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Status and achievements of Opticon FP6 (+FP5). Gerry Gilmore coordinator. OPTICON was the first community-wide cooperation in O-IR european astronomy. What did we do right?
Status and achievements of Opticon FP6 (+FP5) Gerry Gilmore coordinator
OPTICON was the first community-wide cooperation in O-IR european astronomy What did we do right? • We built links, defused perceived tensions between countries and observatory communities, and included everyone: this is a good start, largely complete with the enlarged ESO, but most of central Europe is still involved only peripherally • We bought together for the first time all European-owned 2-4m telescopes, to promote coordination and efficiency – the science opportunities here are barely started, and worth further development: this should also be a link to central Europe: we lack a strategy here!
OPTICON was the first community-wide cooperation in O-IR european astronomy What did we do right? Ctd We developed community-wide involvement in the ELT projects, helping to build a single program, leading to the Design Study – this remains the primary strategic goal for European OIR astronomy for the future, and has been formally adopted by ESO Council. We helped natural communities to work/plan together – especially interferometry, and some others (UV, s/w) We got some new resources to develop key future technologies - especially adaptive optics and related sensors, and instrument-related smaller items (VPH, KT, etc): this barely touches the vast needs and opportunities here. The small EC funds mean clear focus on 1-2 priorities was essential to achieve anything significant.
What did we do right? • All Opticon activities have been a remarkable success. • Access works, is managed very well, and is wildly oversubscribed – but it hasn’t really worked across boundaries yet. • The JRAs have been a triumph – see later reports – and are all cash-limited, not ideas limited • The networks have covered a wide range of work – the ELT network is an example of what can be achieved given resources • Probably the biggest success was getting the O-IR community to start acting as a community
ELT Science Case Isobel Hook Highlights of FP6 work Objectives for FP7 Deliverables and required resources
FP6 OPTICON N3.1: ELT Science Case • Aim: To develop and promote the ELT science case • Planned deliverables: • Web site within first 6 months • 1 community Science WG meeting per year • 1 smaller meeting (group Chairs) per year • Major science case documents at mid & end point • 1st half of 2006 and end 2009 • Employ a scientist to coordinate this activity • Coordinate with FP6 ELT design study work • Work has been successful and going to plan
Highlights from FP6 so far Florence 2005 Marseilles 2003 Web site Science case documents Florence 2004
Highlights from FP6 so far • Meetings to date: • 2 major + 4 smaller meetings organised by OPTICON • Funding for Europeans to attend several other meetings (e.g. IAU ELT Symposium) • Planning the next major meeting now • Science case documents • Top level summary Feb 2005 • Science case book Jun 2005 • [basis for 1st iteration of requirements] • Mailing list, web site • Maintains community involvement • Close coordination with Design Study
Role of OPTICON in the E-ELT • OPTICON is recognised as the crucial link between the community and the new ESO European ELT project • New ESO-OPTICON SWG recently formed • 21 members, 50:50 Community:ESO • co-Chairs Isobel Hook & Marijn Franx • Wil provide scientific input to ESO ELT project • Will provide coordination of effort in the community • We propose to continue this role into FP7
Role of OPTICON in the E-ELT • Recent ESO ELT Standing Review Ctte recommendations include: • Science group should focus on a few (~3) key science cases for promotion of project and development of requirements • Size of telescope should be set by science case • Retention of community involvement and commitment essential • This implies • Science case must be developed in detail to guide the project • Science team must involve the community • Requires funding for meetings and effort • Science simulations are required in order to set requirements • 3 proposed themes: Exo-planets, Galaxy formation, Frontiers of Physics • ESO now plans to devote 1 person to each area • Community should match this through OPTICON
OPTICON: What we can do better • Too many partners: in fact this is tiresome for reporting, but desirable for the community. Some better `associate’ role would be desirable to allow inclusiveness but ease admin. – We don’t have too many `members’, but we do have too many `legal partners’. • Too many subjects: certainly true. We have the geographical legacy of FP5, rather than a clear subject focus. Are any (more) parts of Opticon ready to split off (Virtual Observatory did this after FP5). Solar astronomy is a particular anomaly. • Too few failures: are we being imaginative enough?
Lessons for FP7 • JRAs: Focussing on agreed strategic priority developments for the JRAs worked well, and allowed significant matched funding • NETWORKS: Including the whole geographic community is desirable, in spite of the admin cost, since noone else is doing that • ACCESS: The access program is appreciated, but perhaps too responsive to extant methodologies • Some subject areas could earn much better EC support • BUDGETS: in practise, it is extremely difficult to implement any flexibility. How can one plan for 7 years of innovation?
Question for FP7 • What is the best way to manage Opticon: community-based, or organisation-based?
FP7 Resources and Deliverables • Deliverables • Updated Science case documents (2 over FP7 period) • Science simulations in each key science area • Regular, small, focussed meetings (~4 per year) • 1 major community science meeting per year • Effort • 4 People working full-time on ELT science case • IMH (lead) + 3 postdoc-level scientists • Distributed around Europe • Coordinated with other FP7 activity (e.g. AO or instrumentation) • Costs per year • FTE: ~ 200kE • Meetings: 25kE + (4 x 10kE) = 65kE • Publication of documents: 20kE (e.g. 2 x 50kE over 5 yrs) • Total per year: ~ 285 kE