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Information needs and User Satisfaction a case study with special reference to Research Scholars of Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady. A nie N. C ., Reference Assistant Sree Sankaracharya University of sanskrit , Kalady . anienc72@gmail.com. INTRODUCTION.
Information needs and User Satisfaction a case study with special reference to Research Scholars of SreeSankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady Anie N. C., Reference Assistant SreeSankaracharya University of sanskrit, Kalady. anienc72@gmail.com
INTRODUCTION The ultimate objective of an information retrieval system is to supply the information which precisely match the requirements of the users. For attaining this objective the information system should identify the patron needs and plan the services according to this identified needs. It will enhance the level of satisfaction of their users. Research Scholars are a special group, who need information in a multi disciplinary coverage at each and every stage of their investigation and they were the main users of a university library. So this study attempts to find out the information needs of the research scholars and which will ultimately help in the planning, implementation and operation of the system.
Information Need Definition - Maurice B. Line “Information need is what an individual ought to have for his work, his research, his edification, his recreation etc.“ Importance - R. W. Coover said “Determination of the needs of user's is absolutely essential to the management of an information center." Characteristics : • Information needs will vary not only according to the subject interest of the people but also in relation to the type of activity in which they were engaged . • All kinds of people needs information. • Identification of user need is a critical task, which involves careful analysis of the different interests of the users.
SreeSankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady • This university was named after the world renowned Indian philosopher, AdiSankara. • The aims and objectives of this university is to impart knowledge in various branches of Sanskrit, Indology, Fine Arts and Allied disciplines. • The collection of the library include 75,000 books, 200 rare manuscripts, 60 foreign journals and 60 Indian journals, 300 Ph.D. thesis and more than 500 other dissertations, technical reports etc. It is also linked with the UGC/Infonet E-Journal consortium. • Services of the library include document delivery service, reservation service, current awareness service, photocopy service, e journal service, internet lab etc.
Objectives of the study Identification of the information needs of the Research Scholars of SSUS was the main objective of the study. Other objectives were: • To identify the factors which affect the information needs of the Research Scholars. • To identify the purpose of their information search. • To identify the preferred means of collecting information. • To identify the preferred information sources in the different stages of research. • To assess the capability of university library as an information centre. • To know the methods and strategies used by the Research Scholars in gathering their information. • To find out the information sources and services which were essential to the users but currently the library is lacking. • To identify how the users were satisfied with the resources available in the library. • To identify the difficulties faced by the Research Scholars while collecting their information.
Review of Related Literature • The concept 'information need' was coined by Robert S. Taylor in his article “The process of asking questions” . • T D Wilson conducted different studies on the topic and put the term “information seeking behavior” in the place of “information needs”. • After that several studies were carried out by different agencies and individuals, some of the names in this regard to be mentioned were LlullHary, Accamma C. Korah, Devarajan G., Anil Agrawal, F. J. Devadason, P. Pratap Lingam, Rajesh Singh, R. K. Mahapatra, S. Thanuskodi, P. Rajendran etc.
Research Methodology • Questionnaire method was used for data collection • Stratified Random Sampling was used. • Out of 533 Total Population 133 were selected as samples. • 120 filled in and completed questionnaires were received back. • Questions were given in a way to mark priorities. • Priorities were assigned with scores by using scaling technique. • In the analysis these scores were measured and tabulated and presented as total score, mean score and standard deviation.
Data Analysis and Findings Subject wise Distribution of Research Scholars
Different types of information need Finding : High majority of the Research scholars needed current information, back ground information, general information and factual information very frequently.
Factors which affect information needs Finding : The most important factor which affect the users information need was their subject interest, followed by research topic selected.
Different purposes of information search Finding : The research scholar’s most important purpose of information search was to collect back ground information, secondly their search was for selecting a research topic.
Different sources of information needed for selecting a research problem Finding : The most preferred source of information for selecting a research problem was attending seminars. The other sources in the order of priority were journals, Research Guides, abstracting/ indexing periodicals and shodhganga/ gangotri etc.
Different sources of information, needed for writing a research paper Finding : The most preferred source of information for writing a research paper was books. The other sources in the order of priority were databases, journals/ e journals, internet and theses.
The channels preferred to get up to date knowledge in the subject Finding : The most preferred channel for getting up to date knowledge in a topic was seminars and other preferred sources were learned journals and their Research Guides.
Preferred place to locate needed Information Finding : High majority of the research scholars depended the university library to collect their needed information.
Purpose of visiting library Finding : Reading reference books was the most important purpose of using university library, followed by reading learned journals and then by borrowing books.
Methods of locating documents within the library Finding : As a location tool guide cards gave more support to the users, followed by OPAC.
Frequency of use of university library Finding : Majority of the research scholars were daily users of the university library.
Frequency in which university library was lacking the required information Finding : Many of the users frequently come across the fact that the university library was lacking their required information.
Alternatives followed if the needed information was not available in the university library Finding : The other alternatives, when the university library was lacking the required information were other libraries and taking the help of library staff or teachers.
Difficulty in obtaining information Finding : A high majority of the users felt some difficulty in using university library.
Difficulty in obtaining information Finding : Inadequacy of collection was the most important difficulty faced by the users. Followed by lack of suitable abstracting/ indexing journals and then lack of documentation services and lack of training in literature search were the hurdles faced by the users of the library.
Suggestions • 1.Even in this electronic age, a high majority of the research scholars were not at all using the electronic resources, so giving awareness about the digital resources and its possibilities is necessary. • 2. Inadequacy of collection was the most important difficulty faced by the users. So urgent action is necessary to enhance the capability of the library for satisfying the user needs by making use of the facilities such as inter library loan, co operative purchase or library consortiums etc. • 3. Subscription of abstracting/ indexing journals and provision for documentation services were also necessary to satisfy the needs of the research scholars. • 4. Library has to arrange training programs for their patrons in the areas like literature search, use of OPAC etc. It will enhance the usage of the resources and also will help in more satisfaction of their information needs.
Conclusion Information need could be satisfied only by receiving the information needed by the users. Measuring the nature of information need is extremely complex, varied and difficult. It is very peculiar and personal to each and every researcher. So it is a complex and tedious task to find out the information needs of a group of users. Application of a package of methods is necessary to find out user’s information needs. It may include interviewing, method of preparing diary for each user, studying of the subject interest of the patron institutions etc. The concept of identification of information needs also include the study of user’s behavior. The behavior of each and every user is different, like that their requirements also. So identification of individual user need is more appropriate. Even though it is a very difficult task, the determination of the requirements of the users is a pre requisite for the development of an information system. For this purpose the dependant factors should be ascertained. Then only system can plan for the forthcoming requirements.