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Assessment of Professional Capacity of Gosregistr Staff: Conclusions and Recommendations

Explore the assessment results of Gosregistr staff's professional competence and job satisfaction. This study covers indicators of capacity, errors, service rate, and recommendations for improvement.

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Assessment of Professional Capacity of Gosregistr Staff: Conclusions and Recommendations

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  1. Professional capacity of the Gosregistr KR staffPresenter: Aidar Sukenbaev – regional coordinator

  2. Indicators of professional capacity of the Gosregistr staff • Basic (number, structure of positions, age-gender characteristics, service length, level of special professional education); • Special (knowledge, abilities, skills, business qualities, professional training, creative capacity, motivation to the professional activity, job satisfaction and other)

  3. Basic indicators of the professional capacity of the staff

  4. Factors of own job satisfaction • 25.2% employees consider the important factor in their job is a good team, interesting job (20%), strong management (18%), continuous improvement of personal knowledge (17%). • Only 10% employees appreciate their job for size of salary and comfortable office.

  5. Evaluation of professional characteristics • 52.5% clients responded that most employees complied with their job; • 27% clients believe that the Gosregistr staff need additional professional training; • Only 10% answered “Don’t know”;

  6. Evaluation of professional characteristics of LRA

  7. Self-assessment of the professional competence 83% Gosregistr staff highly assess knowledge of registration procedures and requirements by staff of their LRA (4 and 5 points); In self-assessment 60% employees believe that their knowledge is average (3 points); Only 26% employees think that their level of knowledge is above average; 61% employees consider their colleagues as professionally competent; More than 33% of the interviewed would like to use the opportunity to get additional professional training to improve knowledge of registration aspects.

  8. Professional characteristics of the staff

  9. Errors in the work of Gosregistr 83% clients did not notice any errors in the performance of Gosregistr staff; However more than half (58%) of the interviewed partner clients (financial institutions, notary offices, judicial authorities, LSG) encountered errors omitted by the Gosregistr staff; 77% employees believe that the Gosregistr staff sometimes omit errors in registration or drawing up the documents.

  10. Errors in calculation of the premise area or size of the plot 100% 9,2 17,5 22,6 90% 8,7 Errors in calculation of shares in joint ownership 80% 10,5 15,1 27,4 70% 60% 29,8 Errors in names or addresses 50% 12,6 32,3 40% 14,6 30% Errors in assignment of a code in the technical passport 12,9 38,5 20% 19,3 17,2 10% 0% Errors in course of the system registration Staff Clients Partner clients Types of errors

  11. 40% those who recognize presence of errors believe that they were made in course of the system registration, 28% - errors related to names and addresses, 13% - errors related to code assignment; Partner clients share the views of the clients Occurrence of errors by Gosregistr

  12. Reasons for the omitted errors • 61% interviewed believe that the main reason for errors is carelessness of employees; • 22% respondents answered that the reason is in lack of knowledge of some rules of registration; • 17% clients assume that the problem relates to the title documents.

  13. Liability for the omitted errors • Liability for the omitted errors is extremely low. No information on existence of the Guaranty fund; • 92% clients, 70% partner clients and 13% of the Gosregistr staff never heard of the Guaranty fund for compensation of losses occurred through the fault of Gosregistr; • 8% clients who were aware of the fund never heard of payment of compensation, and 90% partner clients who were aware of the fund never heard of cases of payment.

  14. Service rate • 77% clients have their documents registered within the established term; • 70% of the interviewed spent less than one week for registration of documents; 16% - from 1 week to 1 month; only 7% - more than a month; • 23% respondents believe that services could be provided for a shorter term; • One the third of a small group of the interviewed answered that the staff did not provide reasons for delay, while one the third believed that delays were related to work overload of the staff. Some people believed that the reason for the delay was that the management (14%) or the staff (8%) of LRA tried to receive additional fee from them. It was not possible to correlate these cases with cases of corruption noted in answers to other questions.

  15. Conclusions and recommendations: According to most representatives of partner organizations who are competent clients (58%) and the staff of Gosregistr (77%), the Gosregistr staff sometimes make errors in data entry; Most popular error is entry of wrong name and addresses which is caused by carelessness about details, rather than incompetence; Gosregistr staff in general believe that their professional skills are average, and they feel the need in additional training; 77% clients are satisfied with the service rate; Only 5% clients assume non-official payments when there is delay with registration of documents in Gosregistr; 50.6% respondents believe that competence and professional ethics of the Gosregistr staff play an important role in ensuring quality of the registration services; To introduce liability for the omitted errors; To strengthen monitoring of errors on registration and rendering other services. Based on the results of monitoring to apply measures to the LRA staff; The LRA staff should be recruited by their professional characteristics and in transparent manner.

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