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PNUD COLOMBA. Experiences of conflict, violence and youth. Silvia Rucks y Marco Stella Comunidad de Práctica - COP Gobernabilidad Democrática México DF, México Oct. 16 – 17, 2012. Experiences of conflict, violence and youth. Participatory development of a public policy for youth
PNUD COLOMBA Experiences of conflict, violence and youth Silvia Rucks y Marco Stella Comunidad de Práctica - COP GobernabilidadDemocrática México DF, México Oct. 16 – 17, 2012
Experiences of conflict, violence and youth • Participatory development of a public policy for youth • Youth, employment and livelihoods • Young people in the context of conflict
YouthOrgs. / Target groups Colombia October 2012 Young builders of citizenship PublicPolicyforYouth in Cartagena de Indias • Afro Youth • Students • Sportsmen • LGBTI youth • Cultural practitionistsand Artists • Youthwithdisabilities • Youth at-risk • DDHH Organizations • Maintopics • Education (Access and Quality) • Poverty and Employment • Sexual and reproductivehealth • Environment • Consumption of psychoactivesubstances • Gender and Diversity • Participation and Incidence Project Activities • Backing CPS • Diagnostic and Baseline • PublicConsultto2.200youngpeople • Articulation and dialogue betweenyouth and keyplayersfordevelopment. • FinnancialAnalysis, assessmentwithyouthorganizations. • Approval Impact/ ExpectedResultos • Youth Public policy produced in a participative way (2200 young involved in the process) • Spaces for participation created with autonomy and skills for the youth population • Social Policy Council withmethodological and technicalsupportforpublicpublicpoliciesaimedtopopulationgroups (disability and childhood) • Same methodology currently used to accompany 153 municipalities and governorates in policy-making public population (including youth policy) MONTH/ YEAR
Colombia October 2012 Jóvenes Constructores de Ciudadanía Política Pública de Juventud en Cartagena de Indias Young builders of citizenship PublicPolicyforYouth in Cartagena de Indias Título APPROACH AND INNOVATION How did young people (as target group, collaborators or implementers) participate? • The public policy "Young builders of citizenship" is the clearer reference that has the city in building participatory public policies with inclusion of young people in each of its stages. • Youth of Cartagena gave the core elements and its vision of the public “day-to day" faced with the needs, challenges and aspirations as a population group for the formulation of plans and programmes that constitute the public policy document (they participated as protagonists of their own future). • The main impact of the youth organizations is evident in the stages of prioritization, consultation and validation of public policy (21 encounters, 15 focus groups, 1,179 opinion polls, among other of the city). • Participation in the policy-making process was comprehensive. All sectors and population groups were actors in the construction of the public policy process. MONTH/ YEAR
Colombia Octubre 2012 Young builders of citizenship APPROACH AND INNOVATION ¿At whatextentdoestheprojectbenefittheempowermentand/oryouthparticipation? • Participatory buildin of a public policy promotes the dialogue between diverse organizations and benchmarks that make up the youth spectrum of the city. Having a public policy has enabled coordination and articulation of the Cartagena youth around unit platforms that enhance its dialogue and initiatives to the State management capabilities and agendas. • The inclusion experience as a population group with characteristics and specific needs to the public agenda, has generated greater confidence of young people for the exercise and strengthening of youth citizenship as the only way for effective participation. • The formulation of public policy has allowed the Constitution and strengthening of three youth networks in the city that have allowed the youth of the city establish a valid and relevant dialogue with the district administration, the private sector and other strategic actors in the city. • Thanks to this initiative, youth groups participate in the platform of population, Alliance Cartagena Propone, policy advocacy that seeks to enable citizen mobilization on programmatic issues with results on election days, processes of joint, formulation of development plans and follow-up to public policies. MONTH/ YEAR
Youth, employment and livelihoods Colombia October 2012 • Main topics • Generación de ingresosparapoblacióndesplazada. • Vinculaciónproductiva de la poblaciónsujeto a través de encandemientosproductivos. • Recuperación de Medios de Vida de personas afectadasporconflicto y desastresnaturales. Actividades de Proyecto • Fortalecimiento Institucional • Encadenamientosproductivos • Microfinanciamiento • Acompañamiento a emprendimientos • Vinculaciónlaboral • Recúperacióneconomica y de medios de vida Impacto/ Resultadosesperados • Más de 10,000 jóvenesatendidos en los 8 Centros de Empleo y Emprendimiento, para ser vinculados al mercadolaboral o crear/fortalecerunapequeñaempresa. • Encadenamientosproductivosdesarrollados con sector automotor y hoteleroen diferentesregiones del paí, paraintegrarlaboralmente a 900 jóvenes en situación de pobreza y desplazamiento. • Más de 300 jóvenesrecuperan sus medios de vidadespués de lasinundaciones a través de proyectosproductivos y de rehabilitación de infraestructuracomunitaria. MONTH/ YEAR
