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Understanding Adverbs of Frequency in English Grammar

Learn how to express the frequency of actions clearly in English by using adverbs like "every day," "once a week," and "three times a day." Practice exercises included.

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Understanding Adverbs of Frequency in English Grammar

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  1. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G ถ้าเราต้องการบอกถึงจำนวนครั้งที่ทำกริยานั้นอย่างชัดเจน ว่าประธานทำกริยานั้นกี่ครั้งในช่วงเวลาหนึ่ง ก็สามารถระบุได้โดยใช้คำต่อไปนี้ Every day every month every year Once a day once a month once a year Twice a day twice a month twice a year Two times a day two times a month two times a year Three times a day three times a month three times a year I T A L 4.0

  2. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G โดยคำเหล่านี้ มักจะอยู่ท้ายประโยคเสมอ I goes swimming every day. (ทุก ๆ วัน) He has pizza for dinner once a week.(สัปดาห์ละครั้งหนึ่ง) She drinks coffee three times a day. (วันละสามครั้ง) My brother goes skiing once a year. (ปีละหนึ่งครั้ง) We drive to Bangkok two times a month. (เดือนละสองครั้ง) I T A L 4.0

  3. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 2 : Look at the table below about Don’s activities. I T A L 4.0

  4. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G • Write sentences about Jinni’s activities with Present Simple Tense , using the table. • 1. She goes swimming twice a week. • __________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________ I T A L 4.0

  5. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 3 : Put the words in brackets in the right place in these sentences. 1. I work late at the office. (often) _______________________________________________________ 2. Your must lock the front door when you leave. (always) _______________________________________________________ I T A L 4.0

  6. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 3 : Put the words in brackets in the right place in these sentences. 3. John and Tim play golf. (twice a month) _______________________________________________________ 4. I eat a sandwich for lunch. (usually) _______________________________________________________ I T A L 4.0

  7. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 3 : Put the words in brackets in the right place in these sentences. 5. I go to a jazz concert on the weekend. (sometimes) _______________________________________________________ 6. My teacher gives me a lot of homework. (every day) _______________________________________________________ I T A L 4.0

  8. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 3 : Put the words in brackets in the right place in these sentences. 7. We see out Japanese friends. (hardly ever) _______________________________________________________ 8. They go to Phuket for their holidays. (often) _______________________________________________________ I T A L 4.0

  9. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 3 : Put the words in brackets in the right place in these sentences. 9. Tom and Mola go to theatre. (four times a year) _______________________________________________________ 10. They are at home in the evening. (rarely) _______________________________________________________ I T A L 4.0

  10. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 4 : Write out these sentences filling in “always” or “never” . e.g. A bird flies with its wings. A bird always flies with its wings. I T A L 4.0

  11. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 4 : Write out these sentences filling in “always” or “never” . 1. The sun shines during the day. _______________________________________________________ 2. A lazy boy studies hard. _______________________________________________________ I T A L 4.0

  12. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 4 : Write out these sentences filling in “always” or “never” . 3. A fish lives in the water. _______________________________________________________ 4. The moon shines at night. _______________________________________________________ I T A L 4.0

  13. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 4 : Write out these sentences filling in “always” or “never” . 5. We wear thick clothes in the summer. _______________________________________________________ 6. A careful driver drives carefully. _______________________________________________________ I T A L 4.0

  14. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 4 : Write out these sentences filling in “always” or “never” . 7. A liar tells the truth. _______________________________________________________ 8. A good student plays in the classroom. _______________________________________________________ I T A L 4.0

  15. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 4 : Write out these sentences filling in “always” or “never” . 9. The sun rises in the east. _______________________________________________________ 10. We make coffee with cold water. _______________________________________________________ I T A L 4.0

  16. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 5: Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb of frequency in brackets in its correct position. 1. They go to the movies. (often) _______________________________________________________ 2. She listens to classical music. (rarely) _______________________________________________________ I T A L 4.0

  17. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 5: Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb of frequency in brackets in its correct position. 3. He reads the newspaper. (sometimes) _______________________________________________________ 4. Sara smiles. (never) _______________________________________________________ I T A L 4.0

