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You’re Under Arrest. Viewing Acts Chapter 21 Prepared by: Soon Siak. August 2010. RISKY GAME. Two groups. Computer will randomly give a number from 1 to 6. Accumulate the money if not 6. But a 6 will result in all points lost. Can choose to take and go. Ready?
You’re Under Arrest Viewing Acts Chapter 21 Prepared by: Soon Siak. August 2010
RISKY GAME Two groups. Computer will randomly give a number from 1 to 6. Accumulate the money if not 6. But a 6 will result in all points lost. Can choose to take and go. Ready? Acts16dice.xls Today we’ll see how Paul kept going, even though he knew it was risky.
Voyage from Miletus to Tyre What’s one of the biggest risks you’ve ever taken? For the most part, are you a risk taker or a risk avoider? Why? Paul had spent almost three years in Ephesus, which was about as long as he had ever stayed at one place. What thoughts were probably going through his mind (v1-9)? Paul probably had mixed emotions. He may have wanted to spend time building up the Christians wherever he went, yet he was also eager to get back to Jerusalem, his “home base.” It must have been difficult to keep getting churches started and then leaving them behind. NB: “we”-Luke
“Thus says the Holy Spirit, ‘So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man who owns this girdle and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.’” (v11) Exam materials! • The event • The place • The response • Definition – foretelling & forthtelling (pg 41) • Agabus also prohesied in Jerusalem 15 years ago SPM 1993, 97, 2004, 2009
Tyre to Caesarea If you had been traveling with Paul, how would you have felt after the event that took place at Philip’s house (v8-11)? The Holy Spirit doesn’t make mistakes. A prophecy of danger would certainly come true. How did the people there respond (v12)? They were afraid for Paul.
Tyre to Caesarea (v7-14) If you had been Paul, would you have gone ahead with your plans? This had not been the first prediction of danger for Paul – it was one of several (20:22,23;21:4)? How did it affect Paul’s plans (v13,14)? Paul was no stranger to persecution. He had already “died” to himself in order to live for Jesus, so he was not scared away from what he felt was his ministry.
Tyre to Caesarea (v7-14) Do you think Paul was going against God’s will (to continue to Jerusalem after the prophecy by Agabus)? No. Prophecies do not have to dictate the decisions or manipulate the will of a godly person; even though they may be true, God’s purpose may be yet be realised, as was the case in God’s will ultimately bringing Paul to Rome.
Paul’s voyage from Miletus to Tyre to Caesarea to Jerusalem. (21:1-40)
The Journey to Jerusalem Upon reaching Jerusalem, what news did Paul have for his friends there (v15-19)? He wanted them to know how God was working in all the places he had been – particularly among Gentiles. What news did Paul’s friends have for him (v20)? Thousands of Jews had become believers in Jesus as well.
Arrival at Jerusalem What problem did Paul have to contend with right away (v21-26)? Because Paul’s work involved the Gentile people, rumours spread that he was rejecting Mosaic law. To dispel the rumour, Paul took part in a traditional Hebrew ceremony [which would have involved animal sacrifice] with a group of devoted Jews.
The Riot in the Temple Paul’s problems weren’t over. Jews from Asia recognised him and began to level false accusations against him. What happened then (v27-31)? Before anything could be done, a mob of angry people dragged Paul away and tried to kill him.
The Tribune Rescues Paul What kept Paul from being killed (v31-36)? The Roman soldiers [likely 200 or more] sent to break up the disturbance arrested Paul, bound him in chains [as had been prophesied], and even had to carry him for his own protection.
Paul Addresses the People The commander of the soldiers who saved him mistook Paul for someone else-an Egyptian terrorist leader. Do you find anything unusual in Paul’s response (v37-39)? Sometimes we tend to deny accusations so strongly that people suspect we have something to hide. But Paul focused on who he was, not who wasn’t. Also, Paul actually asked to talk to the people who had just tried to kill him.
Standing on the stairs above the crowd, Paul speaks to the people in Hebrew. (v37-40)
SO WHAT? “Don’t Say I Didn’t WARN YOU” - some situations to consider. Can you tell of any potentially dangerous situations you may have experienced bcos of what you believed… consider Jim Elliot, who died at the hands of the Auca Indians in Peru? “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” – Jim Elliot
Announcements 14th SPM Inter-school Quiz 2010! SPM BK Quiz: Luke and Acts (GNB). 14th August, 2010 at SMJK Katholik PJ, 7am-1pm More details: www.su.org.my and www.tcfmy.org Organised by the Malayan Christian Schools’ Council Preparation for the SPM BK is by committing to memory the entire two books of Luke and Acts.