Youth, employment and livelihoods Colombia Octubre2012 APPROACH AND INNOVATION How did young people (as target group, collaborators or implementers) participate? • Centresfor employment and entrepreneurship have been created and strengthened, which offers these care paths:: • Employment: psycho-social and technical training, employment intermediation services, advisory and monitoring. • Endeavor: strengthening of planning business, training, access to micro-finance, technical assistance. • The work on development of productive chains with inclusive business approach is a strategy that has made it possible to link labor to young people in different sectors and territories of Colombia. • Centresof Employment and Entrepreneurship as a means to approach to the institutional offer specifically to the different population groups (i.e. Youth). Follow-up to the needs of each individual. MONTH/ YEAR
Youth at conflict environment (NETWORKS-Creciendo Juntos- TransitionalJusticeFund) Colombia October 2012 • Youth Orgs. / • Target Groupos • Nariño adelante con las y los jóvenes, adelante! • The Montes de María youth network • Football and peacenetwork • Casa de la Memoriacorporation (Huila) • Gobernación del Meta Alliance • Main topics • Prevention and conflict transformation and promotion of culture of peace • Justice, victims and human rights • Strengthening young people • Support to productive initiatives • Institutional strengthening of organizations created by youth Activities • Formation of youth networks and youth at the national level joint spaces • Youth leadership schools • Formation, organization and impact • Support for productive initiatives made by young people over 18. Impact/ Expected Results • 800 empowered social organizations. This organizations represent victims, women, youth, countryside population peasant, indigenous and Afro-Colombian in 13 regions of the country. • 25,000 children, adolescents and youth have participated in sporting programs promoted by foundations and associations such as the Network of football and Peace. • 1,450 children, adolescents and young people (46% female), formed in living values, peace building and conflict resolution • 2500 productive projects for young people supported in 8 municipalities in the Department of Nariño. • Participation of young people in the regional workshops for the negotiated political solution of the conflict. MONTH/ YEAR
Youth at conflict environment (NETWORKS-Creciendo Juntos- TransitionalJusticeFund) Colombia Octubre2012 APPROACH AND INNOVATION • ¿How did young people (as target group, collaborators or implementers) participate? • In the different programmes youth have been involved since the beginning of the activities, often participating in the design of the program. • In the development of programmes was intended to contribute to the building of equitable relations between women and young men, and ensure that the impact of the actions will allow progress in the transformation of unequal power relations, through processes of awareness, training in rights, public policy, organization, mobilization and incidence. • Peacebuilding is a multidimensional work that goes beyond the overcoming of armed conflict: it is addressing the structural causes of economic, political and cultural violence. In this sense the work with young people in search of economic options issues, strengthening of protective environments and construction of spaces for participation is very important. MONTH/ YEAR
Youth at conflict environment (NETWORKS-Creciendo Juntos- TransitionalJusticeFund) Colombia Octubre 2012 Título APPROACH AND INNOVATION • ¿At whatextentdoestheprojectbenefittheempowerment and/oryouthparticipation? ¿How and whichskills have been strengthened? • Young men and women bounded to the various programs, exercise their rights through innovative culture, recreation, music and sport activities • The programs allow to articulate local institutions and other actors with young people. Thus dialogue, management and advocacy skills have been strengthened • Leadership of young people is promoted to improve their skills as managers of culture of peace, of reconciliation, of promoters of the successful solution of conflicts and as positive agents in the prevention of recruitment MONTH/ YEAR
Experiences of conflict, violence and youth Colombia Octubre2012 LESSONS LEARTN TO SHARE • It is recommended that youth participation in any activity have spaces designed specially for them and with methodologies that enable them to express their demands more clearly. • Strengthen local spaces and territorial participation of young people and the community (public roundtables, committees, youth and sports clubs, schools, etc.), allows the involvement of the authorities and of other important actors • The design of methodological and technical strategies according to the context and characteristics of the territory and the linking of local youth, is essential to achieve their effective empowerment and the achievement of the goals of the different programmes. • It is important to coordinate young people activities with the University Calendar to avoid complications. MONTH/ YEAR
THANKS! Silvia Rucks y Marco Stella PNUD Colombia Marco.stella@undp.org (+57)1 4889000 www.pnud.org.co