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Learn about different leadership styles - technocrat, artist, craftsman - and how to blend them for successful leadership. Explore the importance of effective communication for motivation and discover various learning styles. Dive into the planks of leadership, including vision, willingness to act, decision-making, conflict management, and avoiding pitfalls. Enhance your leadership skills and become a more effective leader and communicator.
Leadership and Leadership Styles • Speech and leadership work hand in hand. • #1- Leadership is the ability to motivate and unite others to work together to accomplish a specific task. • #2- The three leadership styles are the technocrat, artist, and craftsman. • #3- The technocrat likes to make all the decisions and often refuses to compromise while focusing on a specific goal. • The technocrat is intense, detail-oriented, and hard-headed.
Leadership and Leadership Styles • #4- The artist leads by imagination and intuition and invites others to share ideas and isn’t afraid to show emotion or laughter. • The artist is often creative and original but also unpredictable. • Sometimes the artist doesn’t get as much done as quickly since they try to please everyone.
Leadership and Leadership Styles • #5- The craftsman leads with common sense and integrity while being caring and logical person that doesn’t overlook the feelings of group members. • The craftsman is liked the most because he is predictable and is very capable. • The craftsman is creative without losing sight of the goal. • The best leadership style is usually a blending of all three leaders.
Leadership and Leadership Styles • #6- A good leader knows that before there can be effective motivation, there must be effective communication. • #7- The best speakers and leaders are familiar with learning styles, which are how people learn the most effectively. • Every speech should be viewed as a learning experience. • #8- Discussion is a learning style that includes people who learn best through discussion. • Learners through discussion want to be actively involved in oral communication with plenty of feedback.
Leadership and Leadership Styles • #9- Logic is a learning style that includes people who learn best when things are presented logically stressing analysis and organization. • Logic learners want to hear direct, logical, to the point action without a lot of discussion. • #10- Some people have a learning style by design that allows them to see the “big picture.” • Design learners like to see how all the parts fit together as a smooth running unit.
Leadership and Leadership Styles • #11- Emotion is a learning style where some people learn with the hands-on approach and require a leader with large amounts of energy. • Emotion is contagious, so audience members who have an enthusiastic leader will encourage others to learn more. • Most people have a combination of these four learning styles. • An effective leader and speaker knows these learning styles so that she can communicate to the best of her ability.
The Planks of Leadership:Plank 1 – Leaders with Vision • #12- With leadership, vision means the ability to see more than just the obvious. • #13- Vision allows a leader to accomplish • A. to spot needs that need to be solved, • B. to create solutions, and • C. to make the solution work.
The Planks of Leadership:Plank 2 – Leaders Willing to Act • #14- Leaders must be willing to act when they see a problem to get the problem solved quickly and correctly. • Leaders need to make sure that their spoken words show that they are not afraid of a challenge and that you will act on getting the task completed.
The Planks of Leadership:Plank 3 – Leaders and Decisions • Nothing will kill the credibility of a leader more quickly than when the audience perceives the leader is indecisive. • #15- A leader’s decisions should show intelligence and reflect professional responsibility for those who are followers. • #16- A leader must ask the following questions before making a decision. • A. Do I know the topic and the people involved? • B. Am I making the decisions in the right order? • C. Do I know the risks?
The Planks of Leadership:Plank 4 – Leaders Handle Conflict • Good leaders know that intense arguing and emotional outbursts do not help a group. Cool heads must prevail. • #17- Conflict management is the ability to turn a potentially negative situation into a positive one. • #18- The four steps of conflict management are • 1. Shut up! (This means listen and don’t do all the talking.) • 2. Look up! (This means use eye contact.) • 3. Hook up! (This means try to understand other’s viewpoints.) • 4. Chill down! (Your comments should not be angry but calm and sensitive.)
The Planks of Leadership:Plank 5 – Avoid Pitfalls • #19- One way to create a good working environment is to praise people’s efforts. • Words that are repeated too much and insincerely lose their impact. • #20- The four common “pitfalls” or problems that leaders should avoid are • 1. Being afraid to fail (A leader should not just play it safe.), • 2. Not paying attention to details (Details make the “big picture” clearer for everyone.), • 3. Forgetting people and the original objective (Remember people have human emotions, and don’t get sidetracked from your goal.) • 4. Not listening to others (#21- Listening to others is necessary because you gain new ideas and you make people happy by letting them participate.)
The Planks of Leadership:Plank 6 – Motivating Others • There is no answer for how to motivate every person. • #22- When motivating a group, a leader must realize that what motivates one person may not motivate others.