • Relative good knowledge of low-lying states Large-NC(infinite # of d.o.f.)
Minimal Hadronical Approximation [Knecht & de Rafael’98] • Lack of precise knowledge on the high-lying spectrum • Relative good knowledge of low-lying states Large-NC(infinite # of d.o.f.) Approximate large-NC(finite # of d.o.f. –lightest ones-)
Ingredients of a Resonance Chiral Theory (RcT) [ Ecker et al.’89] • Large NC U(nf) multiplets • Goldstones from ScSB • MHA: First resonance multiplets (R=V,A,S,P) • Chiral symmetry invariance
[ Weinberg’79] [ Gasser & Leutwyler’84] [ Gasser & Leutwyler’85] [ Ecker et al.’89] … couplings liRR, liRRR … [Moussallam’95], [Knecht & Nyffeler’01] [ Cirigliano et al.’06] [Pich,Rosell & SC, forthcoming]
We must build the RcT that best mimics QCD at large-NC [ Weinberg’79] [ Gasser & Leutwyler’84,’85] • Chiral symmetry invariance: • Ensures the right low-energy QCD structure (cPT), • even at the loop level! • At short-distances: • Demand to the theory the high-energy power behaviour prescribed by QCD (OPE) [ Catà & Peris’02] [Harada & Yamawaki’03] [ Rosell, Pich & SC’04, forthcoming’06] [Shifman et al ’79]
s -∞ • Constraints among the couplings li and masses MR at NC∞ • e.g., Weinberg sum-rules [Weinberg’67]
One Loop Diagrams NLO Contributions It is possible to develop the RcT up to NLO in 1/NC RcT at LO [Ecker et al.’89], … [Catà & Peris’02] However, Loops=UV Divergences!! New NLO pieces (NLO couplings)? [Rosell, Pich & SC’04] [Rosell et al.’05] Removablethrough EoM if proper short-distance [Rosell, Pich & SC, forthcoming’06]
Again, one must build the RcT that best mimics QCD, but now up to NLO in 1/NC : - Natural recovering of one-loop cPT at low energies - Demanding QCD short-distance power behaviour s -∞ • Constraints among li and masses MR : LO + NLO contribution • e.g., WSR, [Rosell, Pich & SC, forthcoming’06]
However,… plenty of problems [Rosell et al.’05] • The # of different operators is ~102(NOW YOU CAN PANIC!!!) • Even with just the lightest resonances one needs ~30 form-factors Fk(s) to describe all the possible intermediate two-meson states in PLR(s) • Systematic uncertainty due to the MHA • Eventually, inconsistences between constraints when more and more amplitudes under analysis • Need for higher resonance multiplets • Even knowing the high-lying states, serious problems to manage the whole large-NC spectrum [Rosell, Pich & SC, forthcoming’06] [SC’05] [Bijnens et al.’03]
Interesting set of QCD matrix elements [SC, forthcoming’06] • QCD amplitudes depending on a single kinematic variable q2 • Paradigm: two-point Green-functions, • e.g., left-right correllator PLR(q2), scalar correllatorPSS(q2), … also two-meson form factors <M1 M2|O|0> ~F(q2) • We consider amplitudes determined by their physical right-hand cut. • For instance, partial-wave projections into TIJ(s) • transform poles in t and u variables into continuous left-hand cut in s variable.
