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Experience with EC FP5, FP6, FP7 and Cultural Heritage projects Vladimir Alexiev, PhD, PMP. Ontotext. Ontotext is a Bulgarian company with 65 staff: Sofia, Varna, Innsbruck, London, Connecticut, New Zealand
Experience with EC FP5, FP6, FP7and Cultural Heritage projectsVladimir Alexiev, PhD, PMP
Ontotext • Ontotext is a Bulgarian company with 65 staff: Sofia, Varna, Innsbruck, London, Connecticut, New Zealand • Started in 2000 as a research lab in Sirma Group. Spun off in 2008 with investment from NEVEQ • World-leader in semantic technologies. 360-degree semtech: repository (OWLIM), text mining (KIM, GATE), web mining (WMF), Ontology and Linked Data Management • Revenue grew 210% in the last 3 years: 5M BGL in 2011, over 7M expected in 2012 • Commercial revenue grew 10x in the last 3 years Ontotext experience with FP and CH
Completed FP5, FP6, FP7 Projects • OMM, BOR, OntoMap, On-To-Knowledge, SWWS, OntoWeb, VISION, DIP, SEKT, INFRAWEBS, PrestoSpace, MediaCampaign, RASCALLI, SemanticGov, SUPER, TAO, TripCom, LarKC , SOA4ALL • Typically Ontotext is a core technology partner • Typical size is 2-4M EUR (STREP); 10-15M EUR (IP). 3 years • Typical Ontotext share is 200-500k EUR • Ontotext is the most successful Bulgarian participant in EU FP research projects, received the prestigious Pitagoras award • Topics range from core semtech to web services, SOA, business processes, eGovernment, media, TV, life sciences… Ontotext experience with FP and CH
Current EC FP7 Projects Project cycle and continuity: (F)inishing, (M)iddle, (S)tarting • NoTube: Personalized creation, distribution, consumption of TV content (F) • Insemtives: Incentives for Semantics (F) • Cubist: Combining and Uniting Business Intelligence and Semantic Technologies (M) • Khresmoi: Knowledge Helper for Medical and Other Information (M) • Molto: Multilingual Online Translation (M) • Render: Reflecting Knowledge Diversity (M) • TrendMiner: Trend Mining & Summarisation of Real-time Media Streams (S) • AnnoMarket: Marketplace for Semantic Annotation Services (S) • Euclid: Educational Curriculum for Linked Data (S) Ontotext experience with FP and CH
Ontotext Statistics from One Call • FP7 SME DCL was a call targeting SMEs • Topic: Digital Content and Languages • Purpose: work towards a linked data economy • 2-phase call: short proposal (5p), full proposal (28.9.2011) Ontotext experience with FP and CH
Collaboration With Academia and Research • Ontotext collaborates extensively with universities and research centers all over Europe on EU FP projects • Ontotext has a long-standing collaboration with the University of Sheffield on text analysis and semantic technologies • 2 professors work part-time at Ontotext: Kiril Simov (BAS IICT), Maurice Grinberg (NBU Cognitive Science) • 2 PhDs working at Ontotext teach at university: Mariana Damova (NBU Semantic Technologies), Vladimir Alexiev (NBU and BAS IMI: IT Project Management) • Ontotext hires interns and doctorants and offers possibilities for doctoral research abroad Ontotext experience with FP and CH
Commercial Projects • UK 59%, US 18%, Global 9%, BG 7%, IT 3%, KR 2%, MX 2%, now DE • Data providers 27% (jobs, food, cars), Publishing 26%, Government 18%, Life Sciences 11%, Cultural Heritage 10%, Telecom 4% • Regular SemTech training courses in London • Commercial revenue is close to 2/3 of total • EC projects are a bit shunned because we lose focus • We see great potential in Cultural Heritage so we want to focus on that Ontotext experience with FP and CH
Cultural Heritage Experience • OWLIM has a following in CH: Molto FP7 and Gothenburg Museum, Charisma FP7, 3D COFORM FP7, Dutch Public Library POC, Polish Digital National Museum, LODAC (JP) • KR-BG ITCC: semantic publishing to Europeana • British Museum: ResearchSpace project, funded by the Andrew Mellon Foundation. Collaborative web-based research for the cultural heritage scholarly community. Based on the CIDOC CRM ontology • The National Archives: Semantic Knowledge Base for the Government Web Archive. 780M documents (150M after de-duplication), annotated over 10B facts Ontotext experience with FP and CH
Semantic Technologies and Applicability to CH • Many C.H. institutions have a data integration problem: data about the same artifacts is scattered in separate silos: cataloging, acquisition, conservation, research/scientific… • If the Web (1.0) is a giant hyper-linked document,then Semantic Web (3.0) is a giant linked data-base • Semantic Technologies are the best way to interconnect: • Ontologies and schemas ensure metadata interoperability (ESE, EDM, LIDO, CIDOC CRM, EADS, MODS…) • Linked Open Data provides additional context (DBpedia, GeoNames, FreeBase, WordNet, …) • Thesauri ensure consistent vocabulary (Getty ULAN, AAT, TGN;IconClass, RKD People, Concepts, etc) Ontotext experience with FP and CH