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REM 610 Exercise 6. March 17, 2010. Questions – 24DP. Can 24DP be expected to “bioaccumulate” in the food-chain? YES - There is a general increasing trend in concentrations with increasing trophic level. Does 24DP biomagnify in the food-chain?
REM 610Exercise 6 March 17, 2010
Questions – 24DP Can 24DP be expected to “bioaccumulate” in the food-chain? YES - There is a general increasing trend in concentrations with increasing trophic level. Does 24DP biomagnify in the food-chain? NO – The lipid normalized concentration does not show a general increase with increasing trophic level What is the main reason for differences in concentrations among organisms? • An increase in lipid levels in higher trophic species • There is also a difference between benthic and pelagic species.
Questions – 24DP In this situation, the concentration in the sediments was higher than in the water (i.e. they were not in equilibrium); thus the benthic species have a high lipid normalized concentration as well because they are assumed to be in equilibrium with the sediments. What is the main route of 24DP uptake – relative importance of water and food? • The main route of uptake is water from the gills • With increasing Kow, uptake from food becomes more important
Questions – 24DP • 24DP + H2O 24DP- + H3O+ • pKd = 6.8, pH = 6.8 • Kd = [H3O+]*[24DP-]/[24DP] • Kd/[H3O+] = [24DP-]/[24DP] • 10-6.8/10-6.8 = [24DP-]/[24DP] = 1/1 ratio
Questions – 24DP • Therefore, the reaction is in equilibrium at pH 6.8 and 50% of the chemical will be in 24DP form. • Chemical dissociates into an ionized form which is not available for uptake • Acidification increases the H3O+ concentration and shifts the reaction to the left (i.e. more 24DP will be present) thus, the bioavailability goes up, and the concentrations in organisms go up
Questions – 24DP How is 24DP eliminated by the fish? • Through the gills
Questions – 24DP Summarize your findings regarding the potential of 24DP to bioaccumulate in the food-chain • 24DP is a chemical that bioconcentrates in organisms with BCFs ranging between 50 and 100. • This bioconcentration is mainly due to partitioning of the chemical between the water and the lipids of the biota in the food-chain (for pelagic species) WHICH reflects the chemical’s Kow. • Concentrations in the benthic species reflect sediment-biota(lipid) partitioning • Differences in lipid content result in differences in the BCF • Biomagnification does not take place
Part II - PCB Does PCB “bioaccumulate” in the food chain? Is this due to biomagnification or differences in lipid levels of the organisms? Yes – a combination of both differences in lipid levels and biomagnification What is the bioavailability of PCB in Lake water? What is the effect of eutrophication? See next slide
Questions -PCB • Bioavailability of PCB = 0.999 • Still close to 1.0 due to small organic carbon content of water • Eutrophication reduces the bioavailability of the chemical (effects uptake from water) • 2x OC content in water bioavailability = 0.998 • 1000x OC content in water bioavailability = 0.475 • however, concentrations in the organisms remain similar because main route of uptake is dietary
Questions - TCDF • Use bioaccumulation model to investigate the effects of metabolic transformation of TCDF on bioaccumulation in the food chain • RESULTS – TCDF does not bioaccumulate because it is metabolized by the organisms (concentrations drop as trophic level increases); the overall rate of elimination increases
Part III - WQC Summarize the limitations and merits of WQC = LOAEC x Safety Factor (2-10) Approach to WQC development. Limitations • extrapolating from the lab to the field does not take into account potential biomagnification and different exposure/environmental conditions • Assumes equilibrium between the water and the organisms (if using tissue residue guidelines you don’t make that assumption) • Related to above pt. – there may be disequilibrium between water and sediments (e.g. sediments at a higher fugacity – resulting in higher f in benthic species and may “drive up” fugacity in the food chain) • Safety factors are fairly low considering they are supposed to take into account numerous sources of variability and protect all species and all life stages • Also does not take into account the presence of multiple stressors (environmental, biological and chemical) that are present in environment but not in the lab.
Lab Tox Test Field Kow = 1,000,000 Lipid content = 0.05 kg/kg BCF = 50,000 L/kg Cwater = 1 pmol/m3 Zwater = 1 pmol/Pa. m3 fwater = 1 Pa Cfish = 50,000 pmol/m3 Zfish = 50,000 pmol/Pa.m3 ffish = 1 Pa Kow = 1,000,000 Lipid content = 0.20 kg/kg BAF = 20,000,000 L/kg Cwater = 1 pmol/m3 Zwater = 1 pmol/Pa. m3 fwater = 1 Pa Cfish = 20,000,000 pmol/m3 Zfish = 200,000 pmol/Pa.m3 ffish = 100 Pa
Lab Tox Test Field Kow = 1,000,000 Lipid content = 0.20 kg/kg BAF = 20,000,000 L/kg Ctoxic effect = 0.001 mol/m3 Cwater = 0.001/20,000,000 = 0.05 nmol/m3 Kow = 1,000,000 Lipid content = 0.05 kg/kg BCF = 50,000 L/kg Ctoxic effect = 0.001 mol/m3 Cwater = 0.001/50,000 = 20 nmol/m3 Safety Factor = 100 WQG = 0.2 nmol/m3
Part III - WQC Merits • It is simple to develop guidelines • There is a lot of data on LC50s or EC50s etc. – all based on water concentrations so it is fairly universally applied and consistent (though not necessarily the best approach) • Others… Suggest an alternative approach for developing EQC? • Use internal concentrations or tissue residue guidelines • Others…