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Consequences and Responsibilities

Consequences and Responsibilities. Overview. What are the consequences of taking or avoiding responsibility? What are the advantages of personal accountability? What are the consequences of irresponsibility?. Overview. How do defense mechanisms affect your actions and decisions?

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Consequences and Responsibilities

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  1. Consequences and Responsibilities

  2. Overview • What are the consequences of taking or avoiding responsibility? • What are the advantages of personal accountability? • What are the consequences of irresponsibility? Chapter 4, Lesson 3

  3. Overview • How do defense mechanisms affect your actions and decisions? • How can you take responsibility for your actions and decisions? • What is responsibility and leadership? Chapter 4, Lesson 3

  4. Quick Write In two or three sentences, describe a person you think has true leadership ability. The person can be a friend, an adult you admire, or a well-recognized leader. List some examples of this leader making a tough decision—even if it was wrong—and taking responsibility for his or her actions. Chapter 4, Lesson 3

  5. Taking Versus Avoiding Responsibility • Leadership is about taking responsibility for your actions and decisions • Responsibilityis the quality of being • trustworthy • reliable • accountable for your actions and decisions Chapter 4, Lesson 3

  6. Taking Versus Avoiding Responsibility • Responsibility requires accepting the consequences of your actions and decisions • Consequences are the outcomes, or results, of your actions and decisions • Taking responsibility is not always easy • It requires maturity and patience Chapter 4, Lesson 3

  7. Make a Decision • Sometimes it’s difficult to know which decision is the right one • At that point, make the best decision you can, based on the information you have • Sometimes you will make a bad decision • When that happens, explain the reason for your decision and admit your mistake Chapter 4, Lesson 3

  8. Poor Leaders Offer Excuses • They look for any way they can to shift the blame to someone or something else • They seek a scapegoat—someone who is made to take the blame for others • They refuse to take responsibility for what they’ve done Chapter 4, Lesson 3

  9. Advantages of Accountability • Accountability is a form of honesty • You show that you are reliable • You show people they can trust you with responsibility and authority • You reassure others that you care about them Chapter 4, Lesson 3 Graphic courtesy of Clipart.com

  10. Advantages of Accountability • You show that you are consistent—people know what to expect of you • You demonstrate that you are a careful and thoughtful decision maker • You increase your ability to achieve your goals Chapter 4, Lesson 3

  11. Consequences of Irresponsible Decisions • You hurt other people’s feelings • You harm or endanger others • You harm yourself • You lose people’s trust Chapter 4, Lesson 3 Photo courtesy of Clipart.com

  12. Consequences of Irresponsible Decisions • You hurt your ability to achieve goals • You can cause damage to property • You can get into trouble with the law Chapter 4, Lesson 3 Graphic courtesy of Clipart.com

  13. Defense Mechanisms • Why do some people handle their mistakes well, and even learn from them, while others don’t? • The difference often lies in a person’s defense mechanisms • In order to learn from a mistake, you have to admit that it was a mistake Chapter 4, Lesson 3

  14. Displacement Repression Rationalization Projection Acting out Denial Defense Mechanisms • Reflect on what you know about the defense mechanisms people use when they feel anxiety, stress, or pressure • As you may recall, defense mechanisms take a variety of forms: Chapter 4, Lesson 3

  15. Defense Mechanisms • Many people are unaware that they are using defense mechanisms • They employ them over and over when confronted with similar situations Chapter 4, Lesson 3 Graphic courtesy of Clipart.com

  16. Defense Mechanisms • To break out of it, you must understand yourself well enough to know when you are resorting to the same defense mechanisms • If you understand yourself, you can analyze your reactions and escape the cycle Chapter 4, Lesson 3 Photo courtesy of Clipart.com

  17. Taking Responsibility • Think before you act • First, try to anticipate the outcome of each decision you make • Second, if you feel uneasy about a decision in any way, review the facts Chapter 4, Lesson 3

  18. Taking Responsibility • Third, don’t be afraid to ask someone for help • Finally, don’t expect that you will always make the right decision Chapter 4, Lesson 3 Graphic courtesy of Clipart.com

  19. Taking Responsibility • Don’t be afraid of failure • Failure is one of the best teachers • Everyone learns from his or her mistakes—the key is to try not to repeat them Chapter 4, Lesson 3 Graphic courtesy of Clipart.com

  20. Leadership and Responsibility “If I had to come up with one word to define leadership, I would say responsibility.” Air Force Gen Curtis E. LeMay Being Sworn in as Chief of Staff Chapter 4, Lesson 3 Photo courtesy of USAF Museum

  21. Leadership and Responsibility Think of a good coach— • Does he or she accept responsibility for the team’s performance, discipline, and improvement? Chapter 4, Lesson 3 Photo courtesy of Clipart.com

  22. Leadership and Responsibility • A good coach doesn’t single out individual players and blame them for a loss • The coach knows that winning (or losing) is a team effort Chapter 4, Lesson 3 Photo courtesy of Comstock Images

  23. Advantages of Taking Responsibility When you take responsibility, you: • Gain the admiration of your peers and those you lead • Earn the respect of your parents, teachers, coaches, and other leaders • Build confidence in your own abilities • Prepare yourself for future challenges • Learn to trust your instincts and judgment Chapter 4, Lesson 3

  24. Review • Leadership is about taking responsibility for your actions and decisions • Responsibilityis the quality of being trustworthy, reliable, and accountable for your actions and decisions • Consequences are the outcomes, or results, of your actions and decisions and they can be good or bad Chapter 4, Lesson 3

  25. Review • Accountability is a form of honesty • In order to learn from a mistake, you have to admit that it was a mistake • People who hide behind defense mechanisms have a hard time doing this • Developing a positive, productive attitude about your life requires accepting responsibility for your actions and decisions Chapter 4, Lesson 3

  26. Review • Try to anticipate the outcome of each decision you make • If you feel uneasy about a decision in any way, review the facts and your feelings regarding it • Don’t be afraid of failure • Failure is one of the best teachers • When you show that you can handle the responsibility others have given you, they will trust you enough to give you more Chapter 4, Lesson 3

  27. Summary • What are the consequences of taking or avoiding responsibility? • What are the advantages of personal accountability? • What are the consequences of irresponsibility? Chapter 4, Lesson 3

  28. Summary • How do defense mechanisms affect your actions and decisions? • How can you take responsibility for your actions and decisions? • What is responsibility and leadership? Chapter 4, Lesson 3

  29. Next • Done—consequences and responsibilities • Next—group and team dynamics Chapter 4, Lesson 3 Photo courtesy of Clipart.com

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