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(Post-) digitale realiteite ... En geloof. A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy’s waarhede :. “everything that’s already in the world when you’re born is just normal
A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy’s waarhede: • “everything that’s already in the world when you’re born is just normal • anything that’s get invented between then and when you turn 30 is incredibly exciting and creative and with any luck you can make a career out of it • Finally anything that get’s invented after you’re thirty is against the natural order of things and the beginning of the end of civilization as we know it until it’s been around for about ten years when it gradually turns out to be right really”
Goed of sleg: inhoud? • “The effects of technology do not occur at the level of opinions or concepts. Rather they alter patterns of perception steadily and without any resistance” • Media supply the stuff of thought but they also shape the process of thought - Marshall McLuhan • Media is nie ‘n neutrale, deurskynende vensters wat ons laat kyk op ‘n nuwe realiteit nie. Dis gekleurd- deur onsself • Die “interface”, kanaal of die medium waardeur ons konnekteer verander ons verstaan en interaksie met die realiteit. En eventueeldie realiteit self!
“It is that technologies are not merely aids to human activity, but also powerful forces acting to reshape that activity and its meaning” - Langdon Winner • “Technology is the means by which we transform the world as it is into the world that we desire… what we often fail to notice is that it is not only the world that get’s transformed by technology, we are also transformed” – John Dyer
Die internet • The net gives us powerful tools for finding info, expressing ourselves, and conversing with others. It also turns us into lab rats constantly pressing levers to get tiny pellets of social or intellectual nourishment. (Nicholas Carr: The Shallows. How the internet is changing the way we think, read and remember, 2011). • The Net seizes our attention only to scatter it. We focus intensively on the medium itself, on the flickering screen, but we’re distracted by the medium’s rapid-fire delivery of competing messages and stimuli.
Die Net as ‘n uniekeekosisteem van “interruption technologies” (Cory Doctorow – hyperlinks, searchability, multimedia knowledge” • “When we go online we enter an environment that promotes cursory reading, hurried and distracted thinking and superficial learning. It’s possible to think deeply while surfing the Net, just as it’s possible to think shallowly while reading a book, but that’s not the type of thinking the technology encourages and rewards” – The Shallows
Media Die media pas aan om internet na te boots • Ontwerp, lengte en inhoud van artikels • Tim Brooks: “The days when you can trade in just words are gone (MD, Guardian en Independent) • Selfs New York Philharmonic
Nuwe denke • “Chronic scatterbrains” –Staccato denke vervang linieere denke met kort, nie-verbandhoudende energie ontploffings. • Spoed, eerder as diepte?! Gary Small: “Many of us are developing neural circuitry that is customized for rapid and incisive spurts of directed attention.”
Nuwe lees • ‘n Gemiddelde persoon spandeer tussen 19-27 sekondes op webblad. • “Skimming activity” as dominante manier van lees in F-voudige patrone • Hierdie tipe lees is belangrik: “Our jobs depend on connectivity” and “our pleasure-cycles- no trivial-matter-are increasingly toed to it” Sam Anderson NY Times 2009. • Meer multitasking is die resultaat • “Excessive multitaskers are suckers for irrelevancy. Everything distracts them”
Multi-media en “hyper-text”? • Multi media kykers na tekste of boeke vaar deur die bank slegter as single media in terme van onthou • Ook mense se attentional cappacity is laer • Te veel strome van info trek aandag af • Mental multitasking is en die gedurige wisseling tussen verlaag konsentrasie
Nuwe brein • “Juggler’s brains” • Merzenich : “When culture drives changes in the ways that we engage our brains, it creates different brains • Gary Small- se 24 studente en die dorsolaterale prefrontale korteks • Ekstensiewe aanwending van verskillende brein areas is nie gelyk aan diep aanwending. (Multiplicity of stimuli: We revert to being mere decorders of information)