  18. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 5: Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb of frequency in brackets in its correct position. 5. She complains about her husband. (always) _______________________________________________________ 6. I drink coffee. (sometimes) _______________________________________________________ I T A L 4.0

  19. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 5: Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb of frequency in brackets in its correct position. 7. Frank is ill. (often) _______________________________________________________ 8. He feels terrible (usually) _______________________________________________________ I T A L 4.0

  20. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 5: Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb of frequency in brackets in its correct position. 9. I go jogging in the morning. (always) _______________________________________________________ 10. She helps her daughter with her homework. (never) _______________________________________________________ I T A L 4.0

  21. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 5: Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb of frequency in brackets in its correct position. 11. We watch television in the evening. (always) _______________________________________________________ 12. I smoke. (never) _______________________________________________________ I T A L 4.0

  22. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 5: Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb of frequency in brackets in its correct position. 13. I eat meat. (seldom) _______________________________________________________ 14. I eat vegetables and fruits. (always) _______________________________________________________ I T A L 4.0

  23. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. e.g. I play tennis on Sundays. (often) I often play tennis on Sundays. I T A L 4.0

  24. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 1. He listens to the radio. (often) ______________________________________________________. 2. They read a book. (sometimes) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  25. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 3. Pete gets angry. (never) ______________________________________________________. 4. Tom is very friendly. (usually) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  26. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 5. I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes) ______________________________________________________. 6. Ramon and Frank are hungry. (often) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  27. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 7. My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always) ______________________________________________________. 8. Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  28. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 9. They watch TV in the afternoon. (never) ______________________________________________________. 10. Christine smokes. (never) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  29. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 11. He listens to the radio. (often) ______________________________________________________. 12. They read a book. (sometimes) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  30. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 13. Pete gets angry. (never) ______________________________________________________. 14. Tom is very friendly. (usually) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  31. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 15. I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes) ______________________________________________________. 16. Ramon is hungry. (often) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  32. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 17. My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always) ______________________________________________________. 18. Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  33. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 19. They watch TV in the afternoon. (never) ______________________________________________________. 20. Christine smokes after dinner. (seldom) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  34. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 21. He plays golf on Sundays. (sometimes) ______________________________________________________. 22. The weather is bad in November. (always) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  35. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 23. It rains in California. (never) ______________________________________________________. 24. We have fish for dinner. (seldom) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  36. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 25. She will see him. (rarely) ______________________________________________________. 26. Peter doesn´t get up before seven. (usually) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  37. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 27. They do not play tennis on Sundays. (always) ______________________________________________________. 28. Mary watches TV. (hardly / ever) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  38. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 29. I go to school by bus. (always) ______________________________________________________. 30. I get up at seven. (usually) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  39. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 31. I watch TV in the evening. (often / frequently) ______________________________________________________. 32. I have lunch in a restaurant. (sometimes) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  40. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 33. I have breakfast. (seldom) ______________________________________________________. 34. I arrive late. (never) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  41. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 35. I have homework. (every day) ______________________________________________________. 36. Charlotte goes to the pool. (sometimes) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  42. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 37. It rains in Florida. (often) ______________________________________________________. 38. I have a shower in the morning. (always) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  43. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 39. I go to bed late. (always) ______________________________________________________. 40. Rafa goes swimming. (every week) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  44. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 41. Montse travels by air. (often) ______________________________________________________. 42. Frank does exercises. (every day) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  45. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 43. Marta and Maite have lunch. (often) ______________________________________________________. 44. Tony doesn´t get up before seven. (usually) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  46. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 45. The weather is bad in July. (never) ______________________________________________________. 46. I have met him before. (never) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  47. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 47. I never lend money to Peter because he pays me back. (never) ______________________________________________________. 48. James plays golf on Sundays. (sometimes) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  48. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 49. Is he angry? (often) ______________________________________________________. 50. We don´t play sports. (often) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  49. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 51. We eat at a restaurant. (sometimes) ______________________________________________________. 52. Shane is happy. (always) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

  50. D ENG M.1 Sem. 2 Adverb of frequency I Grammar G Exercise 6 : Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position. 53. She doesn´t take a taxi. (always) ______________________________________________________. 54. Dad cooks dinner. (sometimes) ______________________________________________________. I T A L 4.0

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