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Brazilian Modernism: Defending our Language through Irony and Primitivism

Explore the bold literary movement of Brazilian Modernism in the 1920s, characterized by ironic tones, defense of the Brazilian spoken language, and influence from European avant-gardes. Learn about key figures such as Oswald de Andrade, Mário de Andrade, and Manuel Bandeira. Discover the Manifesto Pau-Brasil and the Regionalist Manifesto of 1926.

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Brazilian Modernism: Defending our Language through Irony and Primitivism

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  1. 1922

  2. Revista Klaxon (1922-1923) A Revista (1925-1926) Revista Antropofagia (1928-1929)

  3. Alcântara Machado (1901-1935) Manuel Bandeira (1886-1968) Mário de Andrade (1893-1945) Oswald De Andrade (1890-1853)

  4. Oswald de Andrade Correio da Manhã, 18 de março de 1924 Características do Brasil (primitivismo) Ingenuidade Manifesto Pau-Brasil  Árvore Pau-Brasil Exportação Influenciado pelas vanguardas européias Tom irônico Ataque à gramática portuguesa  defesa da língua brasileira falada

  5. Alcântara Machado (1901-1935) Manuel Bandeira (1886-1968) Mário de Andrade (1893-1945) Oswald De Andrade (1890-1853) Guilherme de Almeida (1890-1969) Menotti Del Picchia (1892-1988) Cassiano Ricardo (1895-1974)

  6. Manifesto Regionalista de 1926

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