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Food and Agriculture (FA) Domain Committee. MONITORING PROGRESS REPORT 2006. 3rd DC meeting, Antalya (TR), 31 Jan – 2 Feb 2007. COST Action 871 Domain Food and Agriculture (FA). Cryopreservation of crop species in Europe. CSO approval date 27/06/2006 Entry into force 20/09/2006
Food and Agriculture (FA) Domain Committee MONITORING PROGRESS REPORT 2006 3rd DC meeting, Antalya (TR), 31 Jan – 2 Feb 2007
COST Action 871 Domain Food and Agriculture (FA) Cryopreservation of crop species in Europe CSO approval date 27/06/2006 Entry into force 20/09/2006 End date 11/12/2010
Action 871: Cryopreservation of crop species in Europe Participating Countries : 15 Chair :BE BG, CZ, DK, FI, FR, DE, IT, NL, PL, PT, CS, SK, ES, UK In the pipe-line: TR, RO, GR, LU Non-COST: Vavoliv, Russia Economic Dimension: 38 Million € Duration: 4 years
Management Report data, part 2 • Chair of the Action:Dr. Bart Panis: Laboratory of Tropical Crop Improvement, K.U.Leuven,Kasteelpark Arenberg 13, B-3001 Leuven, BELGIUM • Vice chair of the Action:Professor Paul LYNCH Biological and Forensic Sciences department,,School of Science University of Derby, Kedleston Road DE22 1GB Derby, United Kingdom • Rapporteur:Dr. Charles Spillane: Genetics & Biotechnology Lab, Biochemistry DepartmentUniversity College Cork, Lee Maltings 2.1, Cork, Ireland • Science Officer: B. STOL • Administrative Officer: C. PEETERS • Action website: in preparation
Management Report data, part 3 OBJECTIVES The main objective of this action is to improve and apply technologically advanced techniques for plant genetic resources conservation of crops that are grown/ and or conserved in Europe with main emphasis on long-term conservation through cryopreservation.
Management Report data, part 3 Specific objectives of CRYOPLANET ? • Objective 1: To screen in detail the current utilization of plant cryopreservation in Europe. • Objective 2: To screen and compare the efficiency of existing plant cryopreservation protocols. • Objective 3: To improve fundamental knowledge about cryoprotection through the determination of physico-biochemical changes associated with tolerance towards cryopreservation. • Objective 4: To develop new plant cryopreservation protocols. • Objective 5: To assure the genetic stability and true-to-typeness of plants after cryopreservation. • Objective 6: To apply cryopreservation to European plant germplasm collections. • Objective 7: To proof the environmental, social and economic impact of plant cryopreservation.
WG1 Fundamental aspects of cryopreservation/cryoprotection and genetic stability Optimisation Feed back WG2 Technology, application and validation of plant cryopreservation Management Report data, part 4
Proteins Sugars Water thermal behavior Polyamines Membrane components Cytoskeletal protein Oxidative stress WG1: Fundamental aspects of cryopreservation/cryoprotection and genetic stability • 1.1. Fundamental aspect of cryopreservation and cryoprotection • Elucidation of the physico-biochemical background of cryoprotection and cryopreservation. Professor Pawel PUKACKI (chair WG1) Physiology of Abiotic Stress LabInstitute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of SciencesParkowa 5, 62-035 KornikPoland
WG1: Fundamental aspects of cryopreservation/cryoprotection and genetic stability • 1.2. Genetic stability and authenticity • Assessment of the genetic integrity of plants to determine if they are ‘true to type’ after cryopreservation. Dr. M. Angeles REVILLA BAHILLO (co-chair WG1)Departamento Biología de Organismos y SistemasFaculty of Biologia, Universidad de OviedoCatedrático Rodrigo Uría s/n, 33071 OviedoSpain
WG2: Technology, application and validation of plant cryopreservation • 2.1. Technology aspects of cryopreservation • Applications of different cryopreservation protocols to different plant species and tissues. Dr. Florent ENGELMANN (chair WG2)UR 141, IRDBP 64501, 911 avenue Agropolis34394 Montpellier cedex 05France
WG2: Technology, application and validation of plant cryopreservation • 2.2. Impact and applications of cryopreservation in plants • genebanks, establishment of cryo-bank and dissemination of results Dr. Joachim KELLER (co-chair WG2) Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research IPKCorrensstraße 3, 466 GaterslebenGermany
State of the art (Europe/rest world) • National Seed Storage Laboratory (NSSL) (Fort Collins, Colorado, USA): 2,100 accessions of apple (dormant buds) • National Clonal Germplasm Repository (NCGR) of Corvallis (USA): 104 accessions of pear (shoot tips); • International Potato Centre (CIP) (Lima, Peru) : 345 potato accessions • Tissue Culture BC Research Inc.(Vancouver, BC, Canada) : 5000 accessions representing 14 conifer species • AFOCEL (Association Forêt Cellulose) of France, with over 100 accessions of elm (dormant buds); • National Institute of Agrobiological Resources (NIAR) of Japan, with about 50 accessions of mulberry. • IRD (Montpellier, France) : 80 accessions of oil palm • IPK (Gatersleben, Germany)/ DSMZ (Braunschweig, Germany) : 519 old potato varieties • INIBAP, Laboratory of Tropical Crop Improvement, K.U.Leuven (Heverlee, Belgium) : 500 banana accessions
Why is cryopreservation not more widely applied? • the unavailability of efficient and robust cryopreservation protocols applicable to many plant species and diverse germplasm types • limited awareness of plant researchers unacquainted to recent developments in cryogenic storage methods • lack of coordinated research on plant cryopreservation. • COST action like “CRYOPLANET” can make the difference
Time table MC meeting: Management committee meeting; WG meeting: Working group meeting; STSMs: Short-term scientific missions; Workshop*: Timing of the Inter-COST Workshops will be defined in agreement with the Management committee of that specific Action.
Meetings planned 1/ WG1 meeting April 13-14 Oviedo (Spain) Organiser Dr. M. Angeles REVILLA BAHILLO 2/ WG2 meeting combined with meeting of executive committee May 11-12 Firenze (Italy) Organiser Dr. Lambardi MAURIZIO 3/ Management Committee meeting In combination with the Society for Low Temperature Biology Annual Scientific meeting at the University of Derby (12-14th Sept 2007) hosted by Professor Paul LYNCH 4/ Training Workshop on DSC and thermal analysis (8 researchers) End 2007 Organiser Dr. Milos FALTUS (Prague, Czech Republic)
Dissemination plans • Articles in refereed scientific journals • Common reviews, books • A public website (information about the project, the achievements, services/consultancies offered and announcements of training workshops. • Information on the official webpages of the collaborating institutions. • The consortium will organize workshops for scientists, germplasm curators regulatory bodies and policy makers • At the end of the Action, the consortium will offer its expertise as a service to the EU. • Presentations at International Conferences, for promoting the European know-how and increasing the international collaboration. • Teaching activities in Universities at undergraduate and post-graduate level. Young scientists and engineers will thus be trained and informed on the latest developments in cryopreservation. Significant need to develop dissemination plan. This will be a major agenda item at Executive Committee Meeting in May (Firenze). Members of COST 871 need to feedback ideas to the Executive Committee by end of April 2007
Conclusions • Everything is in place