The net is an out-board brain (Clive Thompson: Wired) because I can constantly retrieve the info online. By offloading data onto silicon, we can free our grey matter for more humanly tasks like brain-storming and daydreaming” • We know less. Peter Sudermann: Memory should now function like a simple index, pointing us to places on the Web where we can locate the info we need at the moment we need it’ • Don Tapscott: Memorization is a waste of time
Googlersvs. Gutenbergs • Tribe 1: Gutenbergers- teks, gedrukte media as toegangroete tot info. Toegang tot mekaar gebeur gereguleerd, voorspelbaar, gedokumenteerd. Presisie en rasionaliteit is hul kos. Hul katedrale is dikwels worship warehouses • Tribe 2: Googlers: konnektiwiteit, behoort, verhoudings, stories, ervaring
TGIF Kultuur • Nuwe omgee- meer organies, bewegend, broos, deelnemend en beter gerat om Jesus te vind
Gutenbergers: It’s necessary to be right • Googlers: Its’snecessary to be in relationship • Gutenbergers: God is in charge • Googlers: God chose to be among us • Gutenbergers: Theology explains God • Googlers: Jesus explains life • Gutenbergers: Statement of faith • Googlers: Life of faith • Gutenbergers: Build something • Googlers: Meet someone
Gutenbergers: Water-tight arguments • Googlers: Fluid apps • Gutenbergers: Fit in • Googlers: Fit together • Gutenbergers: Church history informs belief • Googlers: Life requiers faith • Gutenbergers’ top temptation: Make Individual our god • Googlers’ top temptation: Make community our god
Gutenbergers’ top challenge: A culture of words and individualisme that has lost its ability to propagate • Googlers’ top challenge: A culture’ of images and relationships that breed vitality, the petri dish of revival
Lewe aan die vlak kant • “The church is like a swimming pool; the splashing goes on at the shallow end,” • Robert Runcie • Diepte: akademici, kerklikes (Many of the deepest thinkers seldom reach the surface!) Hulle kom nie op vir suurstof • Hoe dieper, hoe meer putte om in te val (Alice in Wonderland)
lewe via die small screen! • Skuif van privaat na publiek en vice versa • Regular tweeting is a discipline of transparency. • The knowledge that my tweets will be read by thousands of people keeps me more focused on my mission, makes me less whiny and complaining, and keeps me more sensitive to what others may need to hear. It’s a discipline to serve others and to simply express what I’m feeling myself” – Sweet, Viral, p. 78). • If sensitivity is a necessary ingredient of transparent space, authenticity is the life-giving element of transparent space” – p 79
Die digitale wereld van Twitter as eksperiment, laboratorium, toetsterrein. • Dit kos denke om 140 karakters bymekaar te sit. Tweets wat nie resoneer, sterf! Nie getalle van „followers” maar resonansie! • Jesus het min volgelinge maar universele resonansie • Twitter hou ons mens- allerdaags, normaal • „You’re just as good as your last tweet, but every tweet is sacred” – p.82 • Eenvoud en diepte is haalbaar in korter formate • Stories is 140 karakters en boeke... En dialoog, oop tekste, idees • Jy kan nie’n lewe bou op tegnologie. Moenie web-wise en life-stupid wees. Bring iets ekstra na die web- integriteit, denke en God-roetes
n Nuwe wereld • Geen boek word deur Googlers op sy cover beoordeel., want dit het nie meer buiteblaaie. • Elke Googler is ‚n storie-verteller. „If you’re a follower of Jesus, your vocation is story” – P99. • Die skuif vanaf geloofs-aksiomas is na geleefde geloof en na die vashou van paradokse. • Die middel is weg. Daarom dat Jesus weer op die rand gevind word. Nie teen alles en almal nie, maar vir God, vir soekendes, vir mense
Vanaf indiwidu na ons. „me to we” • Elkeen is nou ‚n skeppper- eie Facebook, blog, • Kan die kerk in huidige vorm die digitale wereld oorleef? • We would rather be ruined than changed- W H Auden • Nuwe metafore, stories, images, - soos Jesus • Vryheid van almal- nuwe priesterskap van alle gelowiges, groter „naaktheid” • Heelbrein mense
WWJT: What would Jesus Tweet? „Both and” eerder as „either, or” Omhels teenoorstaandes Leer respek vir ander G’s as jyself Dink Integriteit Stories, stories