Essentially, we consider amplitude with an absorptive part of the form This information determines the QCD content of the two-point Green-functions
Exhaustive analysis of the different cases: • Unsubtracted dispersive relations • Infinite resonance large-NC spectrum • m-subtracted dispersive relations • Straight-forward generalization
Unsubtracted dispersion relations • This is the case when P(s)0 for |s|∞ • In this case one may use the analyticity of P(s) and consider the complex integral • Providing at LO in 1/NC the correlator expresion R1, R2,…
Up to NLO in 1/NC one has tree-level + one-loop topologies • The finite (renormalized) amplitudes contain up to doble poles …so the dispersive relation must be performed a bit more carefully…
e s Mk,r2 ZOOM
e s Mk,r2 ZOOM
e s Mk,r2 ZOOM with the finite contribution
…where, in addition to the spectral function (finite), one needs to specify the value of: • Each residue • Each double-pole coefficient • Each renormalized mass
What’s the meaning of all this is in QFT language? • Consider separately the one-loop contributions P(s)1-loop • Absorptive behaviour of P(s)1-loop=P(s)OPE at |s|∞ • Possible non-absorptive in P(s)1-loop≠P(s)OPE at |s|∞ • (but no physical effect at the end of the day) • Counterterms in P(s)tree= behaviour as P(s)OPE at |s|∞
If one drops appart the any “nasty” non-absorptive contribution in P(s)1-loop P(s)1-loop fulfills the same dispersion relations as P(s)LO+NLO Same finite function UV divergences + …
But, the LO operators are precisely those needed • for the renormalization of these UV-divergences • Renormalization of the Zk and Mk2 up to NLO in 1/NC: Finite renormalized couplings Counter-terms NNLO in 1/NC
…leading to the renormalization conditions, with Dck(1) and Dck(2) setting the renormalization scheme (for instance, Dck(1)=Dck(2)=0 for on-shell scheme ) • Hence, the amplitude becomes finally finite:
…leading to the renormalization conditions, with Dck(1) and Dck(2) setting the renormalization scheme (for instance, Dck(1)=Dck(2)=0 for on-shell scheme ) • Hence, the amplitude becomes finally finite: On-shell scheme
And what about those “nasty” non-absorptive terms? • This terms are not linked to any ln(-s) dependence Purely analytical contributions • They would require the introduction of local counter-terms • Nevertheless, when summing up, they both must vanish (so P(s)0 for |s|∞) UV divergences NLO local couplings
m-subtracted dispersion relations • Other Green-functions shows a non-vanishing behaviour • P(s)sm-1 when |s|∞ • In that situations, one need to consider not P(s) but some m-subtracted quantity like the moment of order m: • This contains now the physical QCD information, and can be obtained from the spectral function:
To recover the whole P(s) one needs to specify m subtraction constants at some reference energy s=sO • These subtractions are not fixed by QCD • (e.g., in the SM, PVV(sO) is fixed by the photon wave-function renormalization)
…but at the end of the day, at NLO one reaches the same kind of renormalization conditions …and an analogous structure for the renormalized moment: Finite (from the spectral function) Renormalized tree-level
…but at the end of the day, up to NLO one reaches exactly the same renormalization conditions …and an analogous structure for the renormalized moment: On-shell scheme Finite (from the spectral function) Renormalized tree-level
RcT descriptions of P(s) inherites the “good renormalizable properties” from QCD, through the matching in the UV (short-distances) • Caution on the term “renormalizability”: Infinite # of renormalizations • The LO operators cover the whole space of possible UV divergences • (for this kind of P(s) matrix elements) • Inner structure of the underlying theory: • The infinity of renormalizations are all related and given in terms of a few “hidden” parameters (NC and NCas in our case) • (see, for instance, the example of QED5[Álvarez & Faedo’06])
General “renormalizable” structures in other matrix elements? • Appealing!! • Larger complexity P(s1,s2,…) • Multi-variable dispersion relations, crossing symmetry,… • Next step: three-point GF and scattering amplitudes
General QCD properties + 1/NC expansion: • Already valuable information • Decreasing systematic errors • Increasing accuracy • Proving that QCDNC=3 has to do with QCDNC∞ • MHA: Relevance of NLO in 1/NC -Introduces systematic uncertainties -Makes calculation feasible Nevertheless, at some point the 4D-QFT becomes unbearably complex
AdS dual representations of QCD are really welcome: • They provide nice/compact/alternative description of QCD • Extremely powerful technology • However, there are several underlying QCD features • that must be incorporated: • - Chiral Symmetry and Goldstones from ScSB • - Short-distance QCD (parton logs + as logs + OPE) • - “Renormalizable” structure for P(s) amplitudes at NLO in 1/NC • in terms of a few AdS parameters
Two-point Green functions: • We focus the attention on the SS-PP with I=1 Interest of this correlator • Chiral order parameter: No pQCD contribution • Isolates the effective cPT coupling L8(quark mass <-> pGoldstone mass ) • Less trivial case than the J=1 